Another Mad Dancer
11-05-2009, 12:07 AM
Links are dead newfags. If you'd like a reupload, pm me.

Another Mad Dancer
11-18-2009, 05:58 AM
Bump becuz' i'm cool liek dat.

11-18-2009, 06:07 AM
This sounds very interesting! I shall check it out! Thanks for your sharing :)
You may want to post it in the Big Orchestral Action Music Thread because this sounds like something those people would very much enjoy as well :D
Oh yes! There are some fantastic epic choral pieces here that really grab your attention! Very nice!

Lens of Truth
11-18-2009, 07:51 AM
Excellent post. I’m glad you bumped or I’d have missed it!

Like the film, I find Eihhorn’s piece difficult to return to often. It speaks of suffering on such an elemental level. This might sound odd, but I’ve always found minimalist throbbings quietly terrifying, even in non-sinister contexts (I don’t mean this in a facetious way at all - it reminds me of a recurring nightmare I used to have as a child about a conveyer belt of death!). The undulating minor progressions feel both desperate and sad in a very human way, but also machine-like. The torture sequence is the apex of that convergence and also the convergence between film and score. Almost throughout, the music feels ‘close-up’ like Dreyer’s camera, yet at the same time rather detached; the suffering is inevitable, universal.

The libretto in PDF is a thoughtful touch - a very moving read in itself.

You may want to post it in the Big Orchestral Action Music Thread because this sounds like something those people would very much enjoy as well
Yes! It can join the 'Silent Scores' series :D

Thank you AMD!

11-18-2009, 12:46 PM
Thank You So Much Another Mad Dancer For This Excellent Uploading...Much Appreciated...
I Like Your Phrase Lens of Truth When You said "This might sound odd, but I’ve always found minimalist throbbings quietly terrifying, even in non-sinister contexts (I don’t mean this in a facetious way at all - it reminds me of a recurring nightmare I used to have as a child about a conveyer belt of death!)The undulating minor progressions feel both desperate and sad in a very human way, but also machine-like. The torture sequence is the apex of that convergence and also the convergence between film and score".....I Agree With You in this Point...

11-19-2009, 10:57 AM
Very dramatic and captivating work. Now I just wish that I could hear this along with Dreyer's film...Thank you for such an excellent share.

Ranged Weapon
11-20-2009, 08:14 AM
I'm intrigued by this but i can't extract the files from the zip.
what am i doing wrong? I have 2 files 001 and 002 (which I've downloaded twice) but i can't get Winrar, Winzip or 7zip to unpack them. Winrar and 7zip will give me the contents directory and allow me to enter the password, but won't unpack the files.
Am I missing something like a 000 file?

Leon Scott Kennedy
11-20-2009, 08:43 AM
I'm intrigued by this but i can't extract the files from the zip.
what am i doing wrong? I have 2 files 001 and 002 (which I've downloaded twice) but i can't get Winrar, Winzip or 7zip to unpack them. Winrar and 7zip will give me the contents directory and allow me to enter the password, but won't unpack the files.
Am I missing something like a 000 file?
Try to join them with the software HJSplit, then extract.

Another Mad Dancer
11-20-2009, 10:25 PM
Maybe your software is a bit outdated? I zipped those with 7-zip 4.65. Otherwise... it doesn't seems like corrupted date; you can view the directories. What kind of error message do you get?

11-20-2009, 10:33 PM
Worked fine for me with 7zip. I agree with the suggestion of new version.

Ranged Weapon
11-21-2009, 09:22 AM
Joining the files and updating my software did the trick :)
Thanks for the info and for the download.

11-30-2009, 09:12 AM
I'm confused. I joined them but for some reason it just says that it cannot be opened. It's doesn't ask for a passcode or anything. It's frustrating.

10-03-2011, 04:09 PM
One of the best soundtracks ever. I couldn't imagine watching the Passion of Joan of Arc without it.

08-25-2012, 08:03 AM
Can someone give a working link?