09-03-2002, 03:27 AM
I don't know about anyone else, but I was looking foward to Neverwinter Nights release, and when it came out I was quick to get it.....Only to find out that it sucks. The graphics are terrible, the game play is slow, and the world creator barely works. What do others think of this game?

09-03-2002, 05:06 AM
Gamezone.com gave it a 9.3.
IGN gave it a 9.0.
GamePen gave it a 5/5.
Gamespy gave it a 91/100.
GameSpot gave it a 9.2.

I haven't seen a single review yet that was under an 80%.


Now shoo.

09-03-2002, 05:45 AM
Your computer......................................

is slow like your mind.

I played the game a bit (with my fast computer that makes Quake 3 looks as smooth as Quaker Oats) and I enjoyed every bit of it. I even made a quest thingy where you have to get a Flaming Axe that is guarded by a Dragon and a few other monsters (Idea that I got from Extended Play). I like. ^_^

09-06-2002, 08:01 PM
i bought the game and at first my brothers pc was too slow to play it, so i installed it on my roommates pc, it runs great, im not to far into the game , still chapter one, just because i work to much to get hours into the game, but this isnt supposed to be like diablo, where u click as fast as you can, its based on dungeons and dragons rules so attacks are turned based and it is better that way. i have no complaints about the game except that i dont get enough time to play it!

Neo Xzhan
09-06-2002, 08:04 PM
I have the game and damn I love it. I also played all baldurs gates (with expansions) so am I abig fan of it. The best thing bout this game is the multiplayer. The 1st thing I and a friend did was when it was released: buy it and played it online for like 2 days straight. And I am still playing.

09-07-2002, 02:41 PM
Well, looks like I have been proved wrong. I did try it on another computer, and when it goes fast, it is quite fun. Thank you for your opinions:)