ultimate veggie
08-28-2002, 07:35 PM
what do you guy's like better? writen or animated? I personaly like anime more:p

08-29-2002, 01:13 PM
I don't read a lot of manga and the only mangas i've read which have been made into animes are Nausic�� and Akira and in the case of Nausic�� the manga (which consists of four books) is a lot better. The anime is pretty much the first book with a new ending.

Akira though, even though the manga is A HELL OF A LOT LONGER, i like better in animated form. I don't know why, i just do.

08-30-2002, 12:26 PM
Maybe Akira was longer in the Manga because it had more plot. But I think Anime is better, you get more of a feel for what is happening. You don't just have a still figure, you have a whole movement to base opinions on.

09-02-2002, 06:39 PM
I like animation more. I like to read and would think I would like manga better, but I agree with Faramir and I think anime is easier to follow. If I could have my way though I would have both.

09-02-2002, 07:50 PM
I like manga more. I have always preffered to read than watch the T.V. It helps me understand the story better too. Also, almost every T.V. show makes me sleep, even if I'm interested in the subject...

Weird...I know :uh?:

EDIT: I just wanted to add, reading is fundamental...where did I get that saying again??? ^_~

09-03-2002, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by ultimate veggie
what do you guy's like better? writen or animated? I personaly like anime more:p

Thats because the more mature folks even consider manga...0.o

Fact is, you cant compare two devices with different mediums. A DVD and a book isn't the same thing. I've always believed that the book is better than the movie..

09-05-2002, 04:34 PM
In my opinion, it really depends on the series. There are animes out there with visuals so amazing, and with an improved upon story, that I think the manga can't touch on, but there are also a great many manga series that sort of got the hack job when they were converted. I try to check out both, when I can, because sometimes they both make more sense that way.

09-05-2002, 06:24 PM
Zemlock is right:
Movies and books in general are hard to compare. Both media can offer great experiences, be it a reading experience or a watching experience.
I enjoy both the animated stories, and the way manga authors use different techniques to convey emotions and get their story across.
Well, I know a bit more about manga, I own more, I have read more manga than I have watched anime, therefore I have experienced a large variety of styles and stuff... so... I like manga more, it�s just more my media.

Terra is right.
It depends on the series. Have a look at the Slayers manga and the Slayers anime: The anime is just better, funnier. The manga compresses the story and it is not very well drawn.
Most of the time it depends on what came first, the manga or the anime. (The Kenshin manga is way better than the anime!!!! The Escaflowne manga by Katsu Aki is plain CRAP!)

09-06-2002, 08:46 AM
Anime all the way! It's kawaii, Japanese and ruley and that's all I need to say :p

04-18-2004, 04:08 PM
I dunno.. X_x In most cases I end up watching the anime, before reading the manga.

But most anime comes from manga, and the manga has more story and plot. Anime often leaves out plot... Thus the manga would have the WHOLE story.

The Wolf
04-18-2004, 04:10 PM
I prefer anime, cause of the comical value in most, manga's just too dark for me. couldn't stand Akira and dunno why but Ninja scrolls just made me feel uneven:eye:
Outlaw star is my fave anime:cool:

04-18-2004, 08:32 PM
I don't much like the cartoons,it seems. I'll usually go for the comics and not bother with the animation at all.

However, for me, it really just depends on which was the original work. If there's a cartoon converted into a comic, I'll just watch the cartoon, and vice versa.

04-19-2004, 07:20 AM
I prefer manga. It's easier to get a hold of, cheaper, and I just tend to prefer it, for some reason.

04-19-2004, 02:47 PM
I don�t really prefere manga or animes.....
Sometimes it has to be and anime! =D
Means, if there was a Witch Hunter Robin Manga it would certanly be good but to be honest I only know it as an anime with its great zooms and good animation and that would be missing in a manga. The great atmosphere and the dark colours are an important part of WHR...
besides a manga doesn�t have voice actors and I�d miss Michael�s voice!!! ;_;

"Lady Auron" :cool:

dante's ninth circle
04-21-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Maliris-San
I don�t really prefere manga or animes.....
Sometimes it has to be and anime! =D
Means, if there was a Witch Hunter Robin Manga it would certanly be good but to be honest I only know it as an anime with its great zooms and good animation and that would be missing in a manga. The great atmosphere and the dark colours are an important part of WHR...
besides a manga doesn�t have voice actors and I�d miss Michael�s voice!!! ;_;

"Lady Auron" :cool:
__________________________________________________ __

GREAT STATEMENT!!!! Do you know how they make a book into a movie, and it's actually good? well the relationship between anime and manga is exactly like that. I've read a couple of DBZ mangas and the fights can only be done on anime or else the effect just wouldn't be the same. (Off the topic) is anyone in to hentai?

Dot Centaur
04-22-2004, 12:06 AM
I prefer anime to manga. In manga, the art is more exagerated around the characters bodies. In anime, the art is more organized and more detailed.

04-27-2004, 01:53 AM
it depends on the series. Neo genesis Evangellion was much better as an anime

Sailor moon sucks as an anime but the manga is really cool.

Some things, like Mars and Paradise Kiss will probably never be an anime.. but i love the mangas. Mars is liek the best one of all times.

05-02-2004, 12:47 PM
Hmmm......although I'd rather watching a blistering fight scene flowing, animated than look at it in a series of panels but I gotta go with manga. In almost every other aspect, manga is better.

P.S. Tokyopop is the best!

05-12-2004, 10:28 PM
I prefer the manga than tha anime. When an anime is is made form the manga the anime loses some of the story. Though the anime has more "soul" than the manga.

Shadow Star
05-15-2004, 10:36 PM
I personally like them both equally. There used to be a time when I read more manga, but now I'm finding more interesting anime to watch.

FFE Reno
05-16-2004, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Misao

It depends on the series. Have a look at the Slayers manga and the Slayers anime: The anime is just better, funnier. The manga compresses the story and it is not very well drawn.
Most of the time it depends on what came first, the manga or the anime. (The Kenshin manga is way better than the anime!!!! The Escaflowne manga by Katsu Aki is plain CRAP!) [/B]

I havent seen the Slayers Anime, although lots of people have told me its really good. I enjoy the manga though. Onto the Kenshin thing though....YES THE MANGA IS MUCH BETTER THAN THE ANIME!!!!!! I think the Kenshin Manga is the only real reason I like Kenshin even

Darth Revan
05-16-2004, 01:15 PM
I prefer the manga more than the anime. My example is Love Hina. The manga had so much more to it than the anime, and to me, the anime had the feeling of being rushed to it. As well as differences between the anime and the manga. Also, the anime introduced my most hated anime character, Kentaro Sakata. He wasn't even in the manga so why the Hell was he brought into the anime?

Enough of my rambling on the Love Hina Manga/Anime versions. I could complain about them forever, if I was given the chance.

Still, like I said before, I prefer the manga to anime. There's just so much more in the manga which can't be fitted into an anime.

05-19-2004, 12:45 AM
I have to say manga though I'm a fan of both comics and animation. When it comes to which is better to me it depends on the staff that works on the anime.
Like are they going to follow the artist's ideas like how he/she feels about the story, plot,and characters. Will it even be drawn the same? I can't stand it when a tv series or movie is based on the book and they totally ruin it. Usually, if the anime staff really cares about the manga they are basing the series on then the anime is usually pretty good.

But as much as I like anime I have to say I like manga better

05-30-2004, 01:14 AM
anyone is better,..only think this.....without manga there is no anime,cuz anime is manga animated.

06-05-2004, 09:04 AM
what is better onions or computers??? Anime and Manga are comltely different things, manga's are books to read and anime 's are series to watch!!!

06-15-2004, 01:13 AM
I love anime,but I also like manga. I don't really think I could choose between them though.They both have good,and bad things about them.It would take me ages to decide between them.Oh Well,maybe i'll decide one day.Maybe! :-\

06-15-2004, 04:39 AM
I say Anime because it does not invovle any reading ((% of the time!

Dot Centaur
06-15-2004, 02:06 PM
As a legendary anime fan, I say anime because its in better detail. I like the Sailor Moon anime better because their feet aren't as exagerated and big. I like the Evangelion anime better becuase in the manga, they got mixed up with some of the episodes.

06-17-2004, 11:33 PM
Well, I like both. Anime is easier to follow, but in manga, sometimes there are things that weren't mentioned in the show itself. Plus, manga is the root of anime anyway, I think.

06-20-2004, 03:42 AM
I like manga cause i can draw it ..... it is that right ? i dont really noe but i like manga more

Dot Centaur
06-20-2004, 04:27 AM
That could be, because it's not as accurate as anime. That would make it easier to draw.

06-30-2004, 02:30 AM
I have to say manga

It has higher quality art and detail.

The manga is the focused vision of one man � an anime is that of many � if they aren't all on the same track, it will suck.

Manga can be pulled out any time and carried around, enjoyed with a cool drink or read in bed.

Manga are cheaper.

Yeah, in the end, its just the standard of quality I guess, and that the intentions and in-jokes of the artists come through in manga, while not as much as in anime.

07-05-2004, 04:34 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
That could be, because it's not as accurate as anime. That would make it easier to draw.

Actually Tifa if you are meaning the manga is not acuate but the Anime is you are wrong.

Most anime is based off of the Manga. Naruto for instance is way ahead of it's self Manga wize. I have gotten to a point where Gaara (One of the main bad guys) is a good guy and helps out. Where in the episode I am at a battle between Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi.

Also Anime like Inu Yasha, Dragonball Z, and even Yu-Gi-Oh is based off the manga it has produced. And yes some of the storylines are cut off but that is to purley add to the storylines being packed on.

07-05-2004, 05:48 AM
That could be, because it's not as accurate as anime. That would make it easier to draw.

The art in comics-at least for figures- tends to be more complicated than animation, precisely because it's being animated.

Dot Centaur
07-05-2004, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by TaylorWetton

Actually Tifa if you are meaning the manga is not acuate but the Anime is you are wrong.

Most anime is based off of the Manga. Naruto for instance is way ahead of it's self Manga wize. I have gotten to a point where Gaara (One of the main bad guys) is a good guy and helps out. Where in the episode I am at a battle between Uchiha Itachi and Kakashi.

Also Anime like Inu Yasha, Dragonball Z, and even Yu-Gi-Oh is based off the manga it has produced. And yes some of the storylines are cut off but that is to purley add to the storylines being packed on.

Nope. Not in my opinion. I don't know why people are saying the Sailor Moon manga looks more accurate! Wrong. In the Sailor Moon manga, their feet are too big. Their feet are too big compared to their ankles. Accurate? I think not. In the Evangelion manga, the episodes are mixed up and the bodies are slightly exagerated.

07-06-2004, 01:46 AM
IMO, they should probably be regarded as separate entities. They both have their strengths and weaknesses and are enjoyed on different levels. It's the same as the choice between reading a novel or watching the movie based on it.

I avidly collect both and regard them as companion pieces, not as competitors.

Dot Centaur
07-06-2004, 02:12 AM
Very true. Like Books and T.V., Manga and Anime are very different. I just love anime better, lol!

07-07-2004, 05:21 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl

Nope. Not in my opinion. I don't know why people are saying the Sailor Moon manga looks more accurate! Wrong. In the Sailor Moon manga, their feet are too big. Their feet are too big compared to their ankles. Accurate? I think not. In the Evangelion manga, the episodes are mixed up and the bodies are slightly exagerated.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Evangelion manga started appearing in Shonen Ace about a year or so before the first episode aired. So the anime was the one that did the mixing up. ;)

I also prefer the Evangelion anime to the manga though. ^^

07-07-2004, 05:26 AM
In the case of Evangelion, the anime did actually come first. The manga was a somewhat revised version; another revision is coming soon in the form of a new PS2 game that's supposed to go deeper into the story, to the point that it will actually contain the truth about all the mysteries if you look hard enough.

Dot Centaur
07-07-2004, 06:01 PM
The mysteries of the anime get more revealed at the end of the series and the movies.

07-07-2004, 06:08 PM
i like anime better because it seems to me that is more detailed then manga.bsides i am lazy and would rather watch something than read it.

Dot Centaur
07-07-2004, 06:36 PM
I think anime is better detailed too.

07-09-2004, 04:02 PM
I love both. I can't have one or the other. Some anime usually do come from manga first before its made and vice versa. I just think that they're both great in many ways. Anime can sometimes not stay true or correct to the storyline in the manga but can add a whole lot of surprises in it. The manga stay on its storyline but sometimes leave a whole lot of who's who and what happend but can also sometimes tell a lot more than the anime. So, its both, for me.

07-10-2004, 06:26 PM
i would say manga caus normaly first a manga comes out and maybe later a anime of it, and also manga is most times made by one or 2 peope and anime not. in manga you can see the details and everything, today there a so many anime and most of just made really bad and cheap just look at such stuff like pokemon gues everyone is able to draw something like that. manga take mostly very long time till they are finished many anime today are jsut made as fast as posible with computers and everything and in the end they are really bad looking.

Dot Centaur
07-10-2004, 08:12 PM
I like the art in anime better. I'm not too sure about the storylines. In anime and manga the storylines may be different, but I like the storylines in both the manga and the anime! I just like the art alot better in anime. I guess that's why I like anime better because in my opinion anime is 2/2 and manga is 1/2.

07-11-2004, 09:10 AM
ok...so here's what I think...both manga and anime are nice and they each have their strong points and their weak ones...
BUT...in my opinion manga is slightly better than anime.

Let's take for example Angel Sanctuary...The manga is WAY better than the anime, the way the characters are drawn, the plot, the...everything.What I've seen from the AS Ova's,...well, it just doesen't click for me...in the anime the characters are drawn SO MUCH WORSE than those from the manga...(well, I could go on for a while with this,because it's a'n ichy subject for me :).)

but, to make things even, Ayashi no Ceres, is a very good manga and an also very good anime...the anime sticks to the manga, the way the characters are drawn are resembeling a lot to those in the manga...

I saw Sailor Moon was discussed.I saw the anime first, but there were things in the manga which coludn't be put in the anime and that was a minus for the anime.Yes, the drawing was better ->reffering to characters,but it had its week points too...for example the drawing was edgeier in an episode, softer in another...you could notice the difference between those who made the episodes.

I like manga better because one can enter better in the atmosphere,get in touch with the character, imagine for your self his/her voice...
sometimes in the anime the voices do not match the ones you had imagined for that charater and it's dissapointing...
other times the voices are the exact ones you had imagined for the character, like it was for me in Ayahsi no Ceres.

Well, the botton line is I preffer manga to anime,but I like anime a lot too! :)

as someone said manga and anime are different but complete eachother...

07-13-2004, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by Faramir
Maybe Akira was longer in the Manga because it had more plot.

Hehehehe, the Akira anime was like taking every super violent scene from the manga and then not having enough space or time left to expand the plot. :) I liked it anyway

I personally favor manga far more than anime.

Dot Centaur
07-13-2004, 09:49 AM
Is the anime Akira goreier than the manga?

07-28-2004, 11:47 AM
just watch it! i like Akira was one of the first anime i�ve seen and i did know that it was one. hey ithink your extrem right! just hit the point.

07-28-2004, 12:11 PM
TifaGirl, it might be true in the case of Saior Moon and Evangelion, but generally speaking, I think that manga is superior to anime, art-wise.
Maybe you should just read more, and compare the manga to their anime counterpart.
Evangelion isn't the best example, I think the art is pretty... solid, but nothing special. Sailor Moon... Well, it's my personal taste, but I abhor the drawing style.
Also, stop repeating yourself.

Anael's example of Angel Sanctuary is good... Angel Sanctuary shows everything that can go wrong when adapting a manga into anime form:
The story gets butchere, characters get cut out, the character design looks like... like...
The whole fine, artistic drawings of Kaori Yuki disappear in crude, ugliness.
The colours are all wrong. Too bright. It doesn't work with the atmosphere.

Dot Centaur
07-30-2004, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Tokiko
TifaGirl, it might be true in the case of Saior Moon and Evangelion, but generally speaking, I think that manga is superior to anime, art-wise.
Maybe you should just read more, and compare the manga to their anime counterpart.
Evangelion isn't the best example, I think the art is pretty... solid, but nothing special. Sailor Moon... Well, it's my personal taste, but I abhor the drawing style.
Also, stop repeating yourself.

I do need to read more manga. I just haven't had much of the money to buy more of it because I have budget issues I need to settle. Like I've told you I would stop over repeating myself, but the repeating above was a while posted before I told you.

08-01-2004, 10:10 PM
This is just a big disaster watiting to happen! Sure there are pros and cons to both sides, but it really has to depend on where you start and the series that you're enjoying! For instance, if you started with the manga of a series such as ranma 1/2, then you might enjoy it more since you been reading it for so long. Then when you watch the anime for the first time, you might be thinking, I didn't imagine for his voice to be like that, or they left some stuff out that you thought was important! But then when watching the anime first like Slayers, it is much more fun, fast pace, hillarious, and overall enjoyable, so you began to adapt to that itself! So by switching to the manga, it is less exciting! Truth be told, I like both for the manga has the original-what-the-artist-want-you-to-see-from-their-view and the anime shows you color, action, voice, music, and life to the character!

08-03-2004, 06:11 PM
I think they're both really good. Manga is good because its portable and accessable anywhere, while anime has to be on a tv or computer. They both rock though lol.

Saviour Sephiroth
08-03-2004, 09:38 PM
Isnt it Just me or is Anim� always directed towards *explicit* content* :notgood: Lol ;) Isn't Hentai a form of Anim�? , Anyways I myself much prefer Manga....
Manga Rox!

08-03-2004, 09:41 PM
hmmm i think theres also hentai manga so :P lol

08-13-2004, 03:11 PM
anime's cool... better i guess...:-D

Aerith Gainsborough
08-24-2004, 03:23 PM
I like manga better, because I am not that big of a TV freak.....;)