The Anti-Existence
12-08-2009, 11:37 AM
I dunno if it's the music ( and the big plot points he reveals but something about NORG always struck me as awesome.

I loved the whole internal Garden conflict for one.It was a shame you couldn't choose which side to fight for.
And of course when you actually meet him he's a pretty monstrous A decent boss fight too I thought.

NORG is another victim of FFVIII's shoddy storytelling, though. You figh thim once and....well goodbye. Thanks for developing the plot.

I know you can get a bit more detail in the Shumi Village but it's not really much of anything. They just say he's a basard and that's about it. They don't seem too fussed we stabbed him to death.

12-08-2009, 12:07 PM
I think the problem with FFVIII's storytelling is that it doesn't do a good job at explaining certain things that would help better understand what's going on.

NORG is a good example of it. And because it's been a while since I've played the game, I can't remember if there was an explanation behind the internal Garden conflict. I think money was involved but man, I don't think that something like this would happen because of it.

12-09-2009, 10:52 PM
Call me slow, but I had no idea what that whole part of the game was about :S I mean sort of, but it just was one of those "WTF" moments for me for the remainder of the game.. until I got stuck fighting Adel and have never beaten her :O LOL I know, NOOB ALERT, LMAO

12-13-2009, 06:37 PM
I can't remember if there was an explanation behind the internal Garden conflict. I think money was involved but man, I don't think that something like this would happen because of it.

I believe that NORG funded Cid and his wife to build the Garden. However, Cid and NORG had different values: NORG wanted profit, Cid wanted to train future SeeD. So they had a fight, and NORG tried to take the garden away from Cid.

12-13-2009, 10:14 PM
^^That's what I took away from it. I remember NORG talking to Squall about joining him maybe? But Squall was always on Cid's side.

That's what I remember, but I may be way off. The only thing I do know that place was used for was a quick refresher about junctioning Fire to your weapon to strike the Oil-based enemies. Always fun.

12-14-2009, 05:35 AM
The only thing I do know that place was used for was a quick refresher about junctioning Fire to your weapon to strike the Oil-based enemies.

Yeah, but I believe those are the ONLY oil-based enemies in the game...

I always thought that the boss fight was to showcase the graphics. I mean, the boss fight had great colors and graphics. And the benefits were definitely worth the fight. The fight itself was fun, too.

But maybe the importance of NORG is that he tells Squall that Cid's wife is a sorceress?? I think that fact furthers the plot along the most.

12-14-2009, 06:04 AM
^^ Yea haha, I think those were the only Oil-based enemies in the game.

And I forgot that that's where you learn about Cid's connection to Edea, would certainly take that cake as far as importance to the game.

Argus Zephyrus
12-14-2009, 07:47 AM
NORG played out his part, then backed out. I don't really think that part of the story needed any more elaboration upon that lardball. It couldn't have really contributed much anyway.
Fun battle, too. =]

The Anti-Existence
12-14-2009, 03:55 PM
Well he just kinda dies.... It's very anticlimactic.

Argus Zephyrus
12-14-2009, 06:18 PM
Well he just kinda dies.... It's very anticlimactic.
For the lulz

12-18-2009, 01:50 AM
didn't NORG want to offer Cid's head to the sorcerer to avoid getting the garden targeted by her/galabadia's attaks? which was also a reason for the conflict.

not sure about that though, haven't played the game in a while.

12-27-2009, 10:16 AM
Yeah, NORG wanted to appease Edea for the failed assasination attempt. Also, he doesn't really "die" from what I took out of it. He turns back into that pod-like thing and then nothing else is heard other than in Shumi village. They don't seem to like him a lot. I think he was supposed to transform into something?

Argus Zephyrus
12-27-2009, 10:13 PM
didn't NORG want to offer Cid's head to the sorcerer to avoid getting the garden targeted by her/galabadia's attaks? which was also a reason for the conflict.

not sure about that though, haven't played the game in a while.
I forgot about that.

12-27-2009, 10:46 PM
Did you ever go back down and talk to the two Shumi that are near NORG after you defeat him? They also explain a little bit. You still never can find out what happens to the NORG pod as far as I know though.