11-22-2009, 08:55 AM
So I've pre-ordered FFXIII at the GameTraders at my local shopping centre, and I'm REEALLY excited because it comes out in only like 2 months!

Has anyone else pre-ordered it? What are people looking forward to most?

11-22-2009, 03:06 PM
Seeing as how you mentioned GameTraders I presume you live here in Australia.

In which case either they're blatantly lying by stating it's due to be released, or you've put your money down on the Japanese version (GameTraders amongst other things deal in import games, including titles that will never see the light of day in Australia).

Nothing wrong with that of course, if you are fluent in Japanese. Because I am not, I am just going to wait another 6 months or so for the English language version.

EB here still has a 'December 2010' release date for the PAL release, which basically means 'we have no idea when it's going to be released.' Really, I'm just going to wait til the release date for the PAL version is finalized before putting any money down on FFXIII.

11-23-2009, 02:00 PM
really? i was told like mid-January 2010... T.T

11-23-2009, 05:17 PM
It's not even mid-January for Region 1...

11-24-2009, 05:05 AM
wait have I missed something? What about the big announcement that it comes out on the 9th of march for both region 1 and 2.And the jap release is December.

black scorpion0007
11-24-2009, 10:57 PM
Yeah, I'm pre-ordered it for the PS3. I'm really looking forward to play this game. Lot of hype and talk about this particular ff, I can't wait.

Darth Revan
11-25-2009, 04:08 AM
Yeah, I'm pre-ordered it for the PS3. I'm really looking forward to play this game. Lot of hype and talk about this particular ff, I can't wait.

That could be either a good thing or a bad thing. Good: If it does indeed stand up with the hype. Bad: It sinks faster than the Titanic if it doesn't stand up to the hype.

Personally speaking, I'm not looking forward to FFXIII. From what I've seen/read of it, it doesn't seem appealing to me. However, I 'may' still get it... depending on if I've been lobotomized or not by the time it comes out.

The Terminator
11-25-2009, 08:28 AM
I usually give any game some time before I consider buying it. Although I have been kind of waiting on FFXIII to decide whether PS3 would be worth to buy, personally I'm not as hyped about games as I used to be. I barely got the Wii a couple months ago and its been out for 3 years. I don't care for 360 too much, instead I have a PC Vista Gamer and XP Pro Gamer that can handle pretty much any game out there since most games are multi-platform with 360, PS3 and PC, with the exception of some titles. I might make an exception with FFXIII, personally I try to keep neutral for any sort of new release.

11-25-2009, 05:42 PM
I pre-ordered this game out of curiosity. The gameplay looks apealling enough but Square have not shown lately the storytelling prowess they once had. I just hope its not an expensive mistake.

11-25-2009, 09:19 PM
I pre-ordered this game out of curiosity. The gameplay looks apealling enough but Square have not shown lately the storytelling prowess they once had. I just hope its not an expensive mistake.

^^= idiot??

11-25-2009, 09:38 PM
dammit so i'm going to have to wait EVEN LONGER!!! I've been waiting like 5 fucking years already!! get it together S-E!!

11-25-2009, 11:03 PM
dammit so i'm going to have to wait EVEN LONGER!!! I've been waiting like 5 fucking years already!! get it together S-E!!
i hear ya!!!