12-01-2009, 09:18 PM
I've been doing a lot of searching on here and haven't had much luck finding the two Digital Devil Saga soundtracks. Does anyone here happen to have it uploaded already/is willing to upload it for a million yummy cookies?

I'm a big Shoji Meguro fan, but those are two games I still haven't gotten around to..
more information here:

ugh I take that back, I found it here:
Thread 53982

thanks everyone :)

12-01-2009, 10:28 PM
Make sure you nab the DIGITAL DEVIL SAGA ~Avatar Tuner~ 1 & 2 Original Sound Track Integral since it has all of the tracks that are on the separate OSTs, except for the longer version of Pray, which should be on the JPN version of the DDS1 soundtrack.

12-01-2009, 11:42 PM
Actually I found it for sale on Play-Asia, so I went for that instead. Whenever possible, I'll purchase the album. It's only when something is out of print, ridiculously overpriced or for direct audio rips that include more than the soundtracks that I'll use the FFShrine uploads.

here's the link for anyone interested: