11-22-2009, 03:15 AM
This is the most amazing flash animation i have come across in my life.
SO full of emotion, and the score is just... i can't describe it.
If you can watch this and not shed a tear, you have no soul.

The reason for posting this is that the soundtrack being ONE track, is just SOOO DAMNN beautiful, and i NEED it.
(Composed by BU HUA herself or so i'm told)

I downloaded the SWF and extracted the audio, but it's 16kbps...
FUCK... i NEED this in 128kbps or higher, it's just unbelievable, and i won't stop my search until i have it xD

Sorry i'm not in the requests section, but this isn't your typical request, plus i wanted to share this flash with you all ^ perhaps it will motivate enough people to find a way to obtain a higher quality version of this piece of music.

I've e-mailed her, but the flash was in 2002? Her email was at the beggining of the flash, and she isn't english xD so eh, not so keen on my chances of obtaining what i want.

Her e-mail address is
[email protected]

(I've already e-mailed her in english, asking for help in obtaining this music.)

HELP x_x

11-25-2009, 01:21 AM
Knew i'd never have any help with getting this music D;

11-25-2009, 04:01 AM
you emailed the webmaster?
try asking on a proper soundtrack forum as well like streamingsountracks or cinemusic or where your more likely to get a suggestion of what it might be.

11-25-2009, 07:57 AM
The music is composed by the FLASH ANIMATOR...
so only she would know how to get this music at a better rate, coz it's HERS...
Asian at least... and i dunno how the hell im meant to go about this, im not gonna find any info about the flash movie either really xD
Just ahhhhh... if only i could get in contact with her

11-25-2009, 10:39 AM
she only made 1 video since that? her name brings noting in google?

11-25-2009, 06:15 PM
ermm, i only know of this one video, and all the sites i go to that DID ever contain information on her flash movies, doesn't really help.
I may've come across a site once that's had some of her flashes MAYBE... i dont remember, but if so, i know it was a foreign site, and i know that all sites i've ever been to haven't provided me with any help

05-01-2011, 11:12 AM
Hi Lucidolph, I just saw some of her art at the White Rabbit Gallery in Sydney, I tried to see some of her animations and arrived at your post here.

I watched cat and the last frame of this flash (the one straight after the "the end") states in Chinese "音乐来自 影片: 末代皇帝" which translates as "music from the movie: the last emperor"

enjoy :)

05-01-2011, 04:40 PM
I happen to have watched that flash, and I can tell you the music is at least adapted, if not wholly taken, from the movie "the Last Emperor", track title "where is armo" and composed by Ryuichi Sakamoto (坂本龍一). Armo is the Chinese pronunciation for a word referring to a woman employed to live with a child and take care of almost everything of the child's daily life, common in feudal times. Naturally the child develops a strong bond with the woman and would surely be anxious, nervous, sad and scared when he can't find her anywhere. This specific track describes the last emperor, still a child, alone and lonely in the Forbidden City, deeply involved in power struggles and pushed to face the darkside of the world at too early an age, couldn't find his Armo, the person in the whole world who was probably the best and the most important to him. Then probably you get to know why the music is so touching and fits the story in the flash so well.