12-17-2009, 08:18 PM
Please! I already tryied to put that two musics together using the audacity but the result was a tragedy, does anyone have The Port of Balfoheim from Final Fantasy XII, I mean, the in game music, when you're wandering around with Vaan in that bestiful place? Why the hell the official soundtrack doesn't have it? This music is beautiful! Makes me remember Final Fantasy IX a little!

12-26-2009, 12:19 PM
here is a website you can get it from i'm good in finding music for soundtracks

12-26-2009, 12:54 PM
thanks! but actually this is not the music I am looking for. When you're playng you hear a mix of two music, the beginning of Secret Practice and the end of The Port of Balfoheim. This music is not in the official soundtrack, it must be riped somewhere.... but thanks yet because this site has so much good music stuff!!!