11-08-2009, 10:28 AM
New SMB Wii music! Found around the Internet...
You can't click it, so you're forced to copy/paste it in your browser. This is to get around Megaupload disliking FFShrine.

It's working and everything. Virus scanned and stuff by me. However, there was apparently some problem with the music encoding, where some tracks weren't converted as well as others or something, but the whole soundtrack is here.

Everything is tagged and album arted accordingly.

There is someone else with another music rip on this forum, by the way. He released his first, and I didn't see it. :( I haven't listened to it yet, but yeah...

11-08-2009, 11:24 PM
Downloading now!! I'll give my thoughts when I've listened!

P.S. How'd you get this? I heard the game won't be out for a few more days (Australia's getting it first. At least we get it before Japan!!). I'm not making any claims, though. I'm just curious.

11-09-2009, 12:55 PM
Because the Australian release has been out, just 2 days agos