ultimate veggie
08-29-2002, 04:07 AM
ya know I've wathced a ton of animes and about 90% of them are very very perverted like for example "golden boy" a colege graduate that travels around japan doing odd job messing up and then fixing everyhting and in each case there is a buteful girl and a...toylet....thie girl hate himm at firs especialy when he messes up then hwen he fix's it she ove him but he is so upset about messing up he leaves.... and in other th guy houndint all the girls and his comrads beat the hack outta him....sould i go on?

08-29-2002, 04:22 AM
Hmm, some are perverted in a way. And some just contain mature contents. Not all anime are "perverted", though. One I can think off the top of my head is Rurouni Kenshin. Nothing perverted about this anime at all. Then there is Hikaru no Go, which has like two girls in the whole anime, both with minor roles. Slam Dunk(yeah, like anybody remembers this one), and Noir are also very non-perverted, just to name a few. Maybe you just haven't been picking the right anime or something... I mean, if you pick an anime with a perky girl on the cover, chances are it's "perverted". o_0

08-29-2002, 05:50 PM
I don�t know any statistics to prove what I will simply say now: No, most animes are not about sex. However, in Japan animated movies are not only made for children but some are also aimed at another group, male adults for example, and of course some of these are also erotic. Goldenboy, for example.

Most animes that I know are normal. Those that I prefer have no sex atall or little sex in it. As megalomania said... well, I don�t know Hikaru No Go well, but I�ve read most of Kenshin and have not seen any erotic scenes. :P
It just depends what animes you choose.

08-29-2002, 11:54 PM
The reason is because the Japanese don't tend to hide whats in the real world. American shows are sheltered and don't really contain any sex, massive violence, ect. because we tend to hide these things from society as if trying to pretend they don't exist. The Japanese don't really hide things from their society......I guess that kinda sums up my feelings.....I don't really think I explained it really well tho.......

08-30-2002, 01:43 AM
Originally posted by Joeshie
American shows are sheltered and don't really contain any sex, massive violence, ect. because we tend to hide these things from society as if trying to pretend they don't exist.

I agree with you about our shows hiding sex, but strangely we don't view violence as taboo. It's really warped. We allow violence in our children's shows, but we act like sex is the most perverted, evil thing in the world. (Personally, I would think seeing two mature adults act naturally about their love would be a better thing to expose a child to than murder and terrorism, but few things in our society are logical.)

Is Japan's taboos the reverse of ours (sex is ok, graphic violence isn't) or is their entertainment anything goes?

08-30-2002, 03:18 AM
That answer is very simple... you have to look at their lifestyles (the animator/ storywriter that is)...

They express what they wish they had in real life through animation.. what don't they have our slower borthers and sisters might ask? Hot beautiful women with firm round breasts, hips to die for, a funny/cute/cool personality, smart, easy to get to bed with, will fall in love with the hero in a heartbeat, clean shave toothpick legs and long flowing silky hair.. and bondage, can't forget that..

Correct me if I'm wrong but women like that are nonexistent.. So the only place we will see them is in the desires of the losers of japan.. yes?

08-30-2002, 11:54 AM
LMAO!! It's all so true. Many men are lonely and like the thought of a woman who is perfect for a perverse guy!! This is true though, that the writer really changes the anime. I've said it before about Evangelion as well, it's the writer that makes the story and that's why it is often odd. The amn who wrote Evangelion was clinically depressed at that time, which perfectly explains why there are some rather odd things in the series and film.

08-31-2002, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Fujin

I agree with you about our shows hiding sex, but strangely we don't view violence as taboo. It's really warped. We allow violence in our children's shows, but we act like sex is the most perverted, evil thing in the world. (Personally, I would think seeing two mature adults act naturally about their love would be a better thing to expose a child to than murder and terrorism, but few things in our society are logical.)

Is Japan's taboos the reverse of ours (sex is ok, graphic violence isn't) or is their entertainment anything goes?

I know that there is alot of violence on televison. But what I mean is there isn't really any massive, bloody, chop everyones head off American shows. The only real place that they show up in American society is in the movies.

09-10-2002, 09:46 PM
Because life is perverted. Anime's more true to life that way.

((Midnight Panthers somewhere near the top of the most perverted list))

09-11-2002, 02:22 AM
It's because Japan is, like most other counties, waaaay more liberal about showing that stuff on televison. I understand using discretion, but really, I think that our refusal to put too much sexuality on tv is just another excuse for americans not to parent their children. But that's a whoole other subject.