12-03-2009, 06:29 AM
All I can find is a torrent with 1 seeder (and it's still not downloading). It's kind of old (Jan. 2009), but I really really need it! And no, I'm not looking for the OP/ED singles. Those, I have them already. Can anyone help me out here!?

12-03-2009, 06:49 AM
Is this it?

Says OP+ED+OST on it. 142 MB I'm downloading it right now to see if it works, and I have two seeders on it right now. I hope you are still online to get a hold of it.

12-03-2009, 01:30 PM
Yup, same one. I woke up and there were more seeds/peers, so I got lucky. The download finished, but thanks for making the effort too. Bit of a surprise when you think about it, that an almost year old soundtrack torrent would not be dead yet.