11-21-2009, 01:38 AM
I noticed that some people requested a rip for New SMB Wii that splits up the multi-channel tracks like the Main Menu and the various Yoshi drums.

Well, it's-a go time!

-Splashman Music Rips-

Game Info

Game Title: New SUPER MARIO BROS. Wii
Game Series: Super Mario
Platform: Wii
Release date: 2009
Composers: Shiho Fujii, Ryo Nagamatsu
================================================== ====

Track List


01 - Wii Channel
02 - Title Theme
03 - Main Menu
04 - Opening
05 - World 1 Map - Fields
06 - Overworld BGM
07 - Course Clear
08 - World 2 Map - Desert
09 - Desert BGM
10 - World 3 Map - Snow
11 - Snow BGM
12 - Ghost House BGM
13 - World 4 Map - Sea
14 - Beach BGM
15 - Swimming BGM
16 - Tower BGM
17 - Tower Boss
18 - Tower Boss Clear
19 - Princess Peach's Castle
20 - Mini-Game BGM
21 - Mini-Game Lose
22 - Mini-Game Win
23 - Battle BGM
24 - World 5 Map - Forest
25 - Forest BGM
26 - World 6 Map - Cliff
27 - Underground BGM
28 - World 7 Map - Sky
29 - Athletic BGM
30 - Invicible BGM
31 - P-Switch
32 - Course Clear Classic
33 - World 8 Map - Bowser's Realm
34 - Volcano BGM
35 - Volcano Underground BGM
36 - Miss
37 - Multiplayer Miss
38 - Multiplayer Miss - All bubbled up...
39 - Game Over
40 - Airship BGM
41 - Airship Boss - Bowser Jr.
42 - Airship Clear
43 - Bowser's Castle emerges
44 - Castle BGM
45 - Castle Boss
46 - Castle Boss Clear
47 - Castle Ambience
48 - Final Boss - Bowser
49 - Princess Peach is...
50 - Real Final Boss - Giant Bowser
51 - Final Boss Clear
52 - Princess Peach is rescued!
53 - Ending
54 - Staff Roll
55 - Star Coin Clear
56 - World 9 Map - Rainbow
57 - Coin Heaven BGM
58 - Cheap Fanfare
59 - Fanfare
60 - Multiplayer Fail
61 - Multiplayer Results
62 - All Star Coin clear
63 - Got all 5 Stars! Game Complete!

================================================== ====

Rip infos

Rip type: Wii BRSTM file rip
Rip date: November 2009
MP3 format: LAME MP3 VBR
Ripped by: Splashman
ID3 tags: Splashman
Copyright: Nintendo Co.,Ltd.
================================================== ====

Here's the deal, for every multi-channel track I mixed the first loop without the extra channels, and the second one being complete. IMHO this creates a much better listening experience than just splitting them up into separate files. I did the same thing with a few other tracks, like putting the Airship ambiance right before the main Airship BGM.
Frankly, I didn't want to bother with the Hurry up tracks, as they don't serve much purpose outside the game. Without them, the soundtrack even manages to achieve a length of 1:19:12. Fits snuggly on a CD that way. If you really want the hurry up tracks, you know where to get them.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/j2nujziygjl/NSMBWii-Soundtrack.rar

Sorry, I messed up the Playlist file in my upload. Fixed (http://www.mediafire.com/file/jnnd2dmuwzd/00 - New SUPER MARIO BROS. Wii.m3u)
Edit: Apparently Track 6 is broken too?... I'm not gonna upload the whole thing again for fixing one track, so here's the single file (http://www.mediafire.com/file/lgzmnnuydcz/06 - Overworld BGM.mp3).


Infernus Animositas
11-21-2009, 01:59 AM
Thanks for the rip man. Really appreciate it.

Caper the Fox
11-21-2009, 03:04 AM
thank you for the upload

11-22-2009, 09:09 PM
Sorry to tell you, but the main overworld theme (track 6) doesn't work. I checked the file and it says that is zero kb. can you fix this please?

11-23-2009, 12:56 AM

11-24-2009, 12:52 PM
Thanks, that's a considerable rip indeed! A worth collection.

11-25-2009, 05:06 PM
Thanks, the album I downloaded before did not have a single level track.

11-25-2009, 05:26 PM
Sorry to tell you, but the main overworld theme (track 6) doesn't work. I checked the file and it says that is zero kb. can you fix this please?

Certainly, here you go (http://www.mediafire.com/file/lgzmnnuydcz/06 - Overworld BGM.mp3).

11-27-2009, 02:45 PM
Thanks Splashman, I'm taking it now to see how good it is.
Thanks for taking the time to rip it.

12-01-2009, 05:30 PM
Hi, I know I'm new here, but I'm looking for the sound effects that play when you get down to zero lives and get a new credit/5 more lives, especially the one for the yellow toad. Can anyone help me? Thanks for the soundtrack rip, even though it doesn't have these...

12-02-2009, 03:32 PM
Thanks for this

12-03-2009, 03:28 AM
Awesome. Nice rip man!

12-11-2009, 07:38 PM
Can you upload as a zip file please?

12-12-2009, 12:41 AM
thanks I havnt listened to this music yet

edit: wow this OST is more epically amazing than I thought it'd be geez o_o

12-12-2009, 07:29 PM
Awesome. I love the main castle theme for this game. I really gives an epic feel to the level.

12-12-2009, 10:03 PM
The final boss clear theme is the same as all of the other final boss clear themes in the series and now they added a drum roll at the beginning. Amazing!

12-31-2009, 01:54 PM
nice work mate cheers


12-31-2009, 04:37 PM
I'm trying to get the voices of all the koopalings.. I need to get these sounds extracted from the .brsar. I used the new version of BrawlBox and extracted the voice files of each boss. When I extracted them...it would only let me export them as a raw data file. I am not kidding....these files have NO extension. I've tried putting them into my sound forge but it comes through as raw noise. It's not just static....i hear some sort of mixture of mario sounds within the static. needless to say...HELP! what do I do? I need to get these to extract as something I can use

Edmond Dantes
12-31-2009, 04:39 PM
i played the game over Christmas break on my brother's Wii. holy crap, what a wild game. it seemed harder then the original. i kept getting killed like 1 minute into it for a bit. got to the 3rd board on the first world, and tried to save, but the damn Wii wouldn't let me. great soundtrack. love it, even though i've only heard the first world's music.... and i'm willing to bet that the music is the same for almost every level. thanks for this.

01-03-2010, 05:46 PM
You misspelled Invincible

01-08-2010, 11:54 AM
There are a couple of songs I'm looking for that weren't in this download. Both are just a few seconds long, and I haven't found them in any of the other NSMB Wii topics either, so maybe someone could help rip them for me.

1) Hurry Up! (100 seconds left theme)
2) Power-Up Panels Failure (This song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJrGNc029qU))

01-08-2010, 07:38 PM
Can someone point me to a rip without the yoshi drums added in?

06-04-2010, 06:34 PM
Thanks a lot for this.

07-23-2010, 05:02 PM
Thanks a lot for this. At first I was going to download the other one, but I don't really need the hurry-up versions, and it's nice to have the extra channels added in for only one of the loops, so this is really convenient for me.

The Ultimate Koopa
07-30-2010, 04:19 PM
This is awesome. Excellent quality, and I like how you made the multiple channel ones run into each other smoothly. Most people would probably not make it smooth, like make them just suddenly start randomly with maybe some click sound where the sounds weren't joined together correctly (if you get what I mean). Or would probably have the first part (for example without yoshi drums) fade out then the next part would start, so yeah.

08-17-2010, 02:46 AM
Thanks a lot

12-31-2010, 10:58 PM
Thanks this is the best rip I have found!

02-12-2011, 05:21 AM
I finally got this game about 2 weeks ago and OMG the music is amazing, so I came rushing here to see if rips are still alive and my gosh, thanks mate. I'm induloging to my hearts content with this rip!!!