12-14-2009, 05:02 AM
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack


This was a hell of hard work. Extracting the files from the game files was easy, since someone had made an extraction tool for that very purpose. But no one made a tool to automatically title and number the 230+ .OGG files. That was the hard part.

Only 115 of those files made the process. I highly doubt anyone would of had wanted to listen to 0:03 files, which most of the time were just a bunch of victory songs played when your character killed something. But even then, there was still 180 files, all of which were longer than a minute in length.

From here on I created a bunch of folders - Main Menu, folders for songs that were based off of the official soundtrack songs, etc. etc. I then spent a good couple of days organizing them best I could. From here, I went and deleted the files that were pretty much just shortened versions of the soundtrack songs. I kept "alternate" versions, such as "The Dreaming - 'Ere the World Crumbles" (Battle Variation).

Once that was done, I gave them titles and numbers, and organized them promptly.

Of course I had my setbacks. I reorganized the listing a few times, altered the placement of a few songs, etc. etc. It was a week of hard work, and I am just glad it is all over now!

Enjoy you guys. I sure am! *toast*

12-16-2009, 12:38 AM
I think a bump is necessary, since I uploaded the soundtrack a good couple of days after I made the thread to promote it's release.

12-16-2009, 02:29 AM
Thanks for this massive share! I can't wait to delve into it!

12-16-2009, 03:27 AM
It's an absolutely marvelous score. I'm gonna write a little something in a couple of days, I think.

12-16-2009, 01:37 PM
Thank you

12-16-2009, 05:13 PM
Thank you!!! :)

12-16-2009, 09:46 PM
Brilliant!!! Thank You!

12-17-2009, 02:18 AM

11-14-2011, 03:42 PM
[center]Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack

Of course I had my setbacks. I reorganized the listing a few times, altered the placement of a few songs, etc. etc. It was a week of hard work, and I am just glad it is all over now! Enjoy you guys. I sure am! *toast*

I realize this is a 2-year old post but I only just discovered it. I was simply Googling for the soundtrack's cover (so I don't have to see that default "nothing" when a track from the score plays on my iPod). One of the results that showed up was the cover for your "expanded" soundtrack which I followed here. To be honest, when I read that it was a home-grown Expanded Score ripped from the game I was a little less enthusiastic. But after listening to the results AND (of course) the extensive track listing, I was overwhelmed (happily seeing just how wrong my initial expectation was). You see, I've gotten my hands on a number of scores ripped from games and they are all usually 12 seconds or at best 90 seconds of music in each track (with a handful over 3 or 4 minutes), but this is well worth having and listening to. I am also very VERY impressed with (and certainly appreciative of) the fact that you labelled each track using the "Genre" field to identify which is from the game and which is from the released soundtrack (especially since I already had the soundtrack and your added info allowed me to remove duplicates with ease (after verifying the info -- which was spot-on, btw).
Well done and a VERY BIG THANK YOU for all your time and effort put into this, from one that has found this score to be one of my absolute favorites. The tracks you've included are not just random incidental (i.e. "forgettable") cues, but solid contributions to the existing score. Awesome.

02-14-2012, 06:44 PM
Could you re-upload this to a different site? Megaupload is dead.

02-14-2012, 09:17 PM
Please re-upload! I am very eager to listen to this score. :)

04-07-2012, 04:21 PM
After far too long of a wait, Age of Conan has been uploaded! As a special bonus, I have included my rip of the adventure pack, The Savage Coasts of Turan! I hope that makes up for the wait.

04-13-2012, 06:18 PM

04-13-2012, 07:07 PM
Doublehex, you are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you.

04-14-2012, 12:14 AM
Thank you, Doublehex, for your perfectionism and professionalism -- I believe both applies here -- and to you, Caesius, for the helpful review of Doublehex's work.

10-19-2012, 10:36 AM
Very Nice Man!!!!!!!!!

10-22-2012, 09:55 AM
I have included my rip of the adventure pack, The Savage Coasts of Turan!

Thank you once again Doublehex for the additional tracks (�The Savage Coasts of Turan�). And especially for making it so easy to identify the 5 tracks from the rest that I already have. Really�I was not looking forward to figuring that out, but the separate folder made it quite simple.

While searching for a link to �The Savage Coasts of Turan� (not immediately realizing that it was a part of the updated link for AoC), I have only just come to discover just how much you�ve provided to this forum. I am actually afraid to delve too deep � afraid to discover all the great scores. I say this because I found out long ago that if I see a lot that I like, and then download them all, I will likely have far too much to listen to at once. And too much to truly appreciate what you have made available.

I may look into the �Star Wars kinetic� (non-dance) music, because I have been searching for Star Wars music that is not from the films�but that has the sound of the Star Wars films. And I will follow up on the �World of Warcraft� to see if there is anything new since my download.

Since my last post, I did want to say that I am a huge film score buff, and the �Age of Conan� score has remained at the top of my list of favorites. Magnificent. Thanks again.

03-10-2013, 06:06 PM
I have reuploaded Age of Conan, but I forgot that "Savage Coast of Turan" was uploaded in my last release. I'll see to get that reuploaded promptly.

03-12-2013, 05:15 AM
Thanks :)

03-12-2013, 04:10 PM
Bro... Thank you bro!

04-20-2013, 03:26 PM
Thanks a lot Doublehex, awesome.

the marvin
04-21-2013, 08:30 AM

04-26-2013, 12:05 AM
Part 1 seems to be broken, but part 2 made it alright. Thank you, Doublehex. The Hyborian world is my favourite fictional world, and Knut made an impressive work there, translating the atmosphere in music, on par with Basil Poledouris. Thank you again.

Isaias Caetano
05-01-2013, 06:19 PM
Please Re Upload

Brasil 2014

05-12-2013, 11:58 PM
Could you please reupload part 1? thanks!

09-05-2013, 04:00 PM
Please, pleaseeeeee Re-Uplaud =_(

01-11-2014, 12:24 AM
Please can you re-upload this one again?!

06-14-2014, 05:27 AM
Hate to bring up an old thread, but this is a soundtrack i've really been looking for, especially since it's ripped and complete unlike the OST which barely has any of the good tracks. Would appreciate a reup.. Thanks!

06-14-2014, 11:28 AM
Here are the Age of Conan Files I have. They are the files I originally found here.
They didn't upload in a nice orderly fashion for me, so I moved them all to a single Age of Conan folder. Even though they are all in one folder, each individual file is complete - so sorting them afterwards should not be a problem. I also tested some. I use iTunes v10.7 on a Win 8.1 laptop. When I downloaded my test files into the "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder, they went where they were supposed to go. Sorted by composer then Album with all the details appearing in iTunes.*

I am simply uploading these for a bit. It is Doublehex who should get the thanks. It was the hard work from Doublehex that initially made this fantastic music available.


And these are the files within the Age of Conan folder:
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Soundtrack
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack
Age of Conan - Rise of the Godslayer Original Soundtrack
Age of Conan - The Savage Coast of Turan

Please PM me if you have any problems.

*6|17|2014 EDIT: I have exchanged previously uploaded files, swapping them out for zip files instead.

06-15-2014, 11:03 AM
Dude you rock big time.

These soundtracks are possibly the greatest ever created for a video game.

Thanks so much for a rare and awesome collection

06-15-2014, 11:55 AM
Dude you rock big time.

These soundtracks are possibly the greatest ever created for a video game.

Thanks so much for a rare and awesome collection

I completely agree (that I rock big time these soundtracks are possibly the greatest ever created for a video game). Which is why I re-up'd these myself (not something I can do often). I am just a fan that wouldn't want to be without these either. While music is one of the more subjective topics, I gotta say Age of Conan quickly rushed to the top of my list of favorite scores (rivaling even some of the best film scores). It now sits comfortably within the top ten of my all-time favorites.
The Dreaming ~ Ere the World Crumbles just sends me every time.

06-16-2014, 08:04 PM
hey Caesius, thanks so much for re-sharing this work! I really loved the official releases of these scores and can't wait to hear all the extra material, truly love the sound of this world as well. However, I was wondering if by any chance you could maybe upload these as zipped files by any chance? I love mediafire, but without the Pro account, it doesn't let me download these either as a folder, nor a bunch of files together, so I would have to click on each of the 100 files, then click again on an individual file download link. I hate to put more stress on you, but just asking if this is a possibility at all, if not, we will have to make due. Either way, very grateful to you and to DoubleHex for his original work on this!

06-17-2014, 01:05 PM
I was wondering if by any chance you could maybe upload these as zipped files by any chance? I love mediafire, but without the Pro account, it doesn't let me download these either as a folder, nor a bunch of files together, so I would have to click on each of the 100 files, then click again on an individual file download link. I hate to put more stress on you, but just asking if this is a possibility at all, if not, we will have to make due.

My apologies. Of course zips would be much easier. It didn't even occur to me. I hope you get this before having invested too much time on the other files.

Age of Conan (

I have updated the link in my post above as well.
Take care.

06-17-2014, 02:09 PM
Many, many, many thanks for this, Caesius! Am a tremendous fan of this composer's works, so hearing the little bits that aren't on the officially released albums is wonderful! Thank you so much for your work!


06-17-2014, 03:32 PM
Thanks a million for all the effort, Caesius! It is always good to be able to listen to even more of such grand music.

06-17-2014, 04:05 PM
You are very welcome for the re-up.
I just wish to reiterate that it was through the tremendous efforts of DoubleHex that this entire set even exists.

06-18-2014, 07:27 AM
I agree with you that Doublehex should be thanked, but at the same time you should also be thanked for reupping it.

Therefore, Thanks Doublehex if you are around and lurking, and thanks Caesius for reupping it!

---------- Post added at 12:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

I'm listening to them now, and it is truly some amazing stuff. You have no idea how long i've been looking for this, Thanks again both of you!!!

06-18-2014, 07:33 AM
Thanks so much Caesius, that is perfect! Can't wait to dig into the new material. Might have to make some new cover art too, if I get the time and can find some good artwork for these. Yay!

06-26-2014, 06:50 PM
Hi there!

Thanks for the re-upload of this magnificent soundscore.
But when I unzipped the files there seem to be songs missing (numbering starts at 2, and some 18 songs do not seem to be there...). Do others have this as well. Or is it the purpose o blend in the tracks from the original soundtrack and then renumber? Can somebody help me out?

06-26-2014, 08:51 PM
Hi there!

Thanks for the re-upload of this magnificent soundscore.
But when I unzipped the files there seem to be songs missing (numbering starts at 2, and some 18 songs do not seem to be there...). Do others have this as well. Or is it the purpose o blend in the tracks from the original soundtrack and then renumber? Can somebody help me out?

This sounds really familiar. I was trying to find the earliest posts from when the Expanded Score was first made available, but I can't take the time just now. I double-checked and when I add up all of the Age of Conan tracks I have, the total comes to 145 (which does not include the 2 tracks from Age of Conan: Secrets of the Dragon's Spine (Thread 128979) I only just downloaded today). And of that 145, 92 of them are from Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack. Finding the earliest feedback from that may shed some light on this.

01-02-2018, 11:16 PM
Is there a chance of a re-upload, perhaps? :)

01-03-2018, 12:11 AM
Is there a chance of a re-upload, perhaps? :)

Hey there! I am currently re-uploading all of the K. A. Haugen game scores I have. Assuming they will fit in my file share account. I'll let you know when it's done.

01-03-2018, 01:38 AM
I have uploaded my entire Haugen collection so far. Hopefully you can grab what you need.

Knut Avenstroup Haugen Scores (

In the Folder:
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Soundtrack
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack
Age of Conan: The Savage Coast of Turan
Age of Conan: Secrets of the Dragon's Spine
Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer Original Soundtrack
Conan: Exiles
Expeditions: Viking
Lords Of The Fallen (Soundtrack)

It has been a while since I have shared here, so if you have any problems, please let me know.

01-03-2018, 02:35 AM
I have uploaded my entire Haugen collection so far. Hopefully you can grab what you need.

Knut Avenstroup Haugen Scores (

In the Folder:
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Soundtrack
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack
Age of Conan: The Savage Coast of Turan
Age of Conan: Secrets of the Dragon's Spine
Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer Original Soundtrack
Conan: Exiles
Expeditions: Viking
Lords Of The Fallen (Soundtrack)

It has been a while since I have shared here, so if you have any problems, please let me know.

Caesius, thank you for this *amazing* share! Have been trying to find some of these files for ages, it feels like!

Have noticed, however, that the files need to be downloaded individually, which, when there's 95 files in one folder (e.g. Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack), that can get a bit...tedious.

Is there any chance you'd be able to enable a folder-based download option for these files?



01-03-2018, 05:26 AM
Caesius, thank you for this *amazing* share! Have been trying to find some of these files for ages, it feels like!

Have noticed, however, that the files need to be downloaded individually, which, when there's 95 files in one folder (e.g. Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack), that can get a bit...tedious.

Is there any chance you'd be able to enable a folder-based download option for these files?



My apologies. I should have known. I was asked this before. It's been so long since I've done this. I will compress the larger soundtracks into a zip or rar file, if that will do.

01-03-2018, 05:35 AM
My apologies. I should have known. I was asked this before. It's been so long since I've done this. I will compress the larger soundtracks into a zip or rar file, if that will do.

If that's not too much of an imposition or an ask, that would be lovely, to have access to each folder as a distinct zip or rar file.

Thank you in advance for taking the time out of your day to do that - it's honestly hugely appreciated!



01-03-2018, 05:42 AM
If that's not too much of an imposition or an ask, that would be lovely, to have access to each folder as a distinct zip or rar file.

Thank you in advance for taking the time out of your day to do that - it's honestly hugely appreciated!



Not a problem. I will do them all on Wednesday and should be finished by Wednesday night. Then I'll set up a whole new link.

01-03-2018, 06:10 AM
Not a problem. I will do them all on Wednesday and should be finished by Wednesday night. Then I'll set up a whole new link.

Thank you very kindly, Caesius! You're a scholar and a gentleman! :D


01-03-2018, 01:15 PM

Now each score is compressed as a zip file (except for Secrets of the Dragon's Spine, which only includes two tracks anyway). I used the same folder, so the link included above on Jan 2, 2018 should still take you there. But here it is anyway:

Knut Avenstroup Haugen Scores (

In the Folder:
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Soundtrack
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack
Age of Conan: The Savage Coast of Turan
Age of Conan: Secrets of the Dragon's Spine
Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer Original Soundtrack
Conan: Exiles
Expeditions: Viking
Lords Of The Fallen (Soundtrack)

Hope you enjoy the files! Any issues, please let me know.

01-03-2018, 01:25 PM
Thank you so much!!

01-03-2018, 02:21 PM

Now each score is compressed as a zip file (except for Secrets of the Dragon's Spine, which only includes two tracks anyway). I used the same folder, so the link included above on Jan 2, 2018 should still take you there. But here it is anyway:

Knut Avenstroup Haugen Scores (

In the Folder:
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Soundtrack
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack
Age of Conan: The Savage Coast of Turan
Age of Conan: Secrets of the Dragon's Spine
Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer Original Soundtrack
Conan: Exiles
Expeditions: Viking
Lords Of The Fallen (Soundtrack)

Hope you enjoy the files! Any issues, please let me know.

Caesius, you are a legend! Thank you ever so much! It is very kind of you to spend time putting all of this together for people!

You are an absolute champion!



01-03-2018, 08:07 PM
Wow, thanks so much for this... :D

01-04-2018, 04:51 AM

Now each score is compressed as a zip file (except for Secrets of the Dragon's Spine, which only includes two tracks anyway). I used the same folder, so the link included above on Jan 2, 2018 should still take you there. But here it is anyway:

Knut Avenstroup Haugen Scores (

In the Folder:
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Soundtrack
Age of Conan - Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack
Age of Conan: The Savage Coast of Turan
Age of Conan: Secrets of the Dragon's Spine
Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer Original Soundtrack
Conan: Exiles
Expeditions: Viking
Lords Of The Fallen (Soundtrack)

Hope you enjoy the files! Any issues, please let me know.

Caesius, do you mind terribly if I ask a few questions?

1. In the Hyborian Adventures Expanded Soundtrack, I've noticed that Track 01 and Track 14 are missing?

The file structure begins with Track 02 - The Dreaming - "Eere the World crumbles..." (Battle Variation).

Track 13 is 'Echoes of Atlantis', which is followed by Track 15 - 'The Sands of Forgetfulness - Tortage Beach (Variation 1).

2. In the Savage Coast of Turan folder: can you advise as to what the track order should be? Five files (Ardashir City, The Coast of Ardashir, Arena, Blood on the Sand, and The Coast of Ardashir (No Vocals) are listed as, respectively, tracks 01 through to 05. But all the other tracks have no track number.

3. Conan: Exiles has no track order. Do you know if there originally was one?

Thank you in advance for any guidance or information you can provide!



04-28-2018, 01:06 PM
Kudos, Caesius!!!!! +1 added :).

Shini The Daydreamer
06-03-2019, 08:10 AM