12-08-2009, 03:55 AM
I dunno how this thread will do but other people can join in. These videos don't have sound because I felt lazy about finding a better screen recorder so I just used the one built into Mac OS X.

Anyway, enjoy! Without sound it might be boring... so I could end up redoing them.

And yes, I kind of bumble.


12-08-2009, 04:04 AM
Did that old man in the red dress really have nothing better to do with his time than sit in the dark, waiting for Link to wander in so he could give him cryptic messages? *shrug*

I miss this game... never did actually finish it.

12-08-2009, 04:10 AM
I don't know... lolz

I messed up and used a key I didn't need to use though. STUPID STUPID STUPID!!

The old man clues are pretty pointless most of the time. I think some of them were translated wrong or something in the original game. It still isn't fixed in the GBA version I have either... I don't think.

Also, I think I remember reading that the old men live in some rooms of the dungeons. Though I don't know why.

12-08-2009, 04:15 AM
Probably because there are swarms of devil bats on the other side of the door. Would you leave YOUR house if there were swarms of devil bats waiting for you? I think not!

12-08-2009, 05:54 AM
I guess not. But why would anyone live in a creepy cold BLUE dungeon in the first place? lol. I never did understand that.

12-08-2009, 07:59 AM
I dunno guys...some of those old men are frickin' hardcore! I mean, they shoot fireballs at you from their lamps, and they strip rupees from you just because they were too damn lazy to open the freaking door!

Also loved reading that 'newspaper article' about Link finally getting his comeuppance for all those broken vases...

12-08-2009, 10:51 PM
Who wants to see a silent dull video of heavy barrel? =D lolz

Lord Brimstone
12-13-2009, 09:26 PM
Oh hey there priestess! First time I've seen this thread. Anyway, I do video game recordings as well and the software I use is ZD Soft. It's one of the cheaper screen recorders, but it works pretty well in my opinion.

As for Heavy Barrel, it would be fun to see that game again, with or without sound, though I guess in the case of no sound I have to shout out "HEAVY BARREL!" every time you get that super gun. By the way, will you be playing the Arcade version or the NES port?

12-13-2009, 10:50 PM
The NES port actually! I have the NES version but now NES to play it on so, I downloaded the ROM. I will make one with sound sometime but I'll probably upload one without first... and than just replace it.