11-19-2009, 10:40 PM
Please sticky this.

This thread will provide safe shopping to people wanting to buy legit and real VGM and Anime CD's. Blacklist means these sellers 100% sell bootleg / illegal CD's that don't contribute to the composers. Unconfirmed sellers will remain with caution until proven guilty / innocent. If you list a place / seller who is not legit please provide some evidence to indicate they are selling VGM & Anime CD's with bootleg record labels / Covers. On that note, the list will be updated.

Please use this site as a reference before buying any CD's.

A good indication is the record label marked on the CD covers. Ones highlighted red are illegal companies leeching off copyright. I appreciate its cool to downloads but not pay for bootlegs. When we buy CD's it's good to know it was real and supported the artists.

AVOID any cd with the following marked on the CD covers. They are 100% illegal and bootleg.
Alion Records
SonMay Records
Son May serials are (from the collection I have):A8, A&G, AnG, GA, GAME, GGG, GM, SM, SMG, (TCD)

K-O Records
Miya Records
Ever Anime

cat-chop ( [via ebay]
champ_des_pins ( [via ebay]
play-asia (

Alex McLaren
------------ / [via ebay] ( ( / urgana / Chris Soundtrack Corner[via ebay] (

anime cast ( [via ebay]
jpngoods888 ( [via ebay]
totalgamesandtoys ( [via ebay]
iddcc [via ebay]



More information to protect your money

Be sure to check the following websites before buying on ebay: ( (

Here's a few examples to prove they sell bootlegs.

Here are two official covers for the Dragon Quest in Concert albums

Now here's the one from animecast

Notice the lacking in catalog number and official markings on the anime cast version, the obi is also not right.

Also, here's Onimusha 2 Orchestra Album ~Taro Iwasiro Selection~ from animecast

You can make out the catalog number on the obi as ALCA. ALCA is the catalog number used for a known bootleg company called Alion International Records Co. Ltd. (

Here's the official Obi from this release.

The ALCA version is missing the capcom logo and proper catalog number.

11-19-2009, 10:55 PM
I will sticky this thread, as i don't like to see people buying bootlegs and getting ripped off.

I've bought them without knowing in the past and learned from my mistakes, so hopefully this thread will help others avoid the same upset.

Always look for official catalog numbers and logo's when buying soundtracks, if you don't see them, ask the seller for a catalog number before buying.

totalgamesandtoys sell bootlegs too.

11-19-2009, 11:00 PM
totalgamesandtoys sell bootlegs too.

can you provide evidence? i will move them to blacklist if there's supporting evidence they sell false record label releases.

11-19-2009, 11:13 PM
totalgamesandtoys image

Bootleg release (

Official release (

champ_des_pins is ok, it sells official releases, just expensive.

11-19-2009, 11:34 PM
thing about totalgamesandtoys is they have their phone number and address stated on the very listing page of all their auctions. it may be a case of them using a random image from google and assuming its ok. their prices aren't dirt cheap so its plausible. is there anything else to go on? i hope your not frustrated.

11-19-2009, 11:45 PM
I asked them for a catalog number for a soundtrack before and they never got back to me.

Plus, all the images they provide are lacking any official logo's, catalog numbers and are sometimes wrong, it would be far easier to acquire an official cover than the bootleg ones using google.

11-19-2009, 11:48 PM
I asked them for a catalog number for a soundtrack before and they never got back to me.

Plus, all the images they provide are lacking any official logo's, catalog numbers and are sometimes wrong, it would be far easier to acquire an official cover than the bootleg ones using google.

i agree. all auctions should be using a real photo or official imagery. it does seem odd they are open with their contact details, even if it is potentially bootleg CD's.

11-21-2009, 05:26 AM
As a side note, if you ever ask someone from eBay to provide you with a catalogue number and they say they can't, for ANY reason, they're selling bootlegs.

I've had this happen a few times. I was trying to buy an older Sonic the Hedgehog album (Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax, to be exact) and the picture used for the description was off. So I asked the seller about providing a catalogue number for proof, and he said, "Sorry, I'm not allowed to open any of the merchandise." I bought it since it was dirt cheap, and sure enough, it was a bootleg from K-O Records. (Crazy enough, I managed to get my money back.) I also added the bootleg to VGMdb to make sure it was known.

11-21-2009, 02:01 PM
As a side note, if you ever ask someone from eBay to provide you with a catalogue number and they say they can't, for ANY reason, they're selling bootlegs.

I've had this happen a few times. I was trying to buy an older Sonic the Hedgehog album (Complete Trinity: Sonic Heroes Original Soundtrax, to be exact) and the picture used for the description was off. So I asked the seller about providing a catalogue number for proof, and he said, "Sorry, I'm not allowed to open any of the merchandise." I bought it since it was dirt cheap, and sure enough, it was a bootleg from K-O Records. (Crazy enough, I managed to get my money back.) I also added the bootleg to VGMdb to make sure it was known.

thank you for help exposing this. can you provide the name of the ebay seller?
so others won't be scammed like you were.

11-22-2009, 05:19 AM
I'm pretty certain it was animecast, which is already listed.

Evil Eivind
11-26-2009, 02:54 AM
I've just bought a couple of CDs from totalgamesandtoys on eBay, but not yet paid for them. Are you sure they're selling bootlegs? Or is this just presumed as they use stock images and don't list catalogue numbers? The CDs are suspiciously cheap, but they don't have any eBay comments suggesting they're selling bootlegs.

Definitely hoping they're not bootlegs...

11-26-2009, 03:03 AM
Can't say for sure that they sell bootlegs, but all evidence points to it. There has been quite a few comments removed, i'm guessing they were from angry buyers.

I hope you didn't spend too much.

Evil Eivind
11-26-2009, 03:12 AM
I haven't actually paid for the CDs yet, and I haven't received an official receipt from them yet either, as eBay sellers tend to send. I'm guessing I can either refrain from buying unless they sart naging, ir try to get the bids cancelled.

Doing some googling, I found this ( and this ( The latter seems to confirm that they're selling bootlegs.

Which is a real shame, as I was so excited when I found out they sold the second soundtracks to both Ai Yori Aoshi and Mahoromatic, and the new 2-disc Ghibli Studio song collection, all for under 8 GBP each. Guess it was too good to be true. Sigh.

11-26-2009, 04:46 AM
Son May serials are (from the collection I have):
- A8, A&G, AnG, GA, GAME, GGG, GM, SM, SMG, (TCD)*

* not really sure on this one

11-30-2009, 02:31 AM
Came across another bootleg seller on ebay called iddcc, they come from Hong Kong.

Here's an image of an obvious bootleg.

The Konami logo is there, but the word Konami has been removed. Also, the website is missing.

This ( is the official one.

11-30-2009, 02:42 AM
Nice thread! Good work guys and gals :D

12-03-2009, 10:55 AM
thank for this information

12-17-2009, 04:45 PM
I've just bought a couple of CDs from totalgamesandtoys on eBay, but not yet paid for them. Are you sure they're selling bootlegs? Or is this just presumed as they use stock images and don't list catalogue numbers? The CDs are suspiciously cheap, but they don't have any eBay comments suggesting they're selling bootlegs.

Definitely hoping they're not bootlegs...

AVOID totalgamesandtoys!!!

5 discs arrived from totalgamesandtoys a few weeks ago (via eBay):

Devil May Cry OST (K-O bootleg)
Biohazard 2 OST (K-O bootleg)
Silent Hill Zero OST (K-O bootleg)
Shenmue Chapter 1 (EverAnime bootleg)
Shenmue Orchestra (EverAnime bootleg)

When I asked for the catalogue number for the Shenmue discs I never got a reply! They have currently only refunded me for the Biohazard 2 bootleg. These guys need reporting.

Thankfully, I managed to get originals of the first three.

12-18-2009, 01:38 AM
thanks for all your input. i've updated the post with links and seller information. if you have been cheated by a bootleg please report it to ebay.

ShinjiIkari reborn
12-23-2009, 06:31 AM
thanks for the help!

12-25-2009, 03:42 PM
As a side note, if you ever ask someone from eBay to provide you with a catalogue number and they say they can't, for ANY reason, they're selling bootlegs.

Just to add to this comment a little, keep in mind too that some soundtracks don't have catalog numbers, such as enclosure / promos, in which case you're left to rely on the publisher name (which, just like catalog numbers, can also be compared at VGMdb), since bootlegers have to either remove or replace the publisher name or symbol from the album. Whether the CDs are enclosed in a box or the CD case, the publisher name and/or symbol is usually visible, especially on the spine card.

If you have to, request that the seller send you unique and high quality pictures of the album/case/box so that you can see the information yourself. Also, keep all of your conversations within eBay since these are monitored and, in the case that a bootleg is sold to you, you'll have proof with eBay and it may make it easier for you to get your money back.

Just a thought of mine, but I was thinking that maybe the blacklist of eBay sellers should not remain permanent since some of them may not realize that they are selling bootlegs just as many do not realize that they're buying them. Perhaps the seller should be informed that he/she is selling a bootleg and every so often someone can check in on the seller to see if he/she has gone legit. :p

01-04-2010, 10:39 AM
This thread will provide safe shopping to people wanting to buy legit and real VGM and Anime CD's. Blacklist means these sellers 100% sell bootleg / illegal CD's that don't contribute to the composers.

Downloading VGM also doesn't contribute to the composers. Maybe it's just me but if you really care about it that much why you be here?

01-04-2010, 11:21 PM
I download the majority of music too, but i buy what i like after hearing it and if it interests me before it's released, i'll pre-order it.

I'd want to own the real deal too, not some cheap copy.

01-29-2010, 04:27 PM
guys... appreciate the information provided

03-26-2010, 05:12 AM
I download the majority of music too, but i buy what i like after hearing it and if it interests me before it's released, i'll pre-order it.

I'd want to own the real deal too, not some cheap copy.

I share this same exact reasoning as well. There's a certain satisfaction to owning physical copies of beloved albums, especially if they're rare. :) I plan to add many great soundtracks to my collection, and I'm slowly getting there. :D

04-27-2010, 09:51 PM
joypad, thanks! Useful information! ;)

07-10-2010, 11:55 PM
Curses! Those Chrono Trigger / Cross CDs I bought so long ago have the K-O icon on the case. Grr...

I won't make this mistake again. Thanks for the information!

07-12-2010, 09:41 PM
Hey everyone, just wanted to spread the word on animengamemusic on ebay.

I ordered the Chrono Cross OST and FMA:Brotherhood OST (part 1) from them and both were labelled under K-O Records. Also, they threw in two free CDs, one had the Son May label on it, and the other one was labelled Miya (MICA).

They were good enough to offer a refund provided I send the discs back (which I just did today).

This was my first ebay order, and honestly the last thing I was thinking was that these would be bootlegged! Luckily I had a suspicion that something wasn't right, I just wish it had clicked in a little earlier. Nonetheless, this was a good lesson and an eye-opening experience.

07-13-2010, 01:24 AM
Hey everyone, just wanted to spread the word on animengamemusic on ebay.

I ordered the Chrono Cross OST and FMA:Brotherhood OST (part 1) from them and both were labelled under K-O Records. Also, they threw in two free CDs, one had the Son May label on it, and the other one was labelled Miya (MICA).

They were good enough to offer a refund provided I send the discs back (which I just did today).

This was my first ebay order, and honestly the last thing I was thinking was that these would be bootlegged! Luckily I had a suspicion that something wasn't right, I just wish it had clicked in a little earlier. Nonetheless, this was a good lesson and an eye-opening experience.

ebay does offer good deals but make sure you check the record label and catalog number of the cd to know if its a bootleg or not. any bootlegs you receive should be reported to ebay for investigation.

10-14-2010, 03:58 AM
anoter one to avoid if it hasnt been awlready mentioned is miya records its another bootlegger located in taiwan

05-27-2011, 06:20 PM
I kinda hate to spoil this but to be honest...back during the 90's right after FF7 became a hit Ever Anime was just about the only way most Americans got their music. The reason i know this is because that was where i first bought the FF7 soundtrack. The music was great and the CD still works. In fact all of my video game music from the 90's up until i'd say 2002 came from them. I found out they were boot-leg in 2002. By then though so many legit businesses were selling the CDs online that i thought Ever Anime went outta business. Almost glad to see they still exist.

---------- Post added at 01:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------

Curses! Those Chrono Trigger / Cross CDs I bought so long ago have the K-O icon on the case. Grr...

I won't make this mistake again. Thanks for the information!

I got my Chrono Cross CDs from Ever Anime. One of the best buys i ever made. Also got FF 8 from them as well.

03-12-2012, 09:36 PM
I am the saddest.

This thread is so old, but just before I was trying to clean out my CD's and see which were alright to depart from and sell off since there were many OST's that I never opened. Imagine my surprise that everywhere on the internet says they're ALL bootleg copies.

I bought all of my collection of OST's from Fushigi Yuugi compilations to annual Best Collection of Songs from 1996-1997 that were bought at various stores that are in popular areas of Taiwan, like night markets. One box of CD's I opened have either Golden Diamond or SM at the back. What do I even do now? I have three boxes worth!

---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------

I am the saddest.

This thread is so old, but just before I was trying to clean out my CD's and see which were alright to depart from and sell off since there were many OST's that I never opened. Imagine my surprise that everywhere on the internet says they're ALL bootleg copies.

I bought all of my collection of OST's from Fushigi Yuugi compilations to annual Best Collection of Songs from 1996-1997 that were bought at various stores that are in popular areas of Taiwan, like night markets. One box of CD's I opened have either Golden Diamond or SM at the back. What do I even do now? I have three boxes worth!

02-10-2013, 11:36 PM are legit.

Edit: Sorry, necromancy *facepalm*

03-27-2013, 02:07 PM
An updated list would be nice.

08-18-2013, 08:34 PM
Hey everyone, just wanted to spread the word on animengamemusic on ebay.

I ordered the Chrono Cross OST and FMA:Brotherhood OST (part 1) from them and both were labelled under K-O Records. Also, they threw in two free CDs, one had the Son May label on it, and the other one was labelled Miya (MICA).

They were good enough to offer a refund provided I send the discs back (which I just did today).

This was my first ebay order, and honestly the last thing I was thinking was that these would be bootlegged! Luckily I had a suspicion that something wasn't right, I just wish it had clicked in a little earlier. Nonetheless, this was a good lesson and an eye-opening experience.

Please name and shame the ebay seller if they are still selling these bootleg labels. I can add it to the list.

An updated list would be nice.

What would you like me to update exactly? Do you have a list of labels and ebay sellers that's not on the list?

Lord Fuckingham
08-29-2013, 09:56 AM
There's no way around dodgy ebay traders if you want to get everything that's available in upper sharing circles. You can't avoid boots, people.

08-29-2013, 01:48 PM
You're in the wrong section.

This is a thread looking to buy legitimate soundtracks, not the cheap copies of them from the bootleg companies. There is nothing added to these track wise, they are in fact lacking in quality.

01-09-2014, 12:05 AM
Anyone know of any legitimate sellers/stores on Amazon? There was a seller that listed correct catalog numbers for releases in the item description, but it seems they've closed down or something. Ironically I was just thinking about trying them out to see if they were truly legit.

Mr. Master D. Evil
01-31-2014, 10:21 AM
Please delete! My mistake, the retailer doesn't sell CDs! >_<

The Doctor
06-03-2014, 12:22 PM
Are people sure that Son May is actually a bootlegger? I've looked the company up and I've read articles suggesting that they do license the music for release in Korea, and that their discs -- while cheaper -- are legally produced.

I ask because I've seen some fairly hard to find Ranma 1/2 CDs for sale on eBay that I'd like to get, but the whole lot of them are Son May releases. It's a regular user selling them, I'm not sure they're even aware that the discs are from Korea and not Japan.