01-09-2002, 02:33 PM
i wrote this quite along time ago for evolution (ethereal) to put in his sig...

well... i just found it today so i thought i should put it up.


Staring back down the long road of fate,
I see my life as it was before,
Stained with cursed memories that haunt my soul.
Sorrow and sadness drown me in a sea of misery,
Depression lurking in every corner.
Alone and bewildered I stand to my feet,
Look back down that road that is so familiar.
And walk onwards,
Onwards into a new light,
for life is evolving,
Times are changing,
and the evolution has just begun.

on making this poem i used the word "evolution" as a source of inspiration, a guideline for what i'm writing. i'm trying to bring across the message thats all things evolve and you cant keep looking into the past to find a futre.

01-09-2002, 11:25 PM
Its realy good, but its kinda depressing :uh?:

01-10-2002, 04:47 PM
lol, most of my poems are depressing, dont know why :)

01-16-2002, 05:36 AM
Good work!! I like it a lot. It captures the essence of what living life is about.