12-03-2009, 04:55 PM
I know most people have boycotted Walmart these days, but if you're interested in getting a Wii, now may be the time to get one.

Pretty good deal if you don't own one and want one.

jewess crabcake
12-03-2009, 04:57 PM
I can look like an idiot in front of my t.v. for free ;).

12-03-2009, 05:38 PM
I lol'd. There was a deal at GameStop where you could trade a certain number of games and get one for that same price. Not sure if it's still on, though.

12-03-2009, 06:28 PM
Gamestop's trade-in deals are a complete rip off.

12-03-2009, 06:35 PM
Preaching to the idiotic choir, sir. DAMN YOU DSi, DAMN YOU~

12-03-2009, 07:20 PM
I lol'd. There was a deal at GameStop where you could trade a certain number of games and get one for that same price. Not sure if it's still on, though.

Gamestop's trade-in deals are a complete rip off.

This. What Gamefail doesn't tell you is that the games you need to trade in are two fairly new used games. Titles like Dragon Age, Borderlands, Assassins Creed II etc.

You know. Games that cost more than $50.00 each. You still lose in other words.

Thank you Gamestop, but our money is in another castle.

12-03-2009, 07:31 PM
This. What Gamefail doesn't tell you is that the games you need to trade in are two fairly new used games. Titles like Dragon Age, Borderlands, Assassins Creed II etc.

You know. Games that cost more than $50.00 each. You still lose in other words.

Thank you Gamestop, but our money is in another castle.

Nailed it right on the head, my friend.

12-04-2009, 03:36 AM
This. What Gamefail doesn't tell you is that the games you need to trade in are two fairly new used games. Titles like Dragon Age, Borderlands, Assassins Creed II etc.

You know. Games that cost more than $50.00 each. You still lose in other words.

Thank you Gamestop, but our money is in another castle.

Gamestop sucks when it comes to trade-ins, used games, and even new games. That's why I sell and buy my games (when I do) at this comic book shop. If the owner knows the game would sell (and he doesn't have a lot of copies of it or doesn't even have it), he'd give you quite an amount of money for it. For example; I traded in my Guitar Hero II 360 game. Gamestop was going to give me $8 for it. The comic book shop gave me $17. And guess what, he was reselling it for $19.99. So now I go there for all my gaming needs (which reminds me that I still need to reserve SH:SM for PS2...).

12-04-2009, 07:49 AM
I have a Wee Wii. And do you want to know what I mostly do with it? Pee and masturbate. NES, SNES and N64 virtual console games.

12-04-2009, 08:04 AM
Gamestop sucks.

Short version.

Argus Zephyrus
12-04-2009, 11:48 PM
Gamestop sucks
Short version.

Darth Revan
12-04-2009, 11:54 PM
Gamestop sucks when it comes to trade-ins, used games, and even new games.

As does EB Games and Gametraders here in AUS. Only way to get a decent amount for any game you want to sell, is to try Ebay and pray someone places a good price for it.

With EB Games and Gametraders, you can get a good amount for a trade in... only if the game has been released for about two weeks or so. Probably get about $40AUS for a game which retails for about $100-110AUS. After that time though... be looking at $5-10AUS for a trade in.

12-05-2009, 12:00 AM
As does EB Games and Gametraders here in AUS. Only way to get a decent amount for any game you want to sell, is to try Ebay and pray someone places a good price for it.

With EB Games and Gametraders, you can get a good amount for a trade in... only if the game has been released for about two weeks or so. Probably get about $40AUS for a game which retails for about $100-110AUS. After that time though... be looking at $5-10AUS for a trade in.

EB Games is now owned by Gamestop in the US.

Darth Revan
12-05-2009, 12:24 AM
EB Games is now owned by Gamestop in the US.

Yeah... the EB Games I've been too are usually manned by imbecilic buffoons who don't know games at all.

Case in point, I went to my local store (at the time, it was 5 years ago) and asked if they had any copies of Samurai Warriors for PlayStation 2 available, either new or second hand as my copy (Which I had bought at that same store) I had loaned to my cousin, and got back broken in two. The nimrod behind the counter asked me repeatedly what the title was and for what console. After telling him 5 times IN A ROW what the title and console was he finally got the computer to tell him that Samurai Warriors was never released here in Australia at all. I corrected him on that, and the idiot called me a liar and troublemaker.

Two side notes to that story... A: The store manager had just come out of the backroom with stock and heard the clerk say that... and B: on the counter in FRONT OF THE IDIOT... the store manager found a copy of Samurai Warriors for the PS2 which had come in earlier that day for trade in, which he then offered to me at the price of $5 AUS.

Anywayz.... back on topic.

I'm not too hyped up about the Wii... I mean, how could you be towards a game console called the 'Wii'. I've heard kids pleading with their parents to get them a Wii... and the parent turns around and tells them that A: they should've gone to the toilet before leaving home or B: That they'll have to wait til they get home to wee.

There aren't many games on it I'm really interested in tbh. Only Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn has my interest atm, and I begrudge buying a game console for just one game. True being able to download games from the NES, SNES etc does have it's appeal, I simply can't afford to buy a console for just that.

I'll stick with my Gates crate thank you.

12-05-2009, 12:42 AM
I keep forgetting AUS sucks when it comes to gaming.
100 bucks for a freaking game?

I think the Wii is a great system after you've hacked it.

12-05-2009, 02:39 AM
I'd get a Japanese Wii. But not for myself. I have a friend who wants Fatal Frame IV (and his sister too) but doesn't want to pay the $250USD+ for the system plus however much the game will cost so I think it would be a pretty cool gift.

And I agree with Xiahou Dun about buying a console for just one game. I would only do it for a hand-held system. I bought a PSP just so I can play Initial D: Street Stage (that came out almost 4 years ago). Now I have more games for it (about 4 or 5), but I still play the crap out of IDSS. Unless there's a game like that for a console (not including the Initial D game for the PS3 because it uses a new physics engine that I've never played before due to the 4th installment of the arcade game never making it to where I live so I don't know if I'd enjoy it or not), then I'll just stick with what I have.

And I'm still pleased with my 360 purchase.

12-07-2009, 03:42 PM
I think the Wii is a great system after you've hacked it.

The answer to many (money) issues. (Though it seems like it's only great if it's hacked.)