12-18-2009, 01:58 AM
Hey guys. Just finished everything up on the Soundtrack I made for A Crack in Time. Well, to be more accurate, my friend has just recieved the Crack in Time Soundtrack that I made a few weeks ago. I sent it to him on DVD because I didn't want to waste the internet useage (it's terrible down here). The Soundtrack contains almost every bit of music in the game, from the XMB Music to that extended My Blaster Runs Hot theme that plays in the Museum. I spent over a solid week of doing NOTHING but working on the Soundtrack, and due to some things that happened with my QFB Soundtrack, I've made a few concessions.

First, there will be three versions of the Soundtrack, but only two will be more widely available. These two will each have some drawback to them in exchange for pro. The first version is the Public Soundtrack. This contains all of the music, the In-Game Music, and all of the Space Radio Stuff (music from all stations in all sectors, all radio ads, and news alerts). However, in exchange for all of that, the music is at 160kbps. Low enough of audiophiles to notice, high enough for your average joe to not notice. This Soundtrack is about 500MB, contained in a zip file.

The second version is the Essential Soundtrack. In exchange for a higher bitrate (320kbps), this Soundtrack contains only the best/more important in-game music (there is no Radio music as that's liscenced from APM Music, don't wanna get into trouble with them). This Soundtrack is around 300MB, and is also in a zip file.

The final version is the Private Soundtrack. This is the full collection of Music, at 320kbps, but like the Orvus Chamber, it's also the most secure. First, the file is password protected on my friend's server, and it's got a second password for the RAR file. I or my friend only give it out to those we trust will not distribute it over the net, in addition to owning the original game (think GBA ROMs). This is the largest file, at 1.10GB.

Hope you understand the reasoning as to why I made the multiple versions. The following is a list of tracks included in the Public Soundtrack. Tracks which are Bold-underlined are also included in the Essential Soundtrack. Next, all tracks have been given the proper labelling treatment, being titled, albumed, artisted, genred, dated, and album arted, so it'll look proper on your PSP or iPod. Lastly, the Album Art on the left is for the Public Soundtrack, and the one on the right is for the Essential Soundtrack.

I'd like to give a HUGE thank you to Zantor Zenodex for the use of his servers. Due to the really crappy broadband services here, I had to mail a DVD with the music on it in order for him to get it. He then uploaded it to his servers. Without him, you guys wouldn't be able to enjoy the music, so he's quite vital in the Soundtrack process.

Public Soundtrack: http://zantor64.fs2downloads.com/musicfiles/Ratchet%20&%20Clank%20Future,%20A%20Crack%20in%20Time%20Sound track%20%28Public%29/
Public Soundtrack Zip: http://zantor64.fs2downloads.com/musicfiles/Ratchet%20&%20Clank%20Future,%20A%20Crack%20in%20Time%20Sound track%20(Public)/Ratchet%20&%20Clank%20Future,%20A%20Crack%20in%20Time%20Sound track%20(Public).zip

Essential Soundtrack: http://zantor64.fs2downloads.com/musicfiles/Ratchet%20&%20Clank%20Future,%20A%20Crack%20in%20Time%20Sound track%20%28Essential%29/
Essential Soundtrack Zip: http://zantor64.fs2downloads.com/musicfiles/Ratchet%20&%20Clank%20Future,%20A%20Crack%20in%20Time%20Sound track%20(Essential)/Ratchet%20&%20Clank%20Future,%20A%20Crack%20in%20Time%20Sound track%20(Essential)%202.zip

=In-Game Music=

A Crack in Time Theme
Unused Preview Theme
XMB Music
The Main Menu
The Caretaker's Awakening
Chase in the Clock
Time Anomaly
Zolar Forest
Weapon Upgraded! (CiT)
Trouble with the Fongoids
The Missing Children
Minor Mission Complete
The Fongoid Chief
Zyphoid Invasion
Fongoid Village Music
The Temple of Zahn
Vorselon's Invasion
Infiltrating Vorselon's Ship
Into the Ship
Prisoners Found
Fighting the Troops
Vorselon Confrontation
Polaris Classical; Space Wander 1
Into Hyperspace
Fixing the Great Clock
The Time Pads
Clank's Subconscious
The Hypersonic Brainwave Scrambler
Entering the Vela Sector
Polaris Classical; Space Wander 2
Molonoth Fields
Slicer Attack 1
Slicer Attack 2
The Hollow
Major Mission Complete
Chase Down Azimuth
The General's Pupil
Axiom City
Robot Attack
Battle in Neurox Plaza
Gunfight in the Movie Plaza
Bypass the Defensive System
General Mission Complete
Infiltrate Pollyx Industries
The VX-99
The Orientation Room
Fixing Anomalies
Anomaly Failed
Please Don't Go
Entering Korthos
Dogfight with Libra
Tetramite Swarm
The Agorian Riders
The Hydra Tanks
Agorian Air Support
A Freed Colony
The Zoni Temple Discovered
The Consequences of Time
Pride of the Battleplex
My Blaster Runs Hot: The Game
Your Qwark A Dead
My Blaster Runs Hot Score Tally
Battleplex Events
The Broze Tournament 1
The Bronze Tournament 2
The War Grok
The Silver Tournament
The Elite Hydra Tank
The Gold Tournament
Challenge Failed
Battleplex Victory
Infiltrating Tombli Outpost
The Dead Planet
The Containment Grid
Freeing the Foingoids
Field Deactivated
A Peaceful Village
Riding the Zanifar Vines
Inside the Outpost
Rescue the General
The Lombaxes Escape
Entering the Orvus Chamber
Dogfight with Carina
The Outer Islands
Dance with the Valkries
To the Citadel
Valkrie Armada
Bomb Dispensor Death Trap
Rotator Rings Death Trap
Battery Bot Drop Death Trap
Duel with Cassiopeia
The Nefarious Space Station
Meeting 'Shanon'
To A Wonderful Smell
The Garbage Compactor
Shanon Charms the Guards
They Didn't Fall For It
Escape with Shanon
The Battle of Gimlick Valley
Gribnak is Freed
Riding the Morklon Vines
Confronting Commander Argos
Agorian Radio Station
The Battle for Time
The End?
No More Than Six Minutes
Heroes Collide
The Clock Breaks
Azimuth's Remorse
The Last Lombax
A Crack in Time Credits
The Year 1812, Festival Overture in E Flat Major, Op. 49
The Insomniac Museum (CiT)

=CiT Groovitron Tunes=

Disco Napoli
Electro Boost
Flying to Space
Flying to Space (Vocals)
Restless Dancer
Chain Free
Checkered Flag
Girl Rules
Girl Rules (Vocals)
Metal Future

=House of Synth=

House of Synth 1, Phylax A
House of Synth 2, Phylax B
House of Synth 3, Phylax C
House of Synth 4, Phylax D
House of Synth 5, Phylax E
House of Synth 6, Vela A
House of Synth 7, Vela B
House of Synth 8, Vela C
House of Synth 9, Vela D
House of Synth 10, Vela E
House of Synth 11, Vela F
House of Synth 12, Korthos A
House of Synth 13, Korthos B
House of Synth 14, Korthos C
House of Synth 15, Korthos D
House of Synth 16, Korthos E
House of Synth 17, Korthos F
House of Synth 18, Korthos G
House of Synth 19, Korthos H
House of Synth 20, Bernilius A
House of Synth 21, Bernilius B
House of Synth 22, Bernilius C
House of Synth 23, Bernilius D
House of Synth 24, Bernilius E
House of Synth 25, Bernilius F

=Deep Space Jams=

Deep Space Jams 1, Phylax A
Deep Space Jams 2, Phylax B
Deep Space Jams 3, Phylax C
Deep Space Jams 4, Phylax D
Deep Space Jams 5, Phylax E
Deep Space Jams 6, Phylax F
Deep Space Jams 7, Phylax G
Deep Space Jams 8, Vela A
Deep Space Jams 9, Vela B
Deep Space Jams 10, Vela C
Deep Space Jams 11, Vela D
Deep Space Jams 12, Vela E
Deep Space Jams 13, Vela F
Deep Space Jams 14, Vela G
Deep Space Jams 15, Vela H
Deep Space Jams 16, Korthos A
Deep Space Jams 17, Korthos B
Deep Space Jams 18, Korthos C
Deep Space Jams 19, Korthos D
Deep Space Jams 20, Korthos E
Deep Space Jams 21, Korthos F
Deep Space Jams 22, Korthos G
Deep Space Jams 23, Bernilius A
Deep Space Jams 24, Bernilius B
Deep Space Jams 25, Bernilius C
Deep Space Jams 26, Bernilius D
Deep Space Jams 27, Bernilius E
Deep Space Jams 28, Bernilius F

=Pirate Radio=

Pirate Radio 1, Phylax A
Pirate Radio 2, Phylax B
Pirate Radio 3, Phylax C
Pirate Radio 4, Phylax D
Pirate Radio 5, Phylax E
Pirate Radio 6, Phylax F
Pirate Radio 7, Vela A
Pirate Radio 8, Vela B
Pirate Radio 9, Vela C
Pirate Radio 10, Vela D
Pirate Radio 11, Vela E
Pirate Radio 12, Vela F
Pirate Radio 13, Vela G
Pirate Radio 14, Korthos A
Pirate Radio 15, Korthos B
Pirate Radio 16, Korthos C
Pirate Radio 17, Korthos D
Pirate Radio 18, Korthos E
Pirate Radio 19, Korthos F
Pirate Radio 20, Bernilius A
Pirate Radio 21, Bernilius B
Pirate Radio 22, Bernilius C
Pirate Radio 23, Bernilius D
Pirate Radio 24, Bernilius E
Pirate Radio 25, Bernilius F

=News Updates=

Flint Vorselon
Ratchet in Phylax
Time Phenomenon
VX-99 Defeat
Assault on Krell Canyon
Slug Guzzlers on Sargasso
Battleplex First
Lance and Janice Uproar
Holorecording Scandal
Time Repaired
Angela Cross

=Radio Ads=

My Blaster Runs Hot Trailer
Big Al's Roboshack and Gaming Superstore
Mac at the Moonlight Lounge
Lance and Janice Season Finale
Mac's Reminder
Pollyx Omnitech
Mac for Free
Mac Gets Desperate
Rusty Pete's School of Piracy
Mac Loses a Bet
Mac Gets a Second Chance
Decapitated Villains
A Boy and His War Grok

...and for those of you who would like a Groovitron Collection, here's one I prepared earlier! This one has a zip file link for those who want to download the whole thing. It's in 320kbps, and contains the original tracks from APM Music, so as a result, tracks last much longer than they did in the game, and some you may discover may contain multiple clips from the game!

TUGC: http://zantor64.fs2downloads.com/musicfiles/Groovitron/
TUGC Zip: http://zantor64.fs2downloads.com/musicfiles/Groovitron/The%20Ultimate%20Groovitron%20Collection.zip

Let's Celebrate
Dance Floor (Let's Celebrate Instrumental)
Funky House
Stayin' Alive
Best of Disco
Hotlover (Vocals)
Saint Laurent
Saint Laurent (Vocals)
Wrap Your Arms
Don't You Want Me
Japanese Tunes
Disco Napoli
Electro Boost
Flying to Space
Flying to Space (Vocals)
Restless Dancer
Chain Free
Checkered Flag
Girl Rules
Girl Rules (Vocals)
Metal Future

12-18-2009, 03:15 AM
Finally!!! OH My, It's Really Good Holiday gift for Crack in Time ost Waiters, Sir! Oh, Thank You Very Much, Sir. :D

12-18-2009, 03:18 AM
I mean wow.
I got both versions, and will probably compile my own set using the best versions of each.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

12-18-2009, 03:25 AM
No problem guys.

Yeah, that is a lot of music. Around 230 tracks to be prescice. Space Radio was the hardest because I had to figure out when the tracks started looping. Fortunately with those tracks they're always played in a set order.

And did I mention that they're all numbered so that they'll be ordered properly on your PS3?

12-18-2009, 04:15 AM
Wow...Thank You so much for this! The Space Radio was what I was looking for the most (aside from some of the ingame "world" music) and you outdid yourself in compiling everything from it!

12-18-2009, 04:51 AM
Thanks a bunch

12-18-2009, 06:45 AM
Thanks so much for all the effort, but it'd be best if these were in a mirror like megaupload or something, if anyone could please make that happen. This is a lot of music, even with just the Essential collection, to have to download one. By one. By one. By one...

12-18-2009, 07:01 AM
This is a lot of music, even with just the Essential collection, to have to download one. By one. By one. By one...
My friend will upload the zip files tomorrow. We had to update a few of the tracks which turned out either incomplete or totally silent, and as a result the original zip files that I sent him are out of date.

12-18-2009, 07:06 AM
Thank you for the warning. Since I downloaded them earlier today, would it be possible to say which tracks were replaced?

12-18-2009, 07:17 AM
Oh, well the ones we uploaded are the latest, complete, a-okay versions, but the ones we replaced were Riding the Zanifar Vines and Krell Canyon Assault (the latter is a News Alert).

12-18-2009, 10:58 AM
Good Stuff KBABZ Thanx Mate

12-18-2009, 11:46 AM

Thanx KBABZ! :)

12-18-2009, 04:23 PM
dude, I totally love you *__*

Devils Dog
12-18-2009, 05:07 PM
Woo! Thanks KBABZ! Been looking forward to this for ages!

Downloading now.

12-19-2009, 12:12 AM
Cool can't wait for the zip format of the public ost

12-19-2009, 05:17 AM
I'm just checking over the score now and had a couple things I wanted to confirm:

Is Pericles by Brand X? (and not by Boris Salchow)
Is A Crack In Time Credits by APM Music (and not Boris Salchow)
The 1812 Overture is by Boris Salchow (and not Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)

(and a last question. Is the correct name "A Freed Colony," or "the Freed Colony"?)

Thank you again for all your hard work,

12-19-2009, 05:22 AM
Pericles is by Brand X (it's used in the trailers)
The Credits music I'm assuming is from APM, as it's a disco track.
The Overture was performed speficially for the RYNO V and the Trailer, but of course the original was by Pyotr.

Lastly, the correct name is The Freed Colony.

Also, the Essential Soundtrack has got it's zip uploaded, and we've reuploaded the individual files. Both the individual files and the zip also sport new Album Art. To reflect the fact that the Essential Soundtrack has less music, the album art is the US Cover (or EU CE Cover), which is more simple than the EU Cover that I've used for the Public Soundtrack. You can see it here:

12-19-2009, 05:24 AM
Thank you for the clarification. (As well as the incredibly speedy reply.)

12-19-2009, 05:37 AM
Well hey, happened to be browsing.

12-19-2009, 07:34 AM
i absolutely love how you just happened to upload this the very day before i searched it :)))

Inferno Dragon
12-19-2009, 04:58 PM
I was about to post this :P

12-19-2009, 05:18 PM
Thanks for the rip but 160kbit/s??

12-20-2009, 12:20 AM
Yeah that's what the Public Soundtrack uses. High enough for your average joe to not notice the difference. If you want 320 you'll have to either get the Essential Soundtrack or ask me for the Private one.

12-20-2009, 06:31 AM
Ok but I don't really want to DL every individual track, is there anyway you can upload this as one big Zip file?

12-20-2009, 07:34 AM
As I mentioned before, the full zip should be up soon. And not soon as in "one week from now", soon as in "a day or two".

Devils Dog
12-20-2009, 06:48 PM
Downloaded everything, don't see why people are complaining about downloading each track individually, only does take about the same time it would take for the zip file to download.
Great soundtrack, thanks KBABZ. Pirate Radio tracks are awesome.

12-20-2009, 07:57 PM
Thank you ever so much for this. I've been looking for this OST for a while and RaC Galaxy's one only has 33 tracks. So this is absolutely brilliant!

Just a query though - what's the difference with the Private OST you mentioned? As in, which tracks does it have that the list above doesn't cover? I pretty much just downloaded every track that is listed there, so I'm now a little intrigued by what this Private OST is. Thanks again. :)

12-20-2009, 09:02 PM
The all tracks in one rar is possible???

12-20-2009, 11:04 PM
I'm sorry, I know this isn't my thread,

All the answers to these questions are in the first post of the thread. Please read them before asking questions.

But to recap:
The Private version is the Public version at a higher bitrate. It is private because he doesn't want it reposted by others on the net who may not give him credit for the incredible amount of work to produce it.

There will be compilation files for the Essential and Public versions soon, but not immediately. The current time frame is measured in weeks not days or hours. Be patient and check back. Asking for it (let alone demanding it) will not result in it being uploaded any faster.

I do not wish to be rude, but the first post answers virtually every question that has been asked since. Please read the entire post before asking questions. This is a major find, we all want to encourage this sort of thing, and causing needless aggrevation is just going to make him more hesitant to do so in the future.

I ask that KBAZ please forgive my hijacking his thread for the moment. Please keep up the good work,

12-20-2009, 11:12 PM
I'll be the gentleman and thank you for answering my question. I must've missed the answer I was seeking when I briefly quick-read the first post.

12-20-2009, 11:22 PM
Oh that's okay jonc, I appreciate that you replied, saved me from retyping the same thing again.

Oh and as a note, the zip for the Essential Soundtrack is already up, try this: http://zantor64.fs2downloads.com/music/Ratchet%20&%20Clank%20Future,%20A%20Crack%20in%20Time%20Sound track%20(Essential)/Ratchet%20&%20Clank%20Future,%20A%20Crack%20in%20Time%20Sound track%20(Essential)%202.zip

I chose zip for the Public and Essential Soundtracks because I don't imagine the average R&C Player to have WinRAR. Only the Private one is (or will be) in RAR format, partly due to it's password protection abilities.

12-21-2009, 04:14 AM
Okay everyone, the Public Soundtrack is now available in Zip format! Huzzah!!

http://zantor64.fs2downloads.com/music/Ratchet%20&%20Clank%20Future,%20A%20Crack%20in%20Time%20Sound track%20(Public)/Ratchet%20&%20Clank%20Future,%20A%20Crack%20in%20Time%20Sound track%20(Public)%202.zip

I also TOTALLY forgot to provide Links for The Ultimate Groovitron Collection, so here they are:

TUGC: http://zantor64.fs2downloads.com/music/Groovitron/
TUGC Zip: http://zantor64.fs2downloads.com/music/Groovitron/The%20Ultimate%20Groovitron%20Collection.zip

Lastly, I've updated the original post with these links and a note on the Album Art differences, for people who are just entering.

12-21-2009, 04:46 AM
This is awesome - thanks a bunch!

12-21-2009, 07:11 AM
I'm a bit dissapointed that you choose not to release the entire album in 320kps as a PUBLIC RELEASE, but you have your reasons and I know hard work was put into this so I'll cut the nag but just wanted to give my opinion.

Excellent rip btw :D

12-21-2009, 07:27 AM
That's okay. Technically speaking this isn't a rip. I fed the Audio Out on my TV into my computer and recorded that. I played the game without music three times over to make this (once for initial recordings, two times more for pickups).

12-21-2009, 05:30 PM
That's okay. Technically speaking this isn't a rip. I fed the Audio Out on my TV into my computer and recorded that. I played the game without music three times over to make this (once for initial recordings, two times more for pickups).Still don't how you do that but its a project that requiered patience.

For you, it must have been fun recording every single song and getting it looped but once you finished your probably looking for something else to record :p...maybe after a break or sumthing

12-21-2009, 09:06 PM
Actually the tracks in my Soundtrack don't loop. I'm very space-conscious when I do my Soundtracks, which is why I try to cut down as much as possible when making these. The first is doing it in MP3, although that's mainly for accessibility reasons because not everyone can play lossless file types like FLAC (that's also why Public and Essential are in zip, not RAR like the Private Soundtrack).

For the looping itself, the general rule is that if a track is shorter than 1:50, I make it loop once, if it's longer, it only plays once. If a track is REALLY short, I loop it three times, but no more. The exception to this is music that doesn't loop, which may include short cues (see The Orientation Room) or Cutscene Music (see Please Don't Go). I also let the fade-out go for two 'cue-beats'. It's hard to describe, but after that I include a second or two of blank audio so that the listener has time to flick to the next track or exit out of the menu/program before the next track begins.

As for getting the music itself, first I got those Composite/Component audio cables like you get with your PS3/2, but with the same plugs on either end of the wire, and put that into the Audio Out ports on the back of my HDTV. Then I use what's called a Gender Bender, and on the other side of that I stick in a cable that converts from Composite/Component to a standard Headphone Jack. I plug that into the Audio In port on my computer and BAM! I'm recording! Then I use Sony Vegas to record and edit the audio manually. This is a much more efficient method than my old one, which was recording footage onto a DVD Recorder and extracting the Audio off of that (this was used for my QFB Soundtrack).

12-21-2009, 09:17 PM
thanks for all the work u did on this

12-22-2009, 01:58 AM
Actually the tracks in my Soundtrack don't loop. I'm very space-conscious when I do my Soundtracks, which is why I try to cut down as much as possible when making these. The first is doing it in MP3, although that's mainly for accessibility reasons because not everyone can play lossless file types like FLAC (that's also why Public and Essential are in zip, not RAR like the Private Soundtrack).

For the looping itself, the general rule is that if a track is shorter than 1:50, I make it loop once, if it's longer, it only plays once. If a track is REALLY short, I loop it three times, but no more. The exception to this is music that doesn't loop, which may include short cues (see The Orientation Room) or Cutscene Music (see Please Don't Go). I also let the fade-out go for two 'cue-beats'. It's hard to describe, but after that I include a second or two of blank audio so that the listener has time to flick to the next track or exit out of the menu/program before the next track begins.

As for getting the music itself, first I got those Composite/Component audio cables like you get with your PS3/2, but with the same plugs on either end of the wire, and put that into the Audio Out ports on the back of my HDTV. Then I use what's called a Gender Bender, and on the other side of that I stick in a cable that converts from Composite/Component to a standard Headphone Jack. I plug that into the Audio In port on my computer and BAM! I'm recording! Then I use Sony Vegas to record and edit the audio manually. This is a much more efficient method than my old one, which was recording footage onto a DVD Recorder and extracting the Audio off of that (this was used for my QFB Soundtrack).
Oh I see, so theoretically you can record anything with a composite cable output audio (meaning other consoles) with using your setup?

12-22-2009, 03:52 AM
Yeah, I can get voice clips if I turn the volume down.

Recording and Ripping have their advantages and disadvantages. With Ripping you get the ORIGINAL file, so you can get lossless audio and no fade-in stuff, but Recording doesn't require you to crack the security on the disc.

One thing you can't do with both is extrapolate the music from cutscenes, as most cutscenes mix all three all audio track types (Music, Sound Effects, and Voices) into one file.

12-22-2009, 10:57 AM
What OST is a gamerip??

Public Soundtrack or Essential Soundtrack?�?

12-22-2009, 11:30 AM
None of them are rips, actually. All of them are the Recordings I was talking about.

12-23-2009, 08:58 PM
Kbabz, I know I have no right to ask for a favor after the phenomenal amount of work you've put in to producing this top-notch quality soundtrack.

But I would legitimately trade you anything you could possibly ask for in return for a recording of the transition sound effect between areas in both Ratchet & Clank Futures--the "weeEOOOEeeeee" noise that plays whenever you enter a zone. Seriously. Whatever you like, including Brazilian bimbos. Even that could never repay my gratitude.

In any case, thank you so tremendously much for fulfilling my desire for this incredible soundtrack.

12-24-2009, 12:33 AM
Holy crap, awesome! Thanks for the release!

I'd like to ask for the private edition, but I do understand if you are apprehensive about letting me download it. Either way, great work on an awesome release!

12-24-2009, 01:46 AM
I was just wondering if a track is in your rip that has an interview with Mr.Zurkon? I heard this in the game and thought it was hilarious, so just thought it would be great to have along with the rest. Thanks a lot for the rip.

12-25-2009, 08:34 AM
Thank you for your hard work! I will definitely enjoy this!

12-25-2009, 11:55 AM
I was just wondering if a track is in your rip that has an interview with Mr.Zurkon? I heard this in the game and thought it was hilarious, so just thought it would be great to have along with the rest. Thanks a lot for the rip.
Mr. Zurkon Interview? When in the game did you hear it?

12-25-2009, 07:03 PM
Can't really remember when I heard it, but it definitely is in the game. All of my brothers were with me when it happened. I think it was in one of the earlier sectors. Just to make sure, isn't there 4 radio stations, there is one that is called Polaris Classical that i don't think is in the rip. I just like this soundtrack a lot and want to try to have all of it.

12-26-2009, 08:57 PM
WOW, I'm a big fan of the series, and beat all the games on different levels. I must say Tools Of Destruction and A Crack in Time were the ones with the best music so far. with "A crack in time" being the best music ever. I signed up to the forum just to download the soundtrack. Great work guys! With keeping the full version private so people won't distribute it around the net! Pitty I can't get it, hehe. Maybe I'll try my luck winning your trust.

12-28-2009, 09:37 AM
Can't really remember when I heard it, but it definitely is in the game. All of my brothers were with me when it happened. I think it was in one of the earlier sectors. Just to make sure, isn't there 4 radio stations, there is one that is called Polaris Classical that i don't think is in the rip. I just like this soundtrack a lot and want to try to have all of it.

Alright, thanks for that.

Polaris Classical is actually music done by the composer, Boris Salchow (of Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Resistance 2 fame), and because it often sets the mood of certain scenes in space, such as Ratchet contacting Qwark on the way to Vorselon's Ship, I included it in the In-Game music section. That's why there is no 2, Polaris Classical Folder. The tracks are:

= Polaris Classical; Space Wander 1
= Polaris Classical; Space Wander 2

12-28-2009, 04:29 PM
Alright cool, thanks a lot. I will let you know if I hear the interview again through my next play through.

kimary damacy
12-28-2009, 06:38 PM
Thanks for going to all this effort !

12-29-2009, 03:13 AM
I'd also like to thank you, for all the effort and time you obviously put into recording this soundtrack. I was a little disappointed that David Bergeaud (who had previously scored every Ratchet & Clank game in the line-up) didn't return to score A Crack in Time, but I think that Boris Salchow did a good job here.
Extra thanks for the Groovitron collection I loved that music from ToD.

Thanks so much for the soundtrack.

12-30-2009, 01:57 AM
you are a god :D

the second I heard the synth radio station I knew I was gonna HAVE to have all of its music, first google result is this :P
dissapointing this game is basically 20 hours tops (doing every single little thing too!) but it was still hilarious, epic and all that good stuff I love ^^

btw, did anyone actually SEE Quark and Snowball when going to fight Neferarious? I only very briefly heard them on the transport switch (first green one I think)

thanks again mate!

12-30-2009, 03:25 AM
Thanks for the Crack in Time rip KBABZ!

12-30-2009, 07:03 AM
You can see them, in fact they're quite hard to miss. The platform Ratchet is on passes over them fighting some troops as you hear them.

12-31-2009, 08:39 PM
Thank you for this. I've been looking everywhere.. Is it too much to ask for the 1.10 GB file?

01-02-2010, 03:01 PM
Thank you so much for this.

01-03-2010, 02:40 AM
Thanks for the upload

01-07-2010, 05:19 PM
Thankyou for the upload, it's fantastic.

Just one problem which is that the "My Blaster Runs Hot Trailer" in the radio ads isn't actually the full track, any possibility of fixing this because that ad always makes me laugh, thankyou

http://zantor64.fs2downloads.com/music/Ratchet%20&%20Clank%20Future,%20A%20Crack%20in%20Time%20Sound track%20%28Public%29/Radio%20Stations/Radio%20Ads/204%20My%20Blaster%20Runs%20Hot%20Trailer.mp3

01-08-2010, 12:38 AM
The radio ads aren't there due to the music, they're actually there to compliment the Radio Tracks themselves. This opens the possibility for a radio-esque playlist. Gather up a playlist of a certain radio station and then sprinkle in a few ad breaks!

01-09-2010, 12:11 AM
Thanks a lot for the soundtrack.

01-09-2010, 04:46 AM
I'm actually wondering if some of the songs are actually older songs remixed, basically. For example, every time i hear Pirate Radio 9, Vela C, I think of some old song that i can't remember. Anybody have any ideas or suggestions?
But, thanks for uploading this, would have never found that track, which is in fact my favorite one.

01-09-2010, 08:29 AM
I wouldn't really have any idea, as my music knowledge is limited. The Space Radio music is actually licensed music from APM Music, and many tracks have alternate versions (Groovitron tracks, for instance, often have 1 minute, 30 second and 15 second variations, but for the coolity factor I recorded the full length 2-3-4 minute versions). So it's entirely possible for the track you originally heard to be an alternate of the one in CiT.

01-11-2010, 03:34 AM
Just wanted to say, thanks for the rip.

01-11-2010, 03:52 PM
Wow. That's alot of effort. <3.

Thanks for the soundtrack.

01-13-2010, 06:03 AM
Holy shit.

This game's music is EPIC!!!!! Thanks SO MUCH for delivering it to us!!

Also, the news reports were HILARIOUS!!!! My favorites are the Lance and Janice scandal (who'd have thought Nefarious liked that show?) and the one with Ratchet in Phylax ("Way to be professional, Pepper." "Bite me, Kip." I laughed my ass off at that.)

There's one question I have though: there's a track near the end of the game that plays when the last boss (don't want to say so I don't spoil anyone who hasn't played it yet) gets into the Orvus Chamber, blasts Sigmund, and starts the time shift. This part is after the Grind Rail section with Ratchet, but right before the final boss. That track isn't in either soundtrack. I don't know if it's in the private edition, so if possible, could someone upload that track?

(Just in case, yes, I have the game and have beaten it. Got it for Christmas and just beat it a week ago. I actually owned Nefarious with just the Buzz Blades!!)

01-14-2010, 08:37 AM
I managed to find a complete collection of the games music from all other 8 games, but A Crack in Time was missing from the collection, I found this and my day was made! I joined the forum just so I could download this. I have been gaming since the wee age of 2 and in all my 19 years of gaming, the Ratchet & Clank series is my favorite series in all of gaming! Thanks so much KBABZ!!!

01-15-2010, 05:39 AM
I don't know why Insomniac doesn't release an official soundtrack for their Ratchet & Clank franchise. I simply love this music! Thanks for all your hard effort ripping it. Groove on!

01-15-2010, 05:52 AM
There's one question I have though: there's a track near the end of the game that plays when the last boss (don't want to say so I don't spoil anyone who hasn't played it yet) gets into the Orvus Chamber, blasts Sigmund, and starts the time shift. This part is after the Grind Rail section with Ratchet, but right before the final boss. That track isn't in either soundtrack. I don't know if it's in the private edition, so if possible, could someone upload that track?

(Just in case, yes, I have the game and have beaten it. Got it for Christmas and just beat it a week ago. I actually owned Nefarious with just the Buzz Blades!!)

That is a cutscene music track, thus I wasn't able to get it since in a cutscene or cinematic, the music, voices and sound effects are mixed into one track (the Movie Volume option in the menu). Some scenes I was able to get the music for, such as Meeting Shanon and To A Wonderful Smell, because they don't occur in hand-animated cutscenes, rather simulated ones using the voice-animator (think the multi-choice conversations). Others, such as the scene where Ratchet and Clank talk to the Fongoid after fixing Gimlik Valley, were achievable because they use existing level music (in this case it appeared elsewhere at Tombli Outpost).

The cutscene music I do have were available on Boris Salchow's website, which is a first for Ratchet because before then only one cutscene has ever had it's music available: Slag's Death from ToD (it plays during the credits).

There was ONE track which I couldn't get, Robot Attack 3 (plays in The Hollow), because the background Hollow 'music' effects play all over on top of it, rendering it useless to be included in the Soundtrack. Apparently I also missed one News Update where they give an interview to Mr. Zurkon. If someone could tell me when it plays I'll gladly go back and record it.

01-24-2010, 10:37 PM
PLZ send the password to [email protected] THX

01-26-2010, 10:40 PM
You have to send me your own password.

01-27-2010, 05:41 AM
What do you mean by your own password?

01-27-2010, 11:18 PM
Instead of uploading one file with one password, my friend uploads the Soundtrack multiple times, with a unique password for the person it's intended for. You have to pick the password you want for yours (just don't post it here, PM me the password instead).

01-28-2010, 12:04 AM
The file is named "RCF ACIT Soundtrack - FloppyDeluxe"

ShinjiIkari reborn
01-28-2010, 12:39 AM
I've only played the demo of this and I love the menu music

01-28-2010, 05:08 AM
Sorry Nintendsonydo, I can't uploade your Soundtrack with the password available like that. PM me a new password and I'll upload it, okay?

01-28-2010, 05:35 AM
Oh my god THANKYOUUU. This is AMAZING and I appreciate your dedication and time you've spent doing this. We're all grateful! :DDD

01-29-2010, 02:24 AM
How about you email me your own dl link with the password?

01-29-2010, 06:51 AM
Alright, that'll work.

And thanks StarMan.

01-30-2010, 11:08 PM
wow. thanks... person, for working hard for us mooches. (I"m pretty sure that's spelled wrong and has turned into something horrible)

02-13-2010, 10:10 PM
This is splendid mate! It's like a christmas present from God himself!!

Thanks a bundle

02-27-2010, 08:13 AM
This is splendid mate! It's like a christmas present from God himself!!

Thanks a bundle

Well I have been compared to him on one occasion due to how forgiving I am.

02-28-2010, 10:04 PM
A million thanks for your hard work, I love this game :D!!

03-14-2010, 01:58 PM
you sir, are one hell of a legend, thanks a bunch.

03-15-2010, 08:33 PM
Awesome! This is EXACTLY what I am looking for! I absolutely love the music in the game, I find myself cranking the volume up every time. lol

I sure would like to be able to get the pack with all of the high quality tracks. =)

03-17-2010, 12:42 PM
Awesome! This is EXACTLY what I am looking for! I absolutely love the music in the game, I find myself cranking the volume up every time. lol

I sure would like to be able to get the pack with all of the high quality tracks. =)

Drop me a PM with the password you want and I'll have Zant get on it.

03-31-2010, 07:43 PM
how do i get the private ost

Devils Dog
04-01-2010, 02:49 PM
I have to thank you again for this KBABZ.

My only wish is that someone would do something similar for Resistance 2's soundtrack.

04-04-2010, 06:49 PM
i have found 132 tracks on ACIT only by boris salchow
in game music and a extended end theme

04-05-2010, 01:51 PM
Boris didn't do all of the music in the game. The Space Radio and Groovitron Tunes are all library tracks from APM Music.

jjohnni, could you provide me with a link to the site you're referring to?

04-05-2010, 02:11 PM
i found them on Musiques de la s�rie and here one with boris salchow's music 132 tracks

04-07-2010, 03:17 PM
Wow, who would've thought I'd find KBABZ again after all this time! xP

I've added you on MSN as I can't seem to locate my PM option. Definitely wanting in on the HQ link. :P

04-12-2010, 10:59 AM
Wow, who would've thought I'd find KBABZ again after all this time! xP

I've added you on MSN as I can't seem to locate my PM option. Definitely wanting in on the HQ link. :P

Find me? Huh? Care to elaborate?

04-26-2010, 01:25 AM
Someone managed to get into one of the Private Soundtracks and post some links. Could whoever did it please refrain from doing so, just ask for Pete's sake.

04-26-2010, 02:41 AM
Beautiful work! My Word

04-27-2010, 04:38 AM
The links don't seem to be working for me...

04-27-2010, 04:48 AM
That may be because Zant has moved them. I've updated the links to reflect this, they should work now.

05-13-2010, 01:37 AM
Thanks a ton for this. I'd've liked your private collection, personally, but I dig that you were so thorough for other people. I've been looking for it for a while now, and I'm just glad to have it.

05-15-2010, 12:44 AM
links don't work :(

404 Not Found...

05-15-2010, 05:59 AM
Sorry about that, now Zant's server is down fo' realz. Stay tuned and I'll alert you guys when it's back up.

05-20-2010, 07:15 AM
cry :( i hope it will go on soon

05-21-2010, 05:21 AM
Hey guys, problem isolated and servers are back up and running!

05-22-2010, 06:25 AM
Hey guys, problem isolated and servers are back up and running!

thanks a lot you are amazing thx

06-05-2010, 07:10 AM
Wow, Nice Job KBABZ! Thanks!

06-06-2010, 04:04 PM
Wow, I admit I don't post very often here, but I'm a crazed Ratchet and Clank fan and I just HAVE to thank you for this! Like super duper awesome thanks!

07-12-2010, 07:23 PM
Zip links are'nt working for me :(

07-15-2010, 01:03 AM
Thank you for allowing me download individual soundtracks. You saved me a lot of time as I only wanted the space jam radio stations.

EDIT: Was it necessary to add the black guy's voice for each goddamn song? I retract my thanks!

08-08-2010, 08:48 PM
My son says "Thank you!"

09-24-2010, 11:25 PM
You sir have done the public a great service. btw kbabz i think someone on vgmzone.blogspot.com by the name of XZeroPhantom010 has uploaded your hard work to megaupload.com without giving you credit.

09-25-2010, 01:52 AM
You sir have done the public a great service. btw kbabz i think someone on vgmzone.blogspot.com by the name of XZeroPhantom010 has uploaded your hard work to megaupload.com without giving you credit.

Thanks. The Megaupload thing all depends on whether it's at 320kbps or not. Can someone check for me?

10-15-2010, 11:03 PM
Where's the music when The Grummel net Guy is explaining the new weapons you get? I like those ones the most lol you know where to get them?

03-08-2011, 07:35 PM
The Groovitron collection links aren't working for me. server down?

03-08-2011, 09:10 PM
I still have the whols soundtrack its 232 songs long, and i made a simple album cover with it as well, i can compress the file and send it to people if you want

03-16-2011, 07:17 PM
All hail KBABZ for all of his hard work! That must be incredibly time-consuming to record all of that soundtrack by yourself! By the way, I really love those House of Synth and Deep Space Jams tracks. I created my Utube account just to add them to my playlist, so can you please, send me your 'private' package, of course only my personal use.
P.S: I assume that this board allows no built-in communication between members, right? In that case, can you please send anything you wish to my email (it's on my profile). Thanks for million times!

03-16-2011, 10:15 PM
thanks for this!

07-17-2011, 05:09 AM
Thanks. The Megaupload thing all depends on whether it's at 320kbps or not. Can someone check for me?

I saw those right after I saw this post (which I must say is a great service to all Ratchet & Clack fans--thank you so much for all the work you put into this!) and the megaupload files are 160kbps.

I myself have to admit to the audiophile handicap, would it be possible to get the "private" version of the soundtrack?

Thanks again for taking the time to post all of this!! (^-^)/

Steve Austin 79
08-18-2011, 10:09 PM
Thanks for this incredible soundtrack and keep up your good work.

Divine Paladin
03-25-2012, 12:27 AM
I know this is about two years late, but still THANK YOU SO MUCH.

05-09-2012, 08:56 PM
Thanks for all your hard work as a dedicated Ratchet & Clank fan. Still appreciate this amazing music.

05-11-2012, 02:18 AM
Can someone please re-upload this as the links aren't working for the public soundtrack.

06-13-2012, 05:22 PM
The links are not working :\

06-14-2012, 03:55 PM
The links are not working :\
Yeah it sucks. Turns out the domain the files are hosted on are gone for good. Fortunately Zantor, the guy who was hosting the files, knew of this in advance and is in the process of moving the files. I'll update this once they're back up.

Static Veins
06-27-2012, 10:25 PM
Yeah it sucks. Turns out the domain the files are hosted on are gone for good. Fortunately Zantor, the guy who was hosting the files, knew of this in advance and is in the process of moving the files. I'll update this once they're back up.

Any idea when these will be back up?

06-28-2012, 08:31 AM
Any idea when these will be back up?
No news as of yet, I'll update this thread when they are and change the links.

07-17-2012, 02:39 PM
Anything new? Your soundtrack was the only complete one, i downloaded them once before and then accidently deleted my whole music file, im in the process of retrieving that music now. Hard & Difficult work >_>

08-13-2012, 05:27 AM
If I didn't say this before my old computer crashed, I'll say it now: You're the best and I love you.

08-27-2012, 12:50 PM
Any chance to reupload?

08-27-2012, 06:41 PM
guys heres a site that has the 232 track soundtrack i listen to, its got all the radio ads and game music as well

Music from Ratchet & Clank Future : A Crack In Time - Ratchet Galaxy - The Ultimate Ratchet & Clank Resource (http://en.ratchet-galaxy.com/music-racacit.php#music_list)

The Cirno
09-13-2012, 06:53 AM
What sexual desires must I fufill to get my hands on the full private soundtrack?

Or at least all of Pirate Radio.

Or even less, just Phylax Sector Pirate Radio 1. It's literally my most listened to track of all time (http://www.last.fm/user/marshallb/charts?subtype=tracks) but the rip I have is only 128k and I only just found this thread from somehow searching for something totally unrelated.

Please. :(

04-17-2015, 11:43 AM
Will there ever be a reupload? >.<
I'd really like the "Let's Celebrate Instrumental" from the Groovitron Collection.

04-17-2015, 01:36 PM
Will there ever be a reupload? >.<
I'd really like the "Let's Celebrate Instrumental" from the Groovitron Collection.
Just for you!

04-17-2015, 09:14 PM
Thanks so much! :3