09-04-2002, 04:25 PM
This is a drawing I did in school. Nothing else to do either, eh? :D
Oh well, school is going well and I really liked drawing this. Although there's nothing much more then the hand and the cape, I still like it. The image (of truth, the image of love) came to my head when I once again listened to Puissance - In Shining Armour. I'll put the lyrics here also, so you understand what kind of it is. :D

In shining armour you stand
disease while sleeping and fury alive
pure in harmony with chaos the image of truth
the image of love
See the face of the new god
make his way into your blood
Our almighty new god
turning man back into mud
Even though candles of hope may still burn
even though earth is still fertile and turn
Nothing compares to beauty you hold
you bring out the new and burn all the old
In shining armour you stand
disease while sleeping and fury alive
pure in harmony with chaos the image of truth
the image of love
See the face of the new god
make his way into your blood
Our almighty new god
turning man back into mud
The mightiest warlord now offering peace
your presence unnoted as tension decrease
Never have there been a god such as you
of limitless power and actually true

And then click... (

Psuedes Psyche
09-04-2002, 08:15 PM
I think thats really good, especially the hand. I can't draw hands worth crap. Keep up the good hand jobs..........uh...I mean work.

*Runs away*