08-31-2002, 02:16 AM
I love this Star Ocean: The Second Story! o.o It has tons of endings and you can play by either the guys point of view or the girls. I know it isn't the newest game out there but its still a good one! Keeps me busy! So how about you people? What's an old game that you still can't get enough of?

08-31-2002, 03:40 AM
SaGa Frontier. This game is the Shiznit. (notice bad use of slang terms. ;)

08-31-2002, 04:06 AM
I keep playing Pac Man That game is sooo addictive. I wish I had chompers like Pac Man. *CHOMP* *CHOMP* *CHOMP*

EDIT: *QUACK* I thought that this was in General Gaming last night ^_^;;;; RPG's that I still play are...none...when I beat an RPG, it suddenly gets lost in my memory and I never play it again. Bad habit, no? ^_^;;;

Psuedes Psyche
08-31-2002, 04:25 AM
SaGa Frontier is ownz j00! I was playing it for, oh, say eight hours today!

08-31-2002, 04:37 AM
star ocean ; 2nd story looks good
i bought it because i wanted to buy something and didnt want to wait for FF7 a few days, put it in once, looks like a good game, but just couldnt commit.

old favorites of mine

Breath of Fire 1,2,3
Chrono Trigger
Secret Of Mana
Original Zelda (NES) 1st One
Final Fantasy 4 (2Us)


08-31-2002, 09:07 PM

Though my favorite is probably Chrono Trigger (Chrono is up to lvl 100 ;))

08-31-2002, 11:26 PM
The only rpg games that I can't seem to get sick of are the heroes of might and magic games. It never gets boring mostly because of the insanely addicting multiplayer, my friends and I have literally played thousands of hours of this series over the years, maybe tens of thousands of hours.

09-01-2002, 12:53 AM
Oh yeah! I forgot about those! Chrono Trigger is always fun to play again! o.O I've also played Final Fantasy 3 over and over and over soo many times I can't even count them. Let's see, Saga Frontier? o.o; Ugh I never got to play that. o.o Although I think I own it...and lost it somewhere :confused:

09-09-2002, 08:04 PM
I'm with funkyMonkey, once I beat an RPG I usually never play it again; one reason why I use a walkthru a lot. There are too many good games to play to waste time playing another twice. Although, I did play FF7 twice and could probably play it again, it is my fav. RPG:D . The only other games I could play more than once would be the 2 Chrono games, games with that kind of replay value might be worth a second go;) .

09-09-2002, 09:26 PM
Shining Force 1 and 2. they are just really really fun. and there are lots of different battle parties u can have, seen as u can have 12 people at once in battle.

Rabid Monkey
09-10-2002, 12:10 AM
People! You're forgetting the true classics! Dragon Warrior 1-5 (I don't consider any after that classic yet), The Bard's Tale, Crystalis, Wanderers from Y's, Lufia I and II, Earthbound, The Illusion of Gia, the first two Zelda games and A Link to the Past, Shadowgate, Drakken, and many, MANY more that I'm sure I forgot...

All of those games are the true classics if you ask me, excluding the FF series of course...

Oh, and for the record, Dragon Warrior I is the grand-daddy of ALL RPGs, so do pay it the proper respects...

09-10-2002, 12:03 PM
apart from Zelda, i havnt heard of any of those titles that you mentioned :eye:

Rabid Monkey
09-11-2002, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by The_Flaming_Amarant
apart from Zelda, i havnt heard of any of those titles that you mentioned :eye:

Looked in your info, and for someone that is only a year younger than me that is surprising... All those games were for the NES or SNES, with the exception of The Bard's Tale which was for the PC.

*Sighs* I guess its because none of them were made by Squaresoft... It truly is sad when people only play games by one company...

Oh, and I forgot to add The 7th Saga to my list...just for the record...

09-14-2002, 08:32 PM many games I've never heard of! :uh?:

The Flaming Amarant: Shining Force 1 and 2? o.o; That sounds interesting with the 12 people in battle at once. Never played it though -.-;; What system is it for?

Rabid Monkey: Ooo! I remember those! Well some...I've played Lufia I and II, Earthbound, Illusion of Gaia, and the Zeldas. o.o` Neeevvveerr played Dragon Warrior though...:uh?:

Red XIII#2: Playing a game again isn't a waste of time....o.o;; :D FF7 is an awesome game though! >.> Lotsa sidequests...

poster formerly known as ian
09-14-2002, 10:03 PM
IMHO, Shining Force 2 is the macdaddy. But i havent played any other RPGs mentioned in this thread (bar zelda and ff7, of course). I loved the whole promotion idea. Plus it was a good sized game.

09-15-2002, 12:16 AM
@ Vir (edit: dammit, i keep thinking you're still Vir, even though it cleary says Rabid Monkey! apologies!)

i never owned a NES or a SNES. i jumped from Ataria 2600 to Mega Drive (Genesis) then from that to PlayStation. thats probably the reason why. during my Sega years, i was very anti-SNES. why? probably coz i was a prick, as ive recently played some SNES games...and they rule.

@ ChibieGohan

Shining Force 1 and 2 were both for the Mega Drive/Genesis. the battle system was similar to that in Final Fantasy Tactics. 12 people in your army, and battles were turn based on a grid system. i didn't realise it then, but they merged strategy and RPG very well. also, it was a good sized game, as Ian said. it had a ton of characters, and nice range of weaponry and spells, and classy secret characters (one of these was hidden in a bush). i strongly agree with him when he calls it "the macdaddy" :D

09-16-2002, 06:20 PM
Just about any rpg made for the NES or SNES is wonderful. There is the exception of the Lord of the Rings game on the SNES, which I thought was awful, but just about any other old-school rpg you can come up with was great. There are an overabundance of them there too. I only wish they still came out with that many rpgs now...

09-16-2002, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by ChibieGohan
I love this Star Ocean: The Second Story! o.o It has tons of endings and you can play by either the guys point of view or the girls. I know it isn't the newest game out there but its still a good one! Keeps me busy! So how about you people? What's an old game that you still can't get enough of?

I couldnt agree with you any more! i started playing the game, and it is amazing!
im about 10hrs into it, in Eluria, building up some levels....its a great game tho

Rabid Monkey
09-16-2002, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Terra Branford
Just about any rpg made for the NES or SNES is wonderful. There is the exception of the Lord of the Rings game on the SNES, which I thought was awful, but just about any other old-school rpg you can come up with was great. There are an overabundance of them there too. I only wish they still came out with that many rpgs now...

I agree 100%

And, for all those who said they don't know what Dragon Warrior is, get an NES emulator and the game... Yes, that is illegal, but you have 24 hours to try it out before it is illegal, and after that, if you choose to keep it on your computer, it is your call...

Dragon Warrior 1-4 are quite possibly the best RPG's I have every played, and they are some of the oldest in existence. After all, the first one is the first RPG that came out, which makes it, as I said before, the grand-daddy of all RPGs.

09-16-2002, 08:55 PM
i am grateful i still have my nes and dragon warrior 1 and 3 for it, all working great!

09-17-2002, 01:45 AM
Hmmmm o.o;;

Kain: Yes! It's a great game! o.o I spend forever in each place but rarely get bored. Although I got traped in this one cave full of monkeys...-.-; and got stuck I had to restart the whole thing. It basically lost me 87 hours of game play.

Rabid Monkey: -=Nods=- I'm gonna keep an eye out for the game...but I still got an NS system! And a back up one too...o.o; So I don't need the emulator =P

Rabid Monkey
09-17-2002, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Kain
i am grateful i still have my nes and dragon warrior 1 and 3 for it, all working great!

Yeah, I'm still trying to get my hands on DW2. I've only played it through once... I asked the woman at the rental place to save it for me when she sold it, but when I went there and it wasn't there I asked what had happened to it... They sold it so someone else because the kid never brought it back...