09-07-2002, 01:14 PM
First part of a story I wrote a while ago. If enough peeps like it, I may continue writing it!

Gametha looked across the tarmac. He�d been training for this moment all his life. He spotted the lone transport vehicle directly ahead. He hopped aboard. �Hello Gametha.� The familiar voice of Sergeant Croton drifted across the morning air. �I see you�re prepared and ready for the journey?�
�Yes, yes I am,� replied the young soldier. The morning air was cool on the face. The clouds twisted above them into tight coils of misty water vapour, that made intricate patterns and were a joy to watch. A dragon. A bee. The clouds themselves reflected the abundant creatures on the planet itself. The sky was bright red with the early morning sun that rose slowly, yet elegantly above the clouds and made the shapes come to life, battling each other and forming new creatures in the process.

Croton edged his way towards the side window of the transport vehicle. He looked out at the shapes that Gametha saw and laughed. �Hah, look over there, two bees have stung each other and formed a Swordfish.�
�Where?� replied Gametha who was intently watching the same space as Croton.
�Over there.� Croton pointed in the direction where a shark and a swordfish were clashing. They twisted and turned, striking out at the same twists that they were creating. Soon they struck, dispersed and formed and writhing dragon that soared high into the air. The super-charged atmosphere was something to behold. On all the planets that the Star People had visited, their own home world was the most intriguing.

Soon they reached their destination, a sleek silver shuttlecraft, created after the fall of the Sarron empire on their home world. It rose above the surrounding area and casted a great shadow on the black tarmac. The shuttle itself looked like a great silver bird, swept back to look like a bird diving to attack an item of prey. The wings had flecks of yellow edging through them. Gametha stepped out of the blue transport bus and onto the walk way leading up to the ship itself. It was a conveyer belt, one designed to be folded up when not in use. The canopy above him was red, like the sun and only used when members of great importance where around. He wasn�t important, obviously the council was already here, expecting him inside the Shuttle. It didn�t have a name, although he would not doubt give it one on his journey.

The room was filled with all manner of beasts, human and alien alike, but they were all welcome, especially his companions, Borethor and Amathea. He was glad he would be travelling with them. His friend and his love, both together on the same mission of importance. He would soon find out what it was. His whole life had been centred around this moment. The space ship. The mission. Avenging his father. His whole world. He had begun at the age of seven, the lucky number of the Sengwe race. Gametha had first begun in the academy at the age of 9. He passed everything with top-grades, yet he still felt something was missing. It didn�t matter now. Nothing did. Only the mission. It was everything, the gap was nothing.

He stepped inside and felt the pre-conditioned air of the shuttlecraft. It was a tingling sensation until his skin became accustomed to the dry, tank air. �Gametha!!� Another familiar voice entered his mind, Borethor�s. �My good friend and companion, how are you?�
�Same as always Borethor, seeking something that cannot be found.� Gametha�s answer was a riddle, like his life. It took a while until Borethor adjusted to the mood. �Hello, Gametha.� A young woman stood in the faint glow of the mess-room lights. Gametha was immediately taken into a trance at the sight of his loved one. The gap still wasn�t complete with her, yet it was larger without. �My love, how are you?� Amathea just gave a slight blush at the question. �Well?� Amathea just took one look at Gametha and burst out laughing. �I see you haven�t changed one bit since your training Gametha,� she replied, �you are still as persistent as ever!�

�Attention everyone.� It was the Sengwe council of Seven. �Please look this way so that we may present our honorary speech to the �voyagers�.� The name in itself ridiculed Gametha�s whole training. �But they are not really voyagers, no, the are our future. Our very existence relies on them. No they are not Voyagers, they are saviours, yet if they fail the very existence of the Sengwe people sill rest in the balance.� Amathea, Borethor and Gametha all atirred, knowing full well that they sere the �saviours� of the Sengwe people. But if seven had been the lucky number for the Sengwe people, then why had they not gathered seven of the finest troops?

�We will now give a great round of applause to these heroes!!� The applause around the room suggested that after this speech the many allies of the Sengwe race were happy, or contented. �We shall now reveal the mission in which they will be under-taking. Three weeks ago a great prisoner of the Sengwe people escaped the Seffron-dech institution after a large riot inside the premises. Three prisoners ended up escaping and somehow managed to get aboard a shuttlecraft headed to a remote planet. We intercepted it as it entered the delta-24 asteroid belt and shot it in the starboard engine. They did not surrender. We have now found that despite their crippling damage, they escaped asteroid belt delts-24 and crash-landed on a distant planet. From what we can gather, it consists of a population that revolves around medieval thinking and technology. Together our three heroes shall attempt to capture the prisoner. We cannot reveal his identity for security reasons. We hope you have great luck in attempting to capture this threat and wish you good luck in your journey.�

With that the guests dispersed from the building and left the �heroes� to go it on their own. Soon the company walked up to the door of the silver shuttle and pressed the release button. The hatchway sprung open inside the chamber and the stepped through the opening. It was cold, even for a Sengwean. Soon they had found their seats and prepared for the take-off. It should have been a normal procedure except for the burden that had been thrown on the shoulders of the three companions. This was it, the entire reason for Gametha�s training, in fact his whole life. He felt the rush of adrenaline as the boosters ignited. The metal around them shook, the chairs quaked and the minds of Amathea, Gametha and Borethor went blank. Everything else was blind, but all they could think about was the mission. The mission�

Croton watched on as the sleek shuttle rose from it�s confinement and burst free into the air. He watched as the clouds changed to reflect this sudden blast of energy, changing into technology and other shuttlecraft. The silver ship rose into the clouds and the shapes returned to normal, or as normal as they would ever get.

09-07-2002, 01:59 PM
poetry... drawing... and now story writing!! Ed is just full of surprises, lol. ^_^

I like da begining of your story. Tis very interesting ^_^

Continue! :D

09-10-2002, 10:29 AM
Thanks Desi! I wrote stories before I wrote da poetry, always have liked writing better!