08-31-2002, 02:12 AM
Dragon Ball Z and Gundam Wing are my two favorite animes. My top favorite though would have to be Dragon Ball Z. Only because it kept going and Gundam Wing ended. u.u; Sure there are other Gundam shows but Gundam Wing was the best by far. Anyway, which would you perfer? :uh?:

Crazy Chocobo
08-31-2002, 03:01 AM
How can Gundam Wing be the best by far? It had the worst storyline (ok, well maybe not the WORST), worst character personalities (too deranged to be human), and dumbest Mobile Suits. You can't just stand there and have shells bounce off (*COUGH*COUGH* first few episodes *COUGH*COUGH*)

The best by far is Zeta Gundam. Watch it and see. Now I don't even want to THINK about DBZ.

08-31-2002, 03:17 AM
What's Zeta Gundam about? o.O; All the other Gundams I've seen have extremely bad animation. :eye:

Crazy Chocobo
08-31-2002, 04:32 AM
Eh? What Gundam have you seen? Gundam 0080 and 08th MS Team have the best animation. If you can look past the animation in the Gundam Movie Trilogy, those are good too.

Zeta Gundam has decent animation, and is a grim war story. The Federation has formed a counter-terrorist organization called the Titans to crush rebellion. However, the Titans have become more corrupt than Zeon and will stop at nothing to get what they want done. The AEUG, a rebel faction, is dedicated to stopping the Titans. The story starts with Kamille (the main Character, also spelled Camille, Camiru, and Kamiyu, but Kamille is official) Bidan (also Vidan) cutting class and going down to Side 7's space port. Over there, he picks a fight with Titan's officer Lieutennant Jerid Messa. He is detained at the Titan's military base. Then, a 3 AEUG Mobile suit team (piloting Rick Diases) led by Lieutennant Quattro Bageena (The legendary Char Aznabel) attacks the Titan's base with the intent of capturing or destroying the Gundam Mk.II Kamille uses that chance to escape, stealing two of the Mk.IIs in the process. The Titans send Emma Sheen to negotiate for the return of the Mk.IIs, but pull a plan behind her back and end up getting the Mk.IIs back without negotiations. Emma Sheen realizes the Titans are corrupt and defects to the AEUG, taking Kamille and his father with him. However, his father tries to steal a Rick Dias and hand it over to the Titans, but is killed in the process. The AEUG Flagship Argama (Aghama) heads over to a colony that was gassesd with G4 to illustrate to Emma and Kamille the evils of the Titans. Kamille kills veteran Federation pilot Lyla Mira Lyla in the process. The Argama later rescues a shuttle containing civilians and piloted by Bright Noa (Bright Noah). Kamille is reunited with his "girlfriend" Fa Yuri whom he left behind on Side 7, and the two quarrel constantly. Captain Henken leaves the Agarma in freshly defected Bright Noa's hands, counting on the experience he had in the One Year War (0079) with the legendary White Base. The AEUG launch a mobile suit assualt on Jaburo from space, with Emma Sheen leading the charge.

Unfortunately, no American release exists at this time. Legal DVDs by Manga are availible in Taiwan and Hong Kong with Chinese and English subtitles, and with a "Any Region Encoding", so they are playable in the US. However, the subtitles are a mixed bag, since the English is fan subbed (but legal), and some episodes have broken English up the kazoo.

Wait for it. It'll be the best, as long as you don't watch the Cartoon Network edited version.

08-31-2002, 04:28 PM
GW was a bit boring. DBZ was a li'l too childish. But IMO, they're both okay.

09-01-2002, 12:47 AM
Well Gundam 08th MS Team was good...o.o kinda short though. Zeta Gundam sounds interesting though! I've seen Gundam 0083 and Mobile Suit Gundam. Their animation is reeeaalllyy bad >.< so I can't stand watching them.
What's the Gundam Movie Trilogy? :uh?:

Crazy Chocobo
09-01-2002, 12:59 AM
If you think 0083 is bad, then you'll HATE the movie trilogy. The movie trilogy is a re-done version of the original series, with slightly better animation (added in, 30% new in 1st one, 50% in second, and 70% in the last one), and removal of silly weapons and mobile suits.

Really though, it's not about the animation. It's about the story.

09-01-2002, 01:08 AM
Yeah I know. It's about the story. But I really can't get into a story if the animation is all messed up. I'm not sure why. It's kinda just one of those things where it has to be pleasing to the eyes to be pleasing to the ears? >.< I'm probably the only one with that problem but I can't help it. I did watch it though...0083, the story was good. But they really could have tried harder when drawing it.

Heh, I'm a picky viewer! ;)

Crazy Chocobo
09-01-2002, 02:44 AM
0083 wasn't great. It wasn't supposed to have a story. The idea is good, but it wasn't pulled off too well.

lol... picky viewer...

ultimate veggie
09-01-2002, 05:47 PM
..........I mean it all iv seen here is anti dbzisam Gundam is a fine anime...depending on which version of it you're watching cuz you can't seem to put down heero since he is sooo like vegeta...but dragon ball z has every version of it perfect with no truely bad animation I know that most of yuo think it's a baby anime....and that these newer ones are 10 times better but a classic is a classic i say no matter how many times you watch it if you are a true anime fan you shuld have a special place in your heart for it....or a shrine in your room dedicated to it::gets all teary eyed:: but to put such slander on such a godly show i just don't know what you're thinking. I could go on...but then you'd never finish reading this so to finish my thought id like to say..."DOWN WITH GW LONG LIVE DBZ!!!"..0_0 moderaters dont kill me please this is just an oppinion not anything agients the shriners ::bow's to you:: I'd like to be like you some day and keep the peace like you do!

[ Look at poor poor gogo if people hate his show it hurts....alot...deep down in his tummy but the same thing happens to all of us ::sniff:: well if you like making us cry continue riping our guts out with you're painfull word's and gohan im rooting for you're DBZness :uh?:

09-01-2002, 07:39 PM
I am sure not even two hours ago Nymph complaying via chat that people were comparing DBZ to Gundam Wing... What a good example...

Why exactly should I compare these two animes? I�d rather compare Gundam Wing to another mecha anime, not to a fighting series. These two shows don�t have to be rivals or anything, they are very different.

And ChibiGohan:
One day Dragonball Z will end, too. I am glad it did end a long time ago in Germany... the hype was unbearable at times. :P It�s become less noisy about this anime and it is easier to tolerate its existence.

09-01-2002, 09:02 PM
What exactly is there to compare Gundam W with DBZ? They're totally different animes.

Man.. I feel sorry for GW to be compared with DBZ. o_O

And yes, the DBZ hype WILL end, whether you like it or not. Just like the Pokemon hype ended a long time ago.

..........I mean it all iv seen here is anti dbz

Most people who post in this forum have seen more animes than just DBZ and some others like Pokemon/Digimon. And trust me, once you've see some decent animes, you probably won't like DBZ that much anymore either.

Corran Horn
09-01-2002, 10:08 PM
The two are pretty bad. Zeta is great and so is Gundam: Char's Counterattack. I vote for Cowboy Bebop and G Gundam as well.

09-01-2002, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by Nymph
Most people who post in this forum have seen more animes than just DBZ and some others like Pokemon/Digimon. And trust me, once you've see some decent animes, you probably won't like DBZ that much anymore either.

Listen to the wisdome of Nymph's words. She's totally correct. I watched DBZ as one of the first animes I saw. I liked it, it was alright. But recently, I've found new animes like Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inayusha (spelling's probably wrong, I've only seen one episode of it ^.^' ). But anyway, DBZ is a nice start out anime for people...but definately....definately not the best...

And GW and every series with it is just for fan girls to make yaoi fics/drawings/fantasys about. XD

09-02-2002, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by Koenma
And GW and every series with it is just for fan girls to make yaoi fics/drawings/fantasys about. XD

Hey, hey.. There's nothing wrong with that. =P

It's mostly GW though. The creators designed the characters and relations between characters so that both hetero and yaoi relations would be interpreted. The overall thing was made so that girls would also like it. ^^;

09-02-2002, 12:19 PM
GW rocks, but I have not seen much of it! Anime in Australia is not a free thing, so I therefore must pay to get to see it, and it's not cheap! Plus, the video shop down the road which used to rent out anime got rid of their stock. Woe is me. The point of this rant is to tell you that the only Anime available to me is on TV. I used to see a lot on SBS (a foreign sort of station for world news etc) but I haven't seen much on it lately. So this leaves the tv shows in the morning. DBZ, and Pokemon. I'm over pokemon (the show, the GBC game rocks XD) so that leaves DBZ, which is wearing thin. So while it isn't as appealing as the intricacies of things such as Evangelion, and such, it is still anime, and it's free! Woe is me...

09-02-2002, 12:28 PM
It's somewhat a bit unfair to compare GW with the likes of Dbz. Like said before they are both totally different animes and it's an unfair match of some sort,
those people who like endless fighting and the suspense of a 3 weeks for 1 battle will be for DBZ probaly and the others just like mechs somewhat more and the things which happen in GW :p

Although I haven't seen much of GW, I've seen enough of it and too much of dbz to say that GW wins it within a trip to the moon and back. Comparing GW to Dbz is a painfull experience to see btw :eye:

09-02-2002, 06:03 PM
-=Tackles Veggie, his eyes flooding with tears=- Oh Veggie! You are soo correct! O.O -=Jumps back off him and brushes off his pants, clearing his throat.=- Ahem... :uh?: Uhh..yeah..Anyway...-=Looks at everyone=- Now listen..I dunno where you ppl got it in your heads that DBZ is a so called, "Baby Anime" Er..Or as some ppl like to call it, a "N00B" Anime..Cuz it's not! O.o; I've been watching animes for a looonnnggg time now...And I still find DBZ to be very good! I mean, unlike some has a good story line and plot! O.o; In a way..It sort of grows up with yas! o.o;; Yeah! Dragon ball is ment for lil kids..((-.- obviously...)) Dbz is for like ppl who are a lil more mature and can understand more...and well..o.o;; I havent seen DBGT yets..buh..o.o;;; Uhh...Okay um...lets forget that! ^-^;;
Another thing..If some o' you ppls just don't like it cuz it doesnt show bad stuff or doesn't say bad things..o.O ohh belive meh, it does! O.O` In that japan version..all Vegeta does is curse! >.< And well..o.o;; -=Thinks of the wiggling pants=-....We dont need to get into the nudity....:eye:
-=Crosses his arms and stares at you all=- But the thing that desturbs me most... Is how you ppl will just go and keep dissing this lil' boy's favorite show! :notgood: I mean..really....-=Picks up GoGo=- I really hate how you ppl are treatin' muh lil boy...o.o Okay sure...some of this is his fault...�.� cuz he just hhhaaadddd to make this lil linky...buh...still...-=Grumbles=- I Really hate it how you ppl can be so cruel...-.-
Well...-=Puts him down=- I guess I've made muh point across now...o.o;; -=Prays this doesn't count as spam.....=- Muh point....DBZ is a great show! It has humor, drama, it keeps you in suspense, and it doen't do all this stupid stuff like other animes do..o.o;
-=Smiles Down at GoGo=- Well..See ya later lil guy! ^-^

09-02-2002, 06:20 PM
o.o many opinions...o.O;;

Okay, first of all, I just put DBZ vs GW because they're my favorite animes. I didn't mean for you to have to compare them in anyway unless you wanted too. I just wanted you to kinda pick your favorite of the two. Although you all seem to HATE dbz...-.-;;

Secondly, Veggie...o.o;; Don't put pictures of me crying!!!!!!! And Dahdeh...Don't pick me up in public! o.o;; I'm a big boy! I'm a biiiiggg...okay I'm not big...but...but...but...o.o;;; -=Takes out his lil rubber hammer and hits Dahdeh on the head=- But there. :D

Okay as much as Veggie and Dahdeh...were bad....they had some good points. Sure DBZ is a popular anime. But that's no reason to call it a Baby Anime! I've been watching it for years and haven't gotten bored of it in the least. I also know people in their twenties or so that think it's a cool show...o.O;; And they ain't babies! DBZ is obviously meant for the older generation because of the language..and well women..o.o;; although it's less obvious in the American Dubbed Version. If you watch the Japanese Version though you'll see it's not as tame a show as America likes to show it as.

I'm glad so many people love GW though! It's an awesome anime!

Another thing, I too watch Yuyu Hakashu and Inayusha...but they're not better then DBZ, but then that's just my opinion. I just don't see how they make DBZ look like a baby anime???

Okay...dat's all...o.o The Gogo is gonna shut his mouth now...:uh?:

09-06-2002, 11:34 PM
I like both series... DBZ & GW are both good shows IMO... just say which one you like more than the other... they aren't trying to pull your teeth out, my goodness... he asked which one you liked more... otay?

09-07-2002, 01:04 AM
The characters of
The characters of GW bore me.

Yes, I'm undecided ^_^

09-07-2002, 10:11 PM
Funky Monkey: How are DBZ characters scary?? o.O; I get what you say about GW characters being boring...I mean some of them do have dull personalities, but not all of them.

Musty Guy: Yeah! Someone who likes both! o.o;; I'm not alone in the world! :p

09-10-2002, 09:42 PM
AAAAAAAA!!!! *goes insane*

I can't choose! You can't make me choose! Duo, Gohan, Duo Gohan, Duo Gohan????????


...DBZ, But I still love and worship them both. But when it comes to it, I can't let my baby gohan down.

09-12-2002, 04:09 PM
Both are really good but I'd say DBZ is better. It was the first one I watched so I like it better, no offence to GW supporters.

09-12-2002, 04:24 PM
Almost any time somebody says ,"which one is better"
,will basically make an arguement where there was none...why compare!Enjoy both!

09-14-2002, 08:41 PM

CE: Gohan! Always Gohan! o.o;; Never choose anyone over Gohan...^-^;; heh got a little carried away there...-=sticks a lolly in his mouth=- I'll shut up now...o.o;;;

Baada: Yesh! DBZ is the best!...o.o but so is GW...DBZ...GW...DBZ...GW...@.@

Kenshin: o.o; Wow...that's a good point...but not everyone likes both and uhh uhh uhh...o.o; I ask dumb questions?

=P I give such great responses...-=Sits down and waits=- Now more posts....o.o;; Gimmie...>.>......<.<.....where are they? o.o;; I need more sugar! -=Shoves 50 more lollys in his mouth=- O.O;;;

09-14-2002, 09:19 PM
It's obviously true that most would like one and not the other, and for those, let them argue as long as they want,it isn't the kind of argument that will ever have a resolution, it is't meant to.
Maybe they should just avoid it, but most probeley, are trying to make a point ,and chances are that it'll just go back and forth to no avail.

09-14-2002, 09:36 PM
Well I did say it was a good point didn't I? o.O;;
o.o; This isn't meant to cause arguments but I guess it does. I just wanted to see what people prefered. :D
-=Shrugs=- But if people argue then they argue...some people love to argue o.o;;

09-15-2002, 12:01 AM
GW tends to be a bit more mature, but DBZ keeps me amused longer. I like both; there's no competition.

09-15-2002, 12:13 AM
That's true...o.o; GW is more...uh violent I guess. I mean DBZ is fighting but not in the same way...o.O; If that makes any sense.

09-15-2002, 12:17 AM
I know what you mean, it's more a fantasy way,obviously we don't have gundams,but who's to say it's "immpossible" ,realistic sence so to speak.....

09-22-2002, 03:50 PM
I started watching DBZ years ago and I still like it a lot. I know there is much better anime in the world, but when knew episodes come out, you can count on me being glued to the t.v.

As for GW, I have never seen it. I have seen a few eps. on Adult swim, but I hate staying up that late and I am not sure if either of those are GW.

And no one hate me for not letting this thread die:uh?:

09-22-2002, 04:14 PM
Lol @ Red_XIII#2
That's aight! No one wants the thread to die...o.o;; at least I hope not.
About the adult swim, nah those aren't GW. They are Gundams though...o.O;; But just not Gundam Wing.

09-23-2002, 01:19 PM
Ok CC... Please No more GW Bashing... I Donjt Particularly Want To Have Another Huge Argument Abvout It Involving Page Long Posts As to Why Things Are The Way They Are.

BTW All: The Chars From Gundam W Dont Make Me Bored the Plot Got Me Totally Hooked... So Nyeh! Plus All Of Them Are So Darn Cute!!!!!

09-25-2002, 05:11 PM
DBZ all the way for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-28-2002, 10:32 AM
Forget Gundam Wing.

Mobile Fighter G Gundam kicks ass! It is the most original Gundam series, and the plot is extremely interesting. Hell, the only Mecha Anime I've seen that comes close is Neon Genesis Evangelion.

DBZ may be childish, but that doesn't mean that it's bad. The plot is very good, as well as action packed.

10-10-2002, 06:30 PM
GW ownz DBZ

I dont see the big deal of DBZ, I dont even consider it anime, its like a bad cartoon or something.

10-17-2002, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by Dan
GW ownz DBZ

I dont see the big deal of DBZ, I dont even consider it anime, its like a bad cartoon or something.

Dan, that's your opinion, ok?

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-20-2002, 06:49 AM
To heck with Gundam AND DBZ!

Neon Genesis Evangelion!

Outlaw Star!

Cowboy Bebop!


Macross Plus!

and the single episode animes that are available here in the U.S.:

Vampire Hunter D


There are others, but these are the best that I can recall off the top of my head.

10-20-2002, 08:07 AM
Let's and way to go Odin! Give it you all topic relevance!

Originally posted by Setzer
So Nyeh

So nothing. That is not allowed.

10-20-2002, 04:35 PM
Grrr. thread still alive... hate comparison threads...

Ah, Dan, there are a lot of people that think so, that refuse to call animes they think to be bad animes...
However, the definition of the word "anime" does not have the word "good" in it, it is only "animated movie/series made in Japan." Be it good or bad.

;) Aren�t GW and DBZ both good or bad, depending on whatever point of view whatever person may have...?

10-25-2002, 06:19 PM
Yeeep! Thread is still alive...and look...o.o; I'm keeping it alive. Well it's my thread so I probably should.

Leetttss seee...

You know, since I made this thread I was watching the other Gundams. I agree with ultima trev, kinda, G Gundam is a good anime; it's got a strong story line which is always good...don't like the announcer guy much though -.-;;

.........uuuuummm I still defend DBZ. It's a great anime and the new shows for the Buu Saga are really good, aside from the fact that Vegeta goes out of character a lot, especially when the worm shows up...but that hasn't been aired yet so anyone who hasn't bought the tapes wouldn't know what I'm talking about, but trust me, Vegeta acts really weird when he and Goku are inside Buu...>.<

Oookkaay I can't babble on anymore...>.> I got places to be...people to annoy....o.o; yup.

10-25-2002, 06:26 PM
Mou.. if it's an official anime, characters *never* go out of characher, whether you think so or not. The makers of the DBZ created the character like that.. so he can't go out of character, he was meant to act in certain ways. Yes? ^_^

And it's okay to just.. let a thread die. After some time, nothing interesting can be said about it, simple as that.. No need trying to revive a thread then.

10-25-2002, 06:33 PM
Sure...but I don't want it to die...o.o;;

And how can he not be out of character??? The man hides behind Goku! That is completely random, as I see it...but you do have a point. I guess since the creater made it that way he probably is in character, but even the creater can take a characters personality and screw it up once and a while.

10-26-2002, 06:25 PM
DBZ and GW are overhyped Toonami animes, watch some better series - please.

Rizumu Yasha
10-26-2002, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by ChibieGohan
[B My top favorite though would have to be Dragon Ball Z. Only because it kept going and Gundam Wing ended.[/B]

Yeah, DBZ kept going...and going, and going, and going...and...going........doing the same...thing..over...and...over... speak of.....gaak!

The only part of Gundam Wing (indeed, the only mecha that I like at all) was the OVA, "Endless Waltz". That one actually had a plot, and reveals some causes for the wacked-out psyche of Hiro.

andy mercer
11-02-2002, 07:44 PM
if you can't tell im a dbz fan, that is the best by far, gundam wing is a poor show, dbz is not a boring show and it do keep going on and on but thats good, no they don't show the samething over, yes every evil villan is stronger then them and they some how over come them, but dbz is alot better than gundam wing were the amine sucks :notgood: dbz has alot more better stuff than gundam wing. 1) funny- dbz is a good laugh, gundam is boring
2)alsome fights-dbz gets better with every new villan, gundam getts boringer with every battle 3)still going- dbz is still showing 4 times a week, gumdam is showing 1 a week if that. some that proves that dbz is better than gundam wing!

11-04-2002, 02:53 PM
Argh, I've just about had it with this thread.

Gundam Wing and Dragon Ball Z are NOT comparable. They are from totally different genres, so please don't bother. Some people don't like mechas, some people don't like endlessly delayed battles. And since this thread keeps getting revived with more posts like "I like this and this better, the other anime sucks", I'm going to close it.

Oh.. and andy mercer, one signature image is the limit. Can you please remove the other two ASAP? Thanks in advance.