ultimate veggie
08-29-2002, 12:06 AM
I sure hope this means fan fiction......

I call this story "The Temporary Return Of Bardock"

Many years ago frieza destroyed the planet Vegeta along with all the saiyans on it for the exeption of Nappa, Raditz and Vegeta. But when the planet blew goku got away......and ...far behind him...was his fathers favorite bloody bandana...if you dont belive me and thught that was saposed to be a symbolistic end to bardocks life....stop reading this story.. but if your like me you'd think that it "was" all that was left of bardock...well many years later after Goku had beaten Frieza the bandana fell to the earth and on to the roof of the son house...and so our story begins

GOKU!!!! an agravated house wife called out to her lover. "yes Hunny" Goku said while holding his head.the enraged ChiChi stomped in to the kitchen and held out a broken plate."Do YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS!!?" she barked. "Hmm my brakefast plate?" Goku said with a confused look on his face:confused: ."well this plate is a family airlome.....passd down through 6 generations of my dad's family not to mention his wedding gift to you AND YOU GO AND BRAKE IT!!! she bashed what was left of the plate on gous head."Ow......that hurt.." Goku said wimpering."well nmot as much as your braking it hurt me now getouta here!!"she pushed goku out the door"AND DONT COME BACK TILL YOU LEARN HOW TO EAT WITHOUT BRAKEING OUR MEMORIES!!!" with that she slamed the door causing the house to shake a lil and the bandana on the roof to slip off. Goku stood there dumbfounded but before he knew it the old bloody bandana blew in to his face"ack" said Goku he took the peice of red cloth from his face. "Where did dis come from?" Goku looked at it oddly he had a feeling he had seen this before but he was not sure where. a smell came to his attention the smell of saiyan blood. Goku smelld this everytime he was around vegeta but he thought it was just saiyan body oder.Goku had never seen vegta where a bandana before so sat down on the front steps how somthing like this could have hit his face. Goku then felt compeld to put it on chichi was mad at him already so if he came back in to the house wareing a piece of trash she'd banish him from the kithcen for a week so run to the lake near by to se how he looked in it. on his way he ran in to gohan who was playing catch with his lil brother"hey dad" they called goku walked over to them"goign punk pop's" goten sneerd"you look kewl dad but you know mom wont let you in the house wareing that thing" said gohan. Goku frowned "but I like it.... it makes me feel good just being near it!" said goku meekly and he ran off to the lake leaving gohan and his brother to there game. he reached the lake and looked down to see his refection. what he saw was him but not exactly. for some odd reason he had a scar on his left cheek and an angry look in his eye's"That's not me?"goku said"Of coures it is'nt kakorot" The reflection spoke back. Goku jerked back from the lake and shivered "who said that!!"goku yalped" Son dont you remeber me"? a voice sad in his head."Son?" goku siad under his breath."yes SON im your father bardock and I've finlay found you"said the voice."Where are you daddy?" questioned goku."im right here in your head thanks for picking up my bandana bythe way..I've waited for a long time to see you" said Bardock. "what were you like daddy?" goku asked."well son im a good man but maybe not in your eye's I've destroyed many civilizations and helped frieza in every way he asked....." said Bardock sadly."I understand daddy Vegeta was forced to do the same thing im sure if friza wasent around you'd be saving people rather than killing them" said goku cheefully:D ."even if there was no frieza our king Vegeta would have taken over the galexy...it's saiyan nature..son I have a question for you" siad Bardock."yeah dad?"said goku."what made you diffrent from the rest of us? in my last few minutes of life i saw in to the future and saw you growing up but you were always at peace with your self and thoughs around you that is'nt natural for any saiyan we take pride in being alone and gaining stranght but you help other to attine levels of power that they could never have done all on there own so i want to know what made you change so much from us" said Bardock"well.....ummm...I think i hurt my head as a chiled i heard i was a real monster before my injury" said goku timidly."......a..head injury......thats all it took.....and i took so many blows to the head in my life and never learned to be like you...son im proud of you.." goku lumped for joy and ran to gohan and goten.......to be continued

wellll this was just a sample of what im capeable of i hoped you liked it so far:uh?: