09-05-2002, 09:30 PM
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeep: Spoilers inside, most likely.

While replaying this my favourite RPG of all time, I feel the urge to get in contact with other fans, freaks again and share thoughts and theories, speculations and whatever with them...

There is still stuff I wonder, the game leaves a lot of questions open and Chrono Cross does not answer them, it creates new questions.

The thing I wonder most about is who the fathers of Janus and Schala could be. Janus being Schala�s half brother, there have to be two fathers, yet none of them is mentioned in the game... Isn�t this a mystery?

Forgive me, I am tired...

09-06-2002, 01:56 AM
They never mentioned Crono's Father at all in Chrono Trigger. Usually when they mention these fathers/half father things, they never really think about doing an actual sequal.

Since I haven't beaten CC yet (I'm not even that far), I'll ask some questions about CT that might have been answered.

In 2300 AD, why didn't the Black Omen itself get destroyed by Lavo's awakening? It is like shield from Lavo's attack?

Even though Flea has SORTA been confirmed as being male................................... I dunno.... I really doubt that. o_O

The mysterious question about CT is not about the story itself... but the US packaging. The JPN version of Chrono Trigger doesn't load as slow as the US. This can be explained by the CD files.

There is a file in the Chrono Trigger CD where if you try to run it on an SNES emulator, you will find out that it is a ROM of the SNES version of the game... but in Japanese.

Now, this leads to a few theories of mine, some of it could be true. Since the text is already Japanese, the loading in the Japanese version is not that slow like the US. All it needs to do is to add in whatever extra info like the FMVs, the bonuses, and that stuff, nothing too major.

Skipping a year or so, it comes out in the US. Now, since the rom is still in Japanese, it needs to be translated. This is how I think the system works:

Game Rom is loaded and passed through the Translation tables, then it is outputted.

Now, when that happens, the loading process is longer. Now the question................. why not put the English Rom in to quicken the loading?

09-06-2002, 04:15 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">Okay, you should probably realise that this thread is going to be full of spoilers already, but....

<font size="7">CC Spoilers ahead!

<font size="2">Okay, so I never did fully understand what the relation between Kid and Schala was... (Or really, I was kinda lost the entire last part of the game, but I don't want to make anyone explain the whole story)

... So, I wanna hear a good theory about that. Is she a clone or something, and how? O_O

09-06-2002, 04:29 AM
Uh lets see.... (might get yelled at by Misao... but gives it a shot)

Schala made Kid (clone) after hearing Serge crying his butt off while drowning, which somehow came across time and Schala heard it. Kid saved Serge (but Kid was born before this event happened, so it's not a direct clone, it's a baby clone that grew up when Serge was drowning).... and thats how the world of CC began... sorta.

And I think I got that right... ;_:

09-06-2002, 04:39 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">Whoa.

Where did that come from, exactly? O_O

That just made me more confused! ><

09-06-2002, 02:17 PM
It... was actually explained in CC, but that was the actual problem of the game: instead of allowing the player to discover everything for themselves, they explained everything in big text boxes... Whoa...

Let me see. Schala, being merged with Lavos, was lost in despair, but then was moved by the scream of Serge (Question: Why Serge? Aren�t there enough crying kids in history?) and sent Kid to him, a copy of herself. She sent Kid somewhere safe - or somewhen safe - so she could grow up safely. Uhm... Yes...

But now... is it possible that after the events of CC, Schala got kind of reborn in (or as) Kid? (I don�t really know anymore...! I guess I never knew.)

@DJ MogK
Crono, his family relations and everythign else about this "character" is not worth thinking about. He is just the avatar the player uses to move in this game... ;_; Bah... next time I want a real main character!

Rabid Monkey
09-06-2002, 08:14 PM
Well, to answer the 'why Serge?' question, it has been speculated that Serge is in fact Magus (or Janus if you would rather), so it is only natural that Schola would have picked his screams out from the thousands and thousands of other children.

However, CC really didn't relate to CT in any way. To me it just seems as a very cheap way of adding a sequel to the series. However, the third came could come out and link the two together amazingly, but if it doesn't then I would have to call the Chrono Trigger series the worst series ever because it started off with a hit game, but the focus was changed from telling a story to making money when CC came out.

In all honesty, it is a theory of mine that CC was never intended to be part of the CT series, but then when they saw how the two games were similar they tried to link them in order to make the name more notable, like Square did with the FF's for the gameboy that aren't really FF's at all.

09-07-2002, 04:40 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">I've heard all of the cloning stuff before, but none of it really makes a whole lot of sense... like, what exactly caused Schala to fuse with Lavos anyway. I wondered the same thing (If Serge was indeed Janus) but nothing really seemed concrete...

CC had some interesting parts, but I felt more confused after playing it, and didn't feel like it answered enough questions.

Perhaps this new Crono title will resolve some of this?

09-09-2002, 06:13 PM
If the next game does not answer ALL my questions, I will wreack havock, and you are going to help me!!

I honestly doubt that the "Serge is Janus" theory is any correct, it just does not make sense.
The earliest event in serge�s life that we know of happened when he was four years old.
But Janus spent his childhood up to his around his tenth year in Zeal.
Some people muse that it could be that the time gate did not strand him in the Middle Ages but in 1000-something... but this does not make sense... It does not.
Plus it would not be satisfying since Janus is the coolest character in the world and he should not be made into a soulless, speechless main character.

As far as I know Janus is nobody in CC, he was meant to appear there and was finally taken out for some obscure reason. :notgood: Whyyy~~~~

09-10-2002, 03:47 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">If I'm remembering correctly, there's some point in CC after you get Kid back where you get a note from Lucca.... or something along those lines. I forget the exact details or phrasing, but there's something mentioned about Janus, and how he's probably standing there with her, or something to that effect.

You're right, there's not much evidence to say anything conclusive.... I'm hoping this was purposely left open and the next game will take place inbetween, or fill in some of the blanks...