08-29-2002, 05:24 AM
Hey I just saw this Anime and I have seen up to episode 4 or 5 and was wondering if anyone else has seen it or heard of it.

08-29-2002, 06:39 AM
Yeah, of course. It's not that good. In fact, it sucks. XD The art and animation are the worst. The Demon gun, doom train, and white Cloud are cool, but that's about it. The story has basically no plot. It's just 2 kids and 2 adults fighting monsters, basically. Nothing really deep.

08-29-2002, 06:49 AM
yeah damn well I was hoping it would get better and yeah the Demon gun is sweet.

08-29-2002, 12:52 PM
well, It does actually get better after ep. 13 which is the last of the first season. Still it's not all that good but if you don't have anything better to watch i suggest you start with ep. 15 since, if I remember correctly, ep. 14 is a recap episode.

Liquid Fire
09-26-2002, 03:23 AM
Heh the gun itself isnt all that good but what it really does is pretty cool like the summonings and all yeah so all in all its a pretty good anime series

09-28-2002, 08:06 AM
Well so far the best part in that series would be when


Cid Turns into a Frog!! heheh so funny and mean to him damn I would have like chased everyone around for a while after that.