09-07-2002, 08:14 PM
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Title: Prophecy
Author: Nymph VanTassel, Zittend Eendje
Archive: No.
Rating: PG-13
Catagory: General
Warnings: Violence.

' bla bla ' = thoughts


'What if I..? No. That wouldn't work. Maybe I should... too little chance of succes. But if I combine... yes, that might work..'

"Uh-huh", he answered absentmindedly as one of his secretaries read him a report. 'Work is so tedious. But I have to maintain the pretense of a good aristocrat.'

"Yes Maeve, you just drop those reports with Bryce, and he will know what to do."

"But sir, we need you to-" she sputtered.

"That will be all Maeve. Goodbye." he said with a dismissing wave of his hand. She slightly bowed and walked away. After she closed the door, he walked back and sat behind his desk.

"Did you find him yet?" he asked to noone in particular, or so it seemed. A panel to his right slid open and two soldiers and the sergeant of the squad stepped out. The soldier to the left answered.

"He wasn't there sir. I believed he was.. I'm sure-"

"He was there." Ryuiki answers coolly. "I know he was." He stood up and slowly walked up to the nervous pair standing there.

"So if he was there, why couldn't you find him? I mean, come on, he is just a boy." He put his arm around the shoulders of the one that answered and guided him towards the desk. He picked up a photo. "Just look at him." The sergeant doesn't know what to say, so he follows his gut. "Yes sir, he does look weak and young."

Very softly Ryuiki whispered into the ear of the sergeant. "Then why didn't you find him?" He straightened up. "A harmless, helpless boy against a big well-trained soldier, a well-known and decorated tracker on top of that." he said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

The other soldier straightened up. "We were only following orders sir. We definitely heard someone in that room, but sarge here told us to forget that because HE thought that noone was there."

Ryuiki raised an eyebrow and looked at the sergeant. "Is that so?" The words seemed like whiplashes and the sergeant seemed to shrink away from them.

"I..I...I was definitely sure that noone was there... I definitely heard noone. I'm sure of it." the sergeant stammered.

"You were sure of it?" Ryuiki spoke again with a mocking tone while he walked towards the other soldier. He nudged the other with his elbow. "He was sure of it. He deliberately put your lives on stake, because he was sure of it!" He laughed. "You do realize that I should kill the entire squad don't you?" Ryuiki said while still laughing.

"It's nothing personal," he continued, face straight again. "I just have to make an example. For the sake of keeping up appearances. But I'm not a cruel person, I'll let you choose. Being drowned or being burned alive at a stake?"

The soldiers were speechless. The sergeant sank on his knees to beg for his life. "Please don't kill us sir, I.. we have always served you faithfully. We have families!"

Ryuiki smiled. "Yes, maybe I should kill them too. Is actually quite a good idea sergeant. If you weren't a dead man I would give you promotion." Both gaped at him in terror. He smiled again. "You really think I would do that, don't you?" He continued in a soothing tone. "I'm not going to kill your squad sergeant, and definitely not your family."

Both sighed in relief. Then the sergeant's eyes widened. "But.." Ryuiki put his finger against his mouth. "Shhh.." The sergeant exhaled again with a smile.

"You there." Ryuiki pointed at one of the soldiers. "Kill him and consider yourself promoted. Oh, and clean up after you're finished." He turned around and walked away. Behind him terrified screams of the sergeant could be heard, then suddenly they were cut off.




Psuedes Psyche
09-08-2002, 11:31 PM
Cool. I think I like that Ryuiki fella. He does things the way I would. Heh heh heh...

09-16-2002, 03:11 PM
Thanks~ ^_^

BTW, I'll have more pages of the manga soon.. I'm going to try inking and al this time. ^^;