ultimate veggie
08-29-2002, 03:08 PM
Ever since Goku was born everyone around him had problem's big time like the death of his father. Or the destruction of his home planet and it didn't stop there he landed on earth and found a foster parent called gramdpa Gohan which he squished not much later..then he ha to get in to the dragon balls that lead to all sorts of problem like Emporor Pelof,the red ribbon army,the saiyans and then frieza that all came after the balls for ultimate power and controle of the planet or universe. Goku may have been able to handel all of that but his friends still died but he cheated fate and brought them back from the othere world. Then when he finaly figures out he is a major problem to the universe after his battle with cell there is "peace" for 7 gloryus years un till he desides to come back for a day and screws up everyting again wiht his bad luck when bobbity free majin buu and the world is put in to much parel. Im just saying all of this must take it's toll on Goku mind hwo he is able to handle all i don't know...do you? :uh?:

Psuedes Psyche
08-29-2002, 04:42 PM
Wow! I never thought of it that way. Sheesh! And I thought I had bad luck!!

08-30-2002, 12:41 PM
Simple, Goku is unlucky because it makes for a better (if not monotonous) series. Oh well, I think Vegeta has had a pretty FUBAR past. Lost his entire family, his home planet, his life a few times, his son, his lady (Bulma) his fight with cell, his dignity, his pride. You name it, chances are Vegeta has lost it, prolly even lost his car keys at one stage.