12-06-2009, 03:38 AM
I've looked around and the only information I can find is (1) a huge MGS website with tracklists of what the person has which includes MGO rips, but they're not available for download and (2) multiple threads with MGS music, but the only one that does have a fan soundtrack with MGO music has dead links. I tried a fan soundtrack called "MGS4 Database," but it apparently doesn't have the same music from the menus and lobbies in MGO that I'm familiar with.

I don't know if it'll be a single file or multiple tracks, since they all sort of flow into each other as you navigate the menus, but I hope at least something exists.


Edit: Didn't even know this was my first post... Sorry if it's tasteless.

Leon Scott Kennedy
12-06-2009, 09:14 AM
Thread 53048


12-07-2009, 05:16 AM
Well imagine my embarrassment. Couldn't get that link to work properly yesterday and now it's perfect on the first try. And yes I know you've heard that excuse a thousand times.

Thanks and sorry to have bothered everyone. Great music though. I bet most people don't appreciate how pumped it gets the player before going into a match.