08-31-2002, 05:11 AM
So here I go...trying to make my own poetry...Tekno Lockheart made me do this so...it's all your fault Drea!:D

ok so here's one of my poems hope you enjoy and if it sucks...just let me know...i'm not gonna tripp! :D

Well here goes nothing!

I Just Dream

I�m sittin here just lookin at tha screen,
I�m just sittin here thinkin bout what could�ve been.

I sit here not knowin what to do,
Just bein here not knowin where u r.

I dream here of what could�ve been, but didn�t happen.
*I just dream

I just cry thinking of you,
I just weep knowin that you�re not with me

I feel so lonely,
I feel so unprotected.

I want to go out to tha street and shout,
I want to go out and tell tha world that I miss you and that I still love you!

But I can�t scream,
And I can�t tell them�so�

*I just dream

I dream�yeah I dream�
*I dream of tha days that could�ve been
*I dream of tha love I could�ve given you
*I dream of how much I love you
*I dream of how�of how�of how I see you walkin happily with her not even knowin that you�re killin me! You are killin me! You kill me when I see that you�re with her and not with me!

But I love you�and no matter how much I feel like shit�. I will always be happy knowin that you�re happy! You�re happiness makes my world spin, your eyes make my heart beat, and your smile makes my nights brighter�

I love all of you�no one will ever love you as much as I�m lovin you right now! No one will ever love you as much as I love you period! Dammitt is that so hard to understand?

So...what did ya think?

08-31-2002, 05:33 AM
Mah otha gurley has her poems here!

Go Issy! Go Maria! *does a happy dance* You posted it! :D You know that poem made me cry. I loooovveee that poem. You know it touched my heart Maria when I first read it. Just beautiful. Beautiful.

Keep it up girl, you know I love your poetry.


08-31-2002, 08:47 AM
Yeah, it's pretty good. A bit to touchy and mushy for me, but still good. XD I like the line "your smile makes my nights brighter". Not sure why, just do. Maybe because the girl I like has a beautiful smile? o_0'' XD

09-10-2002, 10:00 PM
Thanx everybody for the feedback! ^_____^

Allen Schezar
09-10-2002, 10:33 PM
Yippie. Congrats Maria perfect poem it hits me where nothing can reach.

09-17-2002, 09:28 PM
Here's a new one that is...well...it's very different from anything that i have ever written!

So...what is your definition of family? Is it a great unity of love where one helps out the other? A big happy invironment where God placed good and happy people?

So...what do you see when you look at your family?

Wanna know what I see? Ok!

Well first of all I see a great hate that is taking over our lives.
I see that other people are poisoning our existance.

I see how much a mistake can ruin a person's life and how stupidity can make you hurt people you love.

I see 7 people battling their life and having a war with themselves.

I see people cry and their tears no longer move me.

I see an invironment of hatred where the only thing that keeps you alive is to plan who you are going to hurt next.

I see pure hell...and we are all little devils that follow orders of the bad side or the little voice in your head.

I see a living torture in my house.

I see that I no longer cherish my return home.

I see that I desire no more for the unity of the 7 people in my house.

I see that it's useless to get together anymore.

I see a never ending argument that is killing each and every one of us.

I look at my family and i see emptiness.

So...can you define what family means?
My family doesn't fit into your definition.

Well that's all folks! :D What did ya think?:confused: