11-27-2009, 02:29 AM
- Nihon Falcom announced Ys vs Sora no Kiseki [Ys vs Legend of Heroes] for PSP, a four player fighting game featuring characters from the Ys and Sora no Kiseki series. The battles will be in 3/4 perspective of the late Ys games, and confirmed characters include Adol, Dogi and Olha from Ys VI; and Estel, Tita and Joshua from Sora no Kiseki.

I'm eagerly waiting for remixes of songs. ^^

Lord Brimstone
11-27-2009, 05:58 AM
Wow! That is interesting. While I don't know much about Falcom's Legend of Hero series, I do know a lot about the Ys series of games. I wonder if it will be like a good version of Dissidia: Final Fantasy?

Yeah, I went there.

And yes I can't wait to hear the music. If it's anything like Falcom's latest musical works, it should be quite awesome.

11-27-2009, 05:49 PM
Looks like every companies are going to ripoff Dissidia jaja, but at least the music of the game will be awesome

12-03-2009, 06:14 AM

I think battle system would be similar to Ys 7

and do oyu know that Ys Oath in Felghana will come out on PSP too?

12-03-2009, 01:59 PM
I need to play Oath in Felghana