11-21-2009, 11:37 PM
this is pretty simple.

i am totally obsessed with raising sims, date sims, and most visual novels. so, i have a huge collection of music, and drama cds from them, and their anime spin-offs.

what i am going to do is start listing them. i am not sure what order i will do this in, or which ones i will list or ignore. but, it seems like a project that will help me organize my own collection better.

to start, i am going to list three cds from one of my all time favorite series of raising sims. and i will continue from there at odd/random intervals.
i will always list the highest quality mp3 i have. if i do not list an mp3 that is at least 256kbps, it means i do not have immediate access to the original source as i have relied on the old mp3 from ages past.

pass: koala seat

プリンセスメーカー [princess maker]

|128kbps mp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IV994Z9R)|

プリンセスメーカー2 [princess maker 2]

|160kbps mp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QY6QNQWX)|

プリンセスメーカー ~ゆめみる妖精~ サントラcd [princess maker 3 faery tales come true]

|128kbps mp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0QH3IS51)|

i will add others below as time goes on.

first add on:
pass : olive

硝子鏡の夢 [PS2 プリンセスメーカー4 OP]

princess maker 4 playstation 2 op

|320kbps mp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=137RWJZA)|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BCF99DEZ)|

second add on:
pass : setsuna

「水仙ost」 narcissu ost

this is by far one of the best kinetic visual novels i have played. and, it is well worth taking time to play.
wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissu)

english translation (http://anonym.to/?http://narcissu.insani.org/)|日本語 (http://anonym.to/?http://stage-nana.sakura.ne.jp/)

|320kbps mp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V7QJUQVZ)|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WIBAUDXK)|

third add on:
pass : setsumi

「水仙2」 narcissu side 2nd ost

|320kbps mp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EL53EXNK)|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5RNE8SP5)|

「水仙2ドラマCD」 narcissu side 2nd drama cd

|320kbps mp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=68RAK7W1)|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GARUR8A0)|

fourth add on:
neko2soft - neko2sound collection disc 1-10 + omake : complete
pass : nekosoft

「ねこサウンドコレクション」 (flac)
vocal songs part a

neko sound collection disc 1 of 10

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QVSOOB8K)|
|320kbps mp3 request (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MUI28ZLX)|

in 2006 ねこねこソフト (nekoneko soft), makers of ラムネ (lamune), and many more, released a 10 disc set covering their major works.
i will only be doing these in flac. or not
please, do not repost.

01 ジングル
02 みずいろ
03 スカーレット
04 smile
05 銀色
06 こころのゆくさき
07 忘れ物、見つけた
08 砂銀
09 砂の城 -the castle of sand-
10 想い -風に舞うしるべ-
11 desert - duo
12 朱
13 なんてね76's
14 夕凪
15 ラムネ
16 ふたり[ラムネ79's]
17 escarlata
18 loose
19 ラムネ81's -new ver.-
total disc length 78:59

「ねこサウンドコレクション」 (flac)
vocal songs part b

neko sound collection disc 2 of 10

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6OL8V452)|
|320kbps mp3 request (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=505BBERC)|

please, do not repost.

01 120円の春
02 120円の夏
03 120円の秋
04 120円の冬
05 サナララ~花咲く月曜日~
06 春風
07 mah-jong
08 white ~dream like story~
09 夏はマシンガン
10 ひよりん☆音頭
11 冬もマシンガン
12 冬の日
13 シグナルブルー
14 降る雪
15 砂のモチーフ
16 がんばれひよりん
17 いっしょに
18 遠くへ�
19 ラムネ -strings arrange-
20 face of fact -feel arrange ver.-
21 たたかえブルー
total disc length 78:23

「ねこサウンドコレクション」 (flac)
white & 120yen stories

neko sound collection disc 3 of 10

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KG1LAQK3)|
|320kbps mp3 request (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LQYTHJTY)|

please, do not repost.

01 ノエル
02 星空
03 120円の冬
04 pop'n3
05 120円の夏
06 昼下がり
07 葉月
08 サクラ
09 120円の冬 -org ver.-
10 white02
11 white03
12 white04
13 white05
14 white06
15 white07
16 white08
17 white09
18 white10:op
19 white11
20 white12
21 white13
22 white14
23 white15
24 white16
25 white17
26 white19
27 120円の冬 -aco mix ver.-
28 120円の春 -org ver.-
29 未使用 120円春より
30 120円の冬 -arrange ver.-
total disc length 70:57

「ねこサウンドコレクション」 (flac) & (320mp3)

neko sound collection disc 4 of 10

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5L2WT1PR)|
|320kbps mp3 request (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6KOUJOOM)|

please, do not repost.

01 先人はかく語りき ver.2
02 石切
03 断章
04 月下
05 蛍揺れて
06 彼の地へ
07 つかぬまのアンチ・テーゼ
08 先人はかく語りき
09 たどりつくさき
10 悲しくも儚き愛
11 貴方を信じた2つの理由
12 こと花どもにのみ露枯れたる
13 散歩道
14 語り部
15 はかない恋
16 つかぬまのアンチ・テーゼ[s]
17 夕化粧
18 小さな花
19 夕日に重なる影
20 ~星の花束~
21 of one's pure
22 last passenger
23 こころのゆくさき -org ver.-
24 ミツカラナイ
25 忘れ物、見つけた
26 銀色
27 よく晴れた昼下がり
28 跳ね月
29 終章
30 未使用曲
31 こと花どもにのみ露枯れたる -arrange ver.-
32 約束
33 ~星の花束~ -arrange ver.-
total disc length 75:10

「ねこサウンドコレクション」 (flac)

neko sound collection disc 5 of 10

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=77CP030X)|
|320kbps mp3 request (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OD5P3G4T)|

please, do not repost.

01 みずいろ -inst ver.-
02 シグナルブルー
03 遠くへ
04 あの日へ
05 水溜まりに映る空
06 スカーレット
07 雨やどり
08 くもりのち晴れ
09 みずいろ -org ver.-
10 坂道と交差点
11 あの海へと続く道
12 じゃあね
13 水色
14 ごめんね
15 凍氷
16 降る雪
17 いっしょに
18 pure pain
19 ピアノの時間
20 happy・happy
21 sweet・sweet
22 たからもの
23 ひより
24 鳴る高架線
25 色なき視線
26 smile -inst ver.-
27 いっしょに -aco ver.-
28 ごめんね -雪希 ver.-

total disc length 79:08

「ねこサウンドコレクション」 (flac)

neko sound collection disc 6 of 10

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7QDKP1MD)|
|320kbps mp3 request (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TKHNJU2L)|

please, do not repost.

01 introduction
02 港町 sen
03 射す月
04 scarlet ii
05 古城
06 朱 -inst ver.-
07 守護者
08 jericbo
09 hfaz
10 石畳の街
11 灼けた日差し
12 mazur
13 砂銀 -inst ver.-
14 想い
15 揺れる陽炎
16 闇夜
17 チュチュのテーマ
18 滲む空
19 眷属
20 沈む日
21 未使用曲
22 未使用曲
23 砂地越えて
24 西へ
25 水鏡
26 遙か
27 そこに在るもの
28 遠い日の証
29 追憶
30 終章

total disc length 76:05

「ねこサウンドコレクション」 (flac)

neko sound collection disc 7 of 10

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8FJ0XF1B)|
|320kbps mp3 request (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CTQP95IV)|

please, do not repost.

01 なんてね76's -inst ver.-
02 ラムネ82's
03 スイカ90's
04 スイカ85's
05 夏空86's
06 夏空90's
07 夏空79's
08 ラムネ85's ~七海のテーマ~
09 渚83's
10 なんてね76's -orgel-
11 ラムネ81's
12 スイカ66's
13 夏空89's
14 星空79's
15 渚77's
16 渚75's
17 渚82's
18 渚85's
19 夏空88's mix
20 スイカ86's
21 花火87's
22 スイカ82's
23 星空75's
24 夜空87's
25 スピカ90's
26 ラムネ79's
27 夜空88's
28 夕凪 -inst ver.-
29 星空80's
30 半夏生78's
31 スピカ95's
32 ひまわり83's
33 ラムネ81's -new ver.-

total disc length 78:56

「ねこサウンドコレクション」 (flac)

neko sound collection disc 8 of 10

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GXLQ20TK)|
|320kbps mp3 request (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=22LWRFZC)|

please, do not repost.

01 春風
02 追い風
03 陽気
04 通り雨
05 スカーレット2004
06 浮き足
07 昼下がり
08 思い出して
09 5月の空
10 手をつないで
11 葉桜
12 春風 -org ver.-
13 寝息
14 夜光
15 春風 -aco ver.-
16 春の終わり
17 5月の空 -arrange-
18 渚74's
19 星空70's
20 夜空75's
21 ラムネ88's
22 雨空85's
23 半夏生93's
24 ラムネ85'sⅡ
25 未使用
26 なんてね76's -orgel2-
27 星空90's
28 スピカ88's -full ver.-
29 オクラホマミキサー
30 ひまわり84's
31 ひまわり81's
32 ラムネ -org ver.-
33 マハラジャ列車

total disc length 77:23

「ねこサウンドコレクション」 (flac)

neko sound collection disc 9 of 10

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8WGAK0TK)|
|320kbps mp3 request (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L4547F28)|

please, do not repost.

01 -united states 70's-
02 prelude
03 secret information
04 sprit of okinawa
05 snow of summer
06 va kryptos ver.2
07 va kryptos
08 clearwater
09 good evening
10 on the ocean
11 surface
12 feeling of strain
13 before dawn
14 The theme of ''shizuka''
15 scarlett 2006
16 clouded sky
17 southampton 80's
18 strange
19 settle down for a while!
20 fake&genuine article
21 usually
22 already settled down...
23 recollections
24 rainy weather
25 poplar trees
26 57 streets
27 twilight
28 shoreline
29 remind
30 fades

total disc length 76:44

「ねこサウンドコレクション」 (flac)

neko sound collection disc 10 of 10

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=P9MPCGKL)|
|320kbps mp3 request (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q7RTXZO1)|

please, do not repost.

01 mah-jong -oke-
02 desert - duo -lala-
03 砂銀 -piano-
04 砂の城 -the castle of sand- -oke-
05 ラムネ -inst ver.-
06 120円の春 -sakura-
07 120円の夏 -oke-
08 loose -oke-
09 サナララ~花咲く月曜日~ -inst ver.-
10 夏はマシンガン -oke-
11 スカーレット -ex ver.-
12 [有]ソルジャーブルー
13 結花のテーマ
14 しょんぼりブルー
15 天下布武
16 野望のテーマ
17 おまけガラス1
18 おまけガラス2
19 闇から出でしモノ -ジョンスターのテーマ-
20 未使用 scarlettより
21 secret information -arrange ver.-
22 remind -arrange ver.-
23 narcissu~セツミのテーマ~

total disc length 76:55

「ねこサウンドコレクション」 (flac)

neko sound collection omake

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TR7H17N0)|
|320kbps mp3 request (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U8KL6YPA)|

please, do not repost.

fifth add on:
pass : cotton

コットンサウンドトラックcd 「ナツメグ&レコンキスタ」

cotton soundtrack cd "natsumegu & reconquista"

disc a
|320kbps mp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=65J0I0HH)|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KL9P4S0C)|

disc b
|320kbps mp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VOLNWAS8)|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJ2IBOQ7)|

sixth add on:
pass : cotton

ナツメグ初回特典cd『cotton 100%』

disc a |flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0G5LORSW)|

disc b |flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T6X0C4K2)|

seventh add on:
pass : shiori

time to start with what i have from tokimemo.
i will not be following any particular order.

ときめきメモリアル オリジナル・ゲーム・サントラ プレイステーション版

tokimeki memorial forever with you soundtrack

disc a |flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DF3F8G30)|

disc b |flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HEZLWVU5)|

彩のラブソング オリジナルサウンドトラック

tokimeki memorial drama series vol. 2: colorful love song

|320kbpsmp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XVPEZSSG)|


tokimeki memorial drama series vol. 3: poem of departure

|320kbpsmp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B7TPTRH8)|


tokimeki memorial girls side ost
(i do not like this)

|320kbpsmp3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D2KR4IYZ)|



tokimeki memorial piano collection

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=K8UQ9WDD)|



tokimeki memorial piano collection 2

|flac (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GTHXR297)|


11-23-2009, 01:45 AM
add in
PS2 プリンセスメーカー4 OP

pass: olive

11-25-2009, 02:06 AM
add in
「水仙ost」 narcissu ost

pass: setsuna

11-25-2009, 09:11 AM
add in 「水仙2」 narcissu side 2nd ost & 「水仙2ドラマCD」 narcissu side 2nd drama cd

pass : setsumi

El Bastardo
11-25-2009, 10:36 AM
Cool I know these games but never tried them out.

Curious how the music is though.

Thanks for that!!

11-26-2009, 03:30 AM
add in 「ねこサウンドコレクション」~1

11-26-2009, 07:21 PM
Cool! now i saw this.
too bad therearent much people talking here

thanks for these

11-26-2009, 08:11 PM

11-26-2009, 10:35 PM
add in 「ねこサウンドコレクション」~2

Cool! now i saw this.
too bad therearent much people talking here

thanks for these

no problem.
i did notice people not talking much. i have never understood why, but out side of japan, visual novels are not very popular. i did assume people do not talk much for not knowing what is, or if do know what is, is not interested as much as i am.
but people download them, so i not mind much.

appology about the flac. i know many here do not like flac, but when i put a master cd away, it is store to be safe. so the archive copy is in flac. only if it is on my ipod also is it in mp3.

11-28-2009, 02:16 AM
add in 「ねこサウンドコレクション」~3

11-28-2009, 02:38 AM
I like nekoneko soft very much!!
The most game in which I like is silver colors.
The chapter 3 make me feel emotional and fascinated.
Can you upload its sountrack box 1-10 with mp3 files?

11-28-2009, 03:56 AM
I like nekoneko soft very much!!
The most game in which I like is silver colors.
The chapter 3 make me feel emotional and fascinated.
Can you upload its sountrack box 1-10 with mp3 files?

do you mean : 銀色 (giniro) ? |here (http://vndb.org/v915)|

if it is, it is disc 4.

11-29-2009, 12:09 AM
add in 「ねこサウンドコレクション」~4

also have made a 320kbps cbr version for gubixla

11-29-2009, 05:06 AM
add in 「ねこサウンドコレクション」~4

also have made a 320kbps cbr version for gubixla

Yes, it is.
giniro 銀色.
Thanks for your uploading ^^

11-29-2009, 10:45 PM
add in 「ねこサウンドコレクション」~5

12-01-2009, 12:58 AM
add in 「ねこサウンドコレクション」~6

12-01-2009, 07:14 AM
Wow, thank you very much for uploading Neko Sound Collection from 1-6
I have been searching it for a longtime ^^
Now what's left are 7-10
and if you don't mind could you upload the mp3 version too from 1-10
Thanks before

12-01-2009, 11:36 PM
Wow, thank you very much for uploading Neko Sound Collection from 1-6
I have been searching it for a longtime ^^
Now what's left are 7-10
and if you don't mind could you upload the mp3 version too from 1-10
Thanks before

it might be a while as i never intended to do mp3 of all. i will need to convert, and re-tag, and embed the images again.

12-04-2009, 07:13 AM
add in 「ねこサウンドコレクション」~7

apology, i had isp issues and was delayed.

12-04-2009, 07:28 AM
ayanokoji, thank you for princess maker (I-III) and narcissu (I, II, drama)

12-05-2009, 01:17 AM
add in 「ねこサウンドコレクション」~8

ayanokoji, thank you for princess maker (I-III) and narcissu (I, II, drama)

happy to do it. 水仙 i listen to a lot still.

12-05-2009, 01:29 AM
By any Chance, coul you upload NEKO SOUND COLLECTION in mp3?

12-05-2009, 02:42 AM
By any Chance, coul you upload NEKO SOUND COLLECTION in mp3?

i will get to it after i finish with them in flac.

i intend to keep bugging you about 'call me tonight' as well.

12-05-2009, 07:27 AM
somehow i just decided to push through and finish this, and post those mp3 for you.
pass is still : nekosoft

disc : |1 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MUI28ZLX)|2 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=505BBERC)|3 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LQYTHJTY)|4 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6KOUJOOM)|5 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OD5P3G4T)|6 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TKHNJU2L)|7 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CTQP95IV)|8 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=22LWRFZC)|9 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L4547F28)|10 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q7RTXZO1)

12-05-2009, 03:14 PM
i will get to it after i finish with them in flac.

i intend to keep bugging you about 'call me tonight' as well.

Do not worry about call me tonight EP.
I just id not have time and money to send to the proper helper for mp3.
Christmas kills everything XD specially MONEY. XD

12-06-2009, 12:15 AM
add in 「ねこサウンドコレクション」~omake

12-07-2009, 03:19 AM
add in コットンサウンドトラックcd 「ナツメグ&レコンキスタ」

12-08-2009, 08:25 PM
add in ナツメグ初回特典cd『cotton 100%』

12-11-2009, 08:17 AM
add ときめきメモリアル オリジナル・ゲーム・サントラ プレイステーション版 disc 1 & 2

12-12-2009, 12:53 AM
add : ときめきメモリアルドラマシリーズvol.3「旅立ちの詩」オリジナル・ゲーム・サウンドトラ ック

12-12-2009, 06:16 AM
Nice, Tokimemo is awesome! Plus, I don't have much instrumental stuff from it.

Do you have any of the vocal collections? Specifically, 1, 3 and 5 (from the original series)? I've been looking for those forever~

12-14-2009, 12:36 AM
add : 心跳回忆女生版游戏音乐

12-16-2009, 02:33 AM
add : 心跳回忆之钢琴曲选

12-17-2009, 10:58 PM
add : 心跳回忆之钢琴曲选二

02-07-2010, 05:03 AM
Thanks for the Narcissu soundtracks, I enjoyed them immensely. The music was one of several reasons that kept me going back to the VN.

02-07-2010, 09:30 AM

also, forgive me for fall behind on this.
i have been busy with another project.

10-23-2010, 11:22 AM
Any chance of School Days, Summer Days, & Cross Days being added in flac?
I cannot find them at all.

03-08-2011, 01:19 AM
MAJORLY requesting Tokimeki Memorial 4 Character Single BOX

03-15-2012, 03:42 AM
Please re-upload all of them. MU is gone T_T