11-25-2009, 12:29 AM
So there are games with songs from famous artists.
I was playing DOA2 Ultimate, and I heard Dream On by Aerosmith, and this got me to think...
Have you guys ever thought if there would be an arrange of a certain song in to a battle theme?
I mean, would it be awesome to hear your favorite song arranged into an awesome battle theme?
What do you guys think?

11-25-2009, 03:20 AM
It's interesting, but most of the songs that I like don't actually fit into a battle music theme. There are some good final boss songs for Sonic Adventure (Open Your Heart), Sonic Adventure 2 (Live and Learn), and Sonic Heroes (What I'm Made Of). As for American Artists... all I can think of is "All I Want" by Offspring from Crazy Taxi.