12-08-2009, 09:07 AM
Alright two anime. You don't have to like them both or either but I thought It would be neat to start a generation comparison.

Both animes started at about the same time. Early 80's. And even though gundam was suppose to have ended at Gundam wing, it has since spawned a new incarnation. While Macros has been pumping out shows and movies since its beginning with the original SDF-1. (If you get my meaning 0u0)

Since there probably the longest running anime any where, I figured I would raise this topic.

Alot of anime evolution can be seen within these two anime as they both brought something new to anime and have since evolved.

GO for it, play around with that concept for a while and give me your thoughts. For oldschool anime fans I figure this could be a fun topic.

12-23-2009, 09:38 AM
You don't have to like them both or either but I thought It would be neat to start a generation comparison.

What in the world is this an attempt at immature sarcasm. Have you seen them, are you trying to add to this topic? In reality all I was trying to do was to start a generation comparison between new and old anime. Hence these particular anime have been around for a while they make great examples. 1980's versus 2000. Then so on.

12-23-2009, 03:09 PM
It was just a spam message. No need to reply to it.

12-24-2009, 03:25 AM
I suppose your right but darn I figured some of the more older anime fans would go for a simple comparison between the anime they used to watch vs now. To have the first reply to be spam after so long was a slap in the face, I was pist. :notgood:

I guess I'm only human like any one else.

...........Unless your an alian/robot, asammar, or secret agent from the future. :)

04-07-2010, 06:04 AM
Old school Gundam kicked ass, Macross is good in it's own way, and modern anime can be cool = Neon Genesis Evangelion, or bad = Dragonball GT , no offense to GT fans