08-31-2002, 01:11 AM
Okay. So...when Goku is killed by Piccolo's blast in the Saiya-jin Saga, his body is saved because he is a hero of Earth. What I don't understand is, they say only people who save others are allowed to keep their why is it, that all of the Z-Fighters foes are able to keep their bodies??? o.o;; They didn't do anything but kill people!...o.O;; :confused:

Psuedes Psyche
08-31-2002, 01:28 AM
They were fighting to protect everyone on Earth, weren't they?
That's one heck of alot of people! So... yeah...and stuff.

*Runs away*

08-31-2002, 01:33 AM
Heh...o.O; Um that wasn't what I ment...o.o;;; actually I don't know what you mean.....>.< :confused:

Psuedes Psyche
08-31-2002, 01:37 AM
Ooops sorry! Didn't read it right. I thought you said the Z-fighters themselves. I'm watching "It" right now and I'm a bit distracted.

Weird. You're right! Why do they keep their bodies?

08-31-2002, 01:53 AM
o.o; You asked me my own question...?....I don't know the answer >.< -=Holds his head and falls over=- :eye:

Okay! Mr Popo...says...that only two people can be in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber at a time. So how come Buu, and Trunks, and Goten, AND MR. PICCOLO! Can all be in there at once...? o.o;

09-01-2002, 02:53 AM
The reason the evil guys can keep their bodies is because they are evil.

What I mean is "Satan" (or whoever is the evil god) has his own guidlines. Like instead of saving people they kill people. So they are the greatest evil fighters.

09-02-2002, 06:25 PM
Oh, that's a good point. Never thought of it like that. Although...-=shrugs=- I don't see why the only super bad guys worthy of keeping their bodies happen to be the ones that Goku defeats...

ultimate veggie
09-03-2002, 12:00 AM're daddy never told you? he's died a ton o time's he'd know why even evil peoples such as me would be able to keep there bodies....but since this is my reply i'll tell you what i think........i think that the bad people got to keep there bodies to pay for all the evil stuff they did in life to be phisicly tortured..but evil guy's like frieza and cell kinda messed that up by beating up the people that are saposed to be giving them an eternity of heck...thats howI think they run thing there if your a minor good guy or bad're just gas no one cares about you...but i think kakky would know more he's died more than me anyway :uh?:

09-04-2002, 05:11 AM
OK. Enough guessing. Time for facts. You find out why the villains keep their bodies during the other world tournament saga in the Japanese series. When goku hears about Frieza and Cell and all the others, he asks The north Kai why they aren't spirits. The north Kai says " unfortunately it is not only good who keep a physical form. The strongest warriors keep their body, even if they have a heart of pure evil." Well, that's how i translated it. It might have been worded slightly differently, but that's the reason.
Strong= keep body.

But that leaves way for another problem. Why, in the Buu saga, does Vegeta lose his body when he dies? It doesn't make sense now,eh?

zero one
09-05-2002, 08:14 AM
cause it makes for good (or bad) story telling. makes room for suspense and mystery. will he come back, or wont he come back? that is the question...