08-30-2002, 08:31 AM
And now.... a preview of what is heading to FFShrine.

Name Of Game: Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny
Developer/Publisher of the game: Capcom
Date of Release: August 28, 2002
Reviewed by: Dj MogK'

Capcom's survival horror series have branched out to it's own Genres. Survival shoot-and-find-the-key Horrors, Survival Slash-and-Shoot horrors, and of course Survival slash-and-run-the-other-way horrors. This fits for Onimusha, a game where you slash stuff, suck souls, run, slash stuff, suck souls, run, and add in a few puzzles and that stuff. Overall, the concept sounds boring, but Onimusha doesn't bore you with endless slashing. The people enjoyed Onimusha 1 when it came out for the PS2 and later on the Xbox. Then comes Onimusha 2, a sequal with new characters and a bunch of extra stuff.

One thing I first noticed when I loaded the game that there was no Japanese voice option. It's not really a bad thing at all, the English voice acting isn't that great but it isn't that bad too. Though there will be some questions flying through your head like "Where the hell did they get this guy to voice act?"

Moving on to the game's plot. You are Jubei Yagyu, a Samurai who finds his home village in a flaming pile of dead people and houses. You then find that Lord Nobunaga Oda was the cause of all this. Without waiting to even say why, you go out and avenge your village. While running around your village looking for people who are still alive, you hear an annoying voice crying out 'Jubei... Jubei." You find the source and you find a weird floating lady and she gives you the power to suck up souls..... isn't that great?

Along the way, you'll meet up with 4 different characters. Ekei the jolly fat guy, Magoichi the tough rifleguy, Kotaro a young ninja, and the sexy Oyu the warrior princess. Some may help you when you fight, some you might even be able to control for awhile. This all depends on what gifts you give them. During your stay at town, you can buy and find items that you could give to any of these 4 characters, the more you give, the higher the chances of them helping you. This can also affect the story, though the ending won't change at all.

The controls are still the same like the first Onimusha with a small difference. When you hold R1 to lock on to the enemy, you can hold it down harder and your weapon will be charged to deliver a hard attack. Though this will prove almost useless throughout the game, you can overwhelm a guy and leave him open for attack. Another addition is the Onimusha Transformation. When you collect 5 Big Purple Souls, Jubei can transform into Demon Jubei (think Dante changing into Demon Dante in Devil May Cry), the only minus is that the transformation is very short and sometimes you transform at the wrong time.

The game itself is long compared to the first Onimusha. You will be traveling a lot and going through many areas more than once. After beating the game, it's not over yet. There are many things to unlock and many things to do to get them unlocked. All in all, you might have fun with this game for about a week or 2. To make things more interesting, like the first Onimusha, Onimusha 2 leaves a trailer for Onimusha 3... but I'm not gonna say what is in that trailer. You might be in for a surprise.

Graphics: 9 - The game displays wonderful pre-rendered backgrounds and detailed character models. You can tell their emotions like when they cry, when they smile, when they are happy and sad. All the character models look like real people and that is amazing.

Sound/Music: 8 - First, the voice acting. It's not great, it's not bad, but there are some voices that should of been swapped with better ones. A good example of this is the lady who gives Jubei the power of the Oni. She just sounds weird... horrible beyond belief. But other than that, the voice acting could use a little fixer up. The music tracks aren't as exciting as the first Onimusha but still brings the upbeat Japaneseish (is that a word?) music in this game. Still a great soundtrack.

Replay Value: 6 - Once you are really done with unlocking everything and getting through the whole story with it's difference paths, this game is done and that is all she wrote

Story: 7 - I am not a fan of love stories or revenge stories. This game has both of them. The relationship (which doesn't actually spark up) between Jubei and Oyu is somewhat an overused concept but it does have it's small twists. The revenge thing... too common... way too common. But the different story paths do make the game more interesting and makes you want to know more about the other characters.

Final Thoughts: This is a great game especially if you are an Onimusha fan, even if you are not, you can still pick up the game and know most of the story of Onimusha by watching the opening movie. All in all, go ahead and buy it if you're a fan or just rent the game.


The Japanese Front Cover ()

Pre-Production Picture (The Onimusha Souls aren't displayed on the Status Bar) ()

Have you figured out what is coming to FFShrine's Forum? :B

08-30-2002, 11:52 AM
Lol, Nice review Mog. Can you review Civ3? It's such a cool game and I wanted to know what you thought of it!

Skye Vrbas
08-30-2002, 08:33 PM
Tanks mogk' , I have Onimusha 1 on the PS2 and it's kinda "short" I'm releaved to hear that Onimusha 2 is gonna be longer ...
B.T.W. is there going to be a nice panda -^pack for if you completed the game , it really made him sadistic ...

08-30-2002, 10:11 PM
(Note: This thread has nothing to do with Onimusha 2 but of a thing that is coming to FFShrine real soon... but I'll answer questions anyways)

When you beat the game normally (Not doing anything special, just straight out beat it going whatever story path.) You will unlock the following in the Special Features Menu

Museum (this mode is unlocked)---> Teaser for Onimusha 3
Scenario Route (A check list of scenes you have encountered)
The Man in Black (A minigame where you play as Jubei in a Blacksuit with a Stick as a weapon. You go around looking for Film Items to see major scenes during the game. You only really need to go through this once or twice to get all the scenes.)
Team Oni (A minigame where you play as Jubei and whoever you played as in story mode. You go through level after level, defeating enemies and collecting souls.)

I know there are more things to unlock in the game... I haven't done so because I just got it yesterday.

09-03-2002, 10:32 AM
Is it some kind of fighting forum that's coming to FFShrine?

09-03-2002, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Cloud
Is it some kind of fighting forum that's coming to FFShrine?

Too early it is for us to know !!

09-03-2002, 09:35 PM
Mog, you are quite the reviewer. You should make it a sticky and review games on a regular basis. I think it'd be entertaining....

09-04-2002, 02:07 AM
Is it some kind of fighting forum that's coming to FFShrine?

You're close...

Mog, you are quite the reviewer. You should make it a sticky and review games on a regular basis. I think it'd be entertaining....

You're closer...

Lol, Nice review Mog. Can you review Civ3? It's such a cool game and I wanted to know what you thought of it!

I might not do it.... who knows, you could do it or someone else can do it.

Now........ can you figure out what the heck is coming to FFShrine? Winner gets a cookie... or something. o_O

09-04-2002, 11:57 AM
Lol, fair enough. Thanks Mog for replying to that rather spur-of-the-moment-question XD I'll see if I can get my copy back off Black Dragon!

09-04-2002, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Dj MogK'

Now........ can you figure out what the heck is coming to FFShrine? Winner gets a cookie... or something. o_O

i want a cookie - review thread

09-04-2002, 04:34 PM

A DDR forum?

*anticipates the cookie*

09-06-2002, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by The_Flaming_Amarant

i want a cookie - review thread

SO CLOSE.................... but no. :B


A DDR forum?

*anticipates the cookie*

Nope ;_;

Kool Ranch
09-06-2002, 01:51 AM
Ooh, I know, I know!!!

*raises hand and waits for Mog to call on him*

09-06-2002, 04:57 AM
Uh yes, ODB? :B

09-08-2002, 02:25 AM
oooh, when there's a review forum, you should review Cheetahmen, MK.

09-11-2002, 08:27 PM
i'm glad Onimusha 2 is longer I finished it in about 2 days.

Vivi FF
09-11-2002, 10:34 PM
Challenge: Make a decent SOCOM: US Navy Seals FAQ...

Challenger: Make the FAQ above and include ALL difficulties.

My 2 cents: Hey I need them...

FFShrine is gonna cover more than the Final Fantasy series. It's gonna give reviews, codes, FAQ's/walkthroughs, and comments about many other games either for all systems or just PS2... Plus each game would inlcude magnificent artwork of characters, levels, scenes, etc.

09-11-2002, 10:48 PM
*dresses up as KR*

It's on'them thar Review Forums! Yes'm, an' we dun review them's games, uh-huh. Yup, ya God damned apey that's wha'tis. And it's gon'be cawled "Mog's Poo-Poo Review Forum".

If t'ain't that, then I dunno wha'tis, 'cuz thats awl I cn'gess.

I dun figger that by theyus right'cheer:

Originally posted by MogKnight
Reviewed by: Dj MogK'

Does yee got an'tayth I cud use to eat that cookay with?

(Sorry Kool Ranch, I just had to pretend I'm a hick to match that avatar of yours)

09-12-2002, 04:54 PM
Well considering "review thread" is so close I'll have to go with a Review forum probably be listed under "Gaming".

Do I get a cookie? O_o :P

09-28-2002, 04:47 AM
Hey! WTF is my cookie, DK? Damn you! You promised!