12-02-2009, 11:39 AM
Hi Friends,
Which are your favorites Movie???
My Favorite movie is 2012 and Titanic

Edmond Dantes
12-08-2009, 05:18 AM
Here's the thing. I only like updated versions of movies, and some that are old, but very few. The Count of Monte Cristo, The Terminator series, Pathfinder, Outlander, Conan the Barbarian, the Batman films with Christian Bale in 'em. Ancient Warriors on the History Channel. Grandma's Boy, any Adam Sandler or Chris Farley film, Edward Scissorhands, A Walk to Remember (basically any film with Mandy Moore in it), Lord of The Rings films (I'm nerdy, so what.), Christmas Vacation, Halloween (2007 - I hate the original one, so cheesy), Halloween 2 (2009), House of 1,000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, The Omen (not the new one), Hatchet (the horror movie), Dawn of The Dead (2004), Underworld, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, The Scorpion King, Journey to The Center of The Earth, almost any film with zombies or vampires in it. The Nightmare Before Christmas. Zombieland. Jason and The Argonauts (2000, stars Jeremy London), Tales From The Crypt movies like Demon Night. The Hills Have Eyes movies. M (1933, starring Peter Lorre). Romero's Night of The Living Dead. House on Haunted Hill, both 1960-something and 1999 versions. The Last Man on Earth. I Am Legend. Hitman. Superbad (it grew on me), 10,000 B.C., Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Stardust, A Knight's Tale, Predator movies, Encino Man, The Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen, Rat Race, Hotel For Dogs, The Rocker,
and a few others I can't remember at the moment.

12-08-2009, 05:36 AM
lookit all them bad movies

Edmond Dantes
12-08-2009, 03:39 PM
opinions vary bud.

12-08-2009, 11:07 PM
I loved Titanic. The ship they had was awesome. The most touching part for me was how the band stayed on the ship to play until they died. Saddest part of the movie for me.

Edmond Dantes
12-09-2009, 12:06 AM
yeah Beth. that was sad. i'm a guy. who admits i shed a few tears during that film.

12-09-2009, 04:42 AM
In fact I was more sad watching all the others die besides Jack. But that part was sad too.

Edmond Dantes
12-09-2009, 06:21 AM
i think my favs were the musicians, that Irish guy that built the ship, and the captain.

12-09-2009, 06:26 PM
Been working on this for a few days, because I have to arrange things after I decide on the list. No, I'm not bothered that there are 3 Keanu movies on the list. I really do work hard to make representative lists and even though they all star him, they are very different thematically. Keanu being diverse? There's no way that can be right? Can it??!?! :p

1.) The Matrix: Revolutions
2.) Josie and the Pussycats
3.) High Fidelity
4.) Chasing Amy
5.) Sweet November
6.) Constantine
7.) All the Real Girls
8.) Garden State
9.) SLC Punk
10.) Watchmen

The Matrix is really central to how I think about the world and it's influenced my writing, my thinking, and well, everything. Josie is just such a concentrated sugar rush of a movie and it plays to an important part of my psyche. I'm glad that the Top 5 incorporates representatives from my main interests in the world of film making: Keanu, Cusack, Cook, and Kevin Smith. Sweet November is about someone learning how to live and also how to deal with loss, which is always a fantastic thing, when done right.

Watchmen is here because I get happy every time I think about it and it was the turning point in making this list. I'm used to seeing a nice bit of evolution over time in terms of my Top # lists, and I've loved most of these movies for a very very long time. That's okay, though!

The film adaptation of Watchmen made my favorite moments shine and even elevated moments that didn't affect me to greatness. The title sequence just brings me to tears with it's delicate sense of nostalgia, loss, and fragile optimism.

12-09-2009, 09:53 PM
Here's the thing. I only like updated versions of movies, and some that are old, but very few. The Count of Monte Cristo, The Terminator series, Pathfinder, Outlander, Conan the Barbarian, the Batman films with Christian Bale in 'em. Ancient Warriors on the History Channel. Grandma's Boy, any Adam Sandler or Chris Farley film, Edward Scissorhands, A Walk to Remember (basically any film with Mandy Moore in it), Lord of The Rings films (I'm nerdy, so what.), Christmas Vacation, Halloween (2007 - I hate the original one, so cheesy), Halloween 2 (2009), House of 1,000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, The Omen (not the new one), Hatchet (the horror movie), Dawn of The Dead (2004), Underworld, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, The Scorpion King, Journey to The Center of The Earth, almost any film with zombies or vampires in it. The Nightmare Before Christmas. Zombieland. Jason and The Argonauts (2000, stars Jeremy London), Tales From The Crypt movies like Demon Night. The Hills Have Eyes movies. M (1933, starring Peter Lorre). Romero's Night of The Living Dead. House on Haunted Hill, both 1960-something and 1999 versions. The Last Man on Earth. I Am Legend. Hitman. Superbad (it grew on me), 10,000 B.C., Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Stardust, A Knight's Tale, Predator movies, Encino Man, The Transformers, Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen, Rat Race, Hotel For Dogs, The Rocker,
and a few others I can't remember at the moment.

Out of the ones you mentioned, only a few stuck out as ones I enjoyed: Edward Scissorhands, Christmas Vacation, The Devil's Rejects, Demon Knight, and Encino Man (guilty pleasure). I could write up a top ten like Neg did, maybe later. But my favorite film is May (

12-10-2009, 02:27 AM
Girl, Interrupted
Requiem For A Dream

12-10-2009, 02:29 AM
I have been working on this along with Neg. The list isn't perfect because I just don't feel like there's room for every movie that's important to me, but here it is (in no particular order):

1. Babe
2. Philadelphia Story
3. Aliens
4. Chasing Amy
5. Oldboy
6. Blue Velvet
7. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
8. Say Anything
9. The Big Lebowski
10. The Bird People in China

I tried to get a good mix of movies that were really significant or special to me and ones that are just pure joy to watch. Some of them are both. They represent a lot of different favorites for me- Blue Velvet has my favorite ending line of all time, Oldboy has my favorite fight scene of all time. Aliens is mostly the most quotable movie of all time. Mostly. Say Anything is my favorite John Cusack movie and Eternal Sunshine is my favorite movie about love. Babe and Bird People in China are pure magic. And well, few scenes are as great as the scene where Macaulay Connor and Tracy Lord get drunk together in Philadelphia Story, or Holden's monologue in Chasing Amy, or the nihilist scene in The Big Lebowski.

I wanted to post an old top 10 list to compare, but I couldn't find one. :(

Darth Revan
12-10-2009, 02:55 AM
I've been looking over my movie collection... I can't really say which are my favorites... but can give a selection of ten of my top favorites from my collection which I have watched more than once.

1. Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy
2. The Usual Suspects
3. Escape from New York/L.A.
4. Aliens Special Edition
5. S.W.A.T.
6. Highlander 1, 3 and 4
7. The Storm Riders
8. Project A I and II
9. Clerks, Mallrats and Chasing Amy (Kevin Smith's 'New Jersey' Trilogy)
10. Fearless Vampire Killers

12-10-2009, 03:14 AM
terminator saga.lord of the rings,transformers,star wars saga,and ofcourse 2012.
And for in the future i think avatar.

12-10-2009, 04:37 AM
Titanic and Notebook.

Edmond Dantes
12-10-2009, 04:49 AM
Out of the ones you mentioned, only a few stuck out as ones I enjoyed: Edward Scissorhands, Christmas Vacation, The Devil's Rejects, Demon Knight, and Encino Man (guilty pleasure). I could write up a top ten like Neg did, maybe later. But my favorite film is May (

that's cool man. if you like swashbuckling, see The Count of Monte Cristo (2002). add that to your list.

Darth Revan
12-10-2009, 07:01 AM
Only think I liked about the Titanic...

Leonardo DiCrapio died.

Edmond Dantes
12-10-2009, 07:10 AM
lol Dun. you didn't like Kate's boobage?

Darth Revan
12-10-2009, 01:00 PM
Every time I watched Titanic... at the end when the ship was sinking and you see that one passenger fall down, hit the propeller and then go flying off to the side...

I still keep hoping that this time I watch it'll be different and it'll be Leo doing the swanton...

But alas... no such luck..


Edmond Dantes
12-10-2009, 01:52 PM

12-16-2009, 09:51 AM
2012 i love it so much...i am not sure the earth would be ruined or not....

hairstyles (

12-16-2009, 12:57 PM
Eric you should check out Blow Dry, it has Alan Rickman and Rachael Leigh Cook and it's about (Hair style).

It is relevant to your interests.

Gentleman Ghost
12-16-2009, 03:47 PM
A bot made this? oh well :)

I'll try and edit this sometime, it's late. I'm too tired to come up with a well thought out list.

1. Jarhead
2. Forest Gump
3. Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
4. The Matrix: Revolutions
5. Shaun of the Dead
6. Enemy At The Gates
7. American Beauty
8. The Bourne Supremacy
9. Bridge To Terabithia
10. The Dark Knight

I liked Jarhead, all he ever got to shoot was the air. I marveled at how it was made by the same people that created American Beauty. Forrest Gump was fun to watch, Tom Hanks is brilliant in this one (like he is in all his movies). Lock Stock is the only movie that has given me a stomach ache from laughing so hard, maybe there are other movies like this, but this one was the first of it's kind I reckon. The whole quirky fail at crime story. If there's one before this then cool. The Matrix: Revolutions caught me off guard, and I love it when movies do that. I was too immersed with the fight for Zion, that I forgot about the Smith vs Neo fight at the end. Shaun of the Dead is my favorite movie about zombies, Simon Pegg is a genius, and I like his name. I had to study American Beauty in High School, I liked writing all those essays, breaking down the movie and finding all the meanings in each scene. It was the only essay writing I ever enjoyed doing. Bourne Supremacy for me was the best spy movie I ever saw. Jason Bourne will win against any other Spy. I cried harder during Bridge to Terabithia than I did when Mufasa died. I think BtT would be my most favorite movie about death. The Joker wins it for me ^_^


Edmond Dantes
12-16-2009, 03:58 PM
Ghosts don't get tired.

12-17-2009, 10:25 AM
1). Jacob's Ladder
2). The Shawshank Redemption
3). Perfume: Story of a Murderer
4). Gattaca
5). Memento
6). The Machinist
7). Saw I
8). Equilibrium
9). Terminator 2
10). Crime Spree (I'm surprised that people called this movie unoriginal and stale when many liked Brotherhood of the Wolf. But, each to their own I guess...)

Yes, you can tell my movie preference quite easily.

Edmond Dantes
12-17-2009, 03:19 PM
i liked Saw 1. the others were just pretentious crapspackle.

12-17-2009, 05:49 PM
Simon, I now understand (ever so much more) why you are so awesome.


12-17-2009, 09:46 PM
1. Babe
I rarely say this to anyone, but I love you. Seriously. The second movie is almost just as good.

My list changes often, but this is my current list:


o1. Babe I & II
o2. Jurassic Park
o3. Bram Stoker's Dracula
o4. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Extended Versions)
o5. Hook
o6. Hidalgo
o7. Dark City
o8. Underworld Trilogy
o9. Sin City
1o. The Spiderwick Chronicles

Cartoons & Animated Movies

o1. Beauty and the Best
o2. Up
o3. The Little Mermaid
o4. The Brave Little Toaster
o5. We're Back!
o6. A Troll in Central Park
o7. Disney's Dinosaur
o8. The Land Before Time
o9. Aladdin
10. Arthur and the Minimoys (Not fully animated)

Edmond Dantes
12-17-2009, 09:53 PM
I'd like to add one more movie to my list. TAKEN, with Liam Neeson. holy crap, that was fucking epic.

12-17-2009, 10:23 PM
According to IMDb I've given 5 10s:

American Beauty,
LA Confidential,
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,
Requiem for a Dream,
The Shawshank Redemption.

There's a ton of 9s there too so a top 10 would be much more difficult to list, probably have 2001, A Scanner Darkly and Citizen Kane in it without wanting to think too much on it. If I'd to pick one as my all-time favourite though it'd probably be Requiem for a Dream.

I'd like to add one more movie to my list. TAKEN, with Liam Neeson. holy crap, that was fucking epic.

Man, it's not like you devalue language at all.

12-18-2009, 12:38 AM
i liked Saw 1. the others were just pretentious crapspackle.


12-18-2009, 03:28 AM
Every time I watched Titanic... at the end when the ship was sinking and you see that one passenger fall down, hit the propeller and then go flying off to the side...

I still keep hoping that this time I watch it'll be different and it'll be Leo doing the swanton...

But alas... no such luck..


My mom loves that movie, so needless to say I've seen it too many times than I really should have...once was more than enough.
Movies that I actually do enjoy with no particular order:
-The Fifth Element (my all time favorite)
-Bram Stoker's Dracula
-The Matrix (only the first one)
-Blood Diamond
-American History X
-Die Hard With a Vengance
-Live Free or Die Hard
-Ace Ventura When Nature Calls
-Animal House
-Blood and Chocolate
-The Lion King
-Finding Nemo

The Terminator
12-18-2009, 10:25 PM
Alright, I'll add in a few of my favorite movies I like watching. It's in no particular order:

Blade Runner (A cult classic that wasn't appreciated for years)
The Terminator (1&2)
District 9 (waiting for the DVD)
The Matrix (First one's my favorite)
A.I Artificial Intelligence (Another under appreciated film that's slowly gaining more appreciation)
The Mosquito Coast
Into The West (It wasn't really a movie, it was a short series exclusively aired in the summer of 05 for about 6 weeks on TNT, although it was really good)
Promises (Once again, it's not really a hollywood type movie it was more of a independent documentary/movie. It was done by B.Z Goldberg, Carlos Bolado and Justine Sharpiro, it was about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but it was told more from the eyes of the children who are faced with these conflicts and how it effects their lives and perception when they turn into adults. I saw Promises in a theatre back in Dec of 2002 ironically a few months before the Bush administration declared war on Iraq in March and started that whole ordeal)
Seraphim Falls
The Matador
The Big Lebowski
Batman (Both Burton's and Nolan's are great)
Fight Club
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
A River Runs Through It

I could probably list more but these were just some I could think of that I liked a lot.

12-21-2009, 04:46 AM
A Bittersweet Life
No Mercy for the Rude
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Joint Security Area
A Beautiful Mind
Fight Club
Memories of Murder

12-31-2009, 04:21 AM
Titanic is my favourit movie.

02-06-2010, 03:03 PM
Since I am bit crazy with all this Twilight saga thing then I really like New Moon it is what made me realized that I really love the whole series already