10-27-2009, 07:54 PM
Has anyone played the new Diabloesque first-person shooter, Borderlands? I'm sorely tempted to buy it after seeing previews and video reviews, but I'm just torn. Could anyone who has played it give me their impressions?

Informative links:

Video Review - http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/957205/borderlands/videos/borderlands_vdr_101909.html

Text Review - http://pc.ign.com/articles/103/1036211p1.html

10-28-2009, 01:06 AM
A few friends of mine have either bought this game or rented it. They say it's a good rent. But from what I've heard about it though, it seems really short to be beaten in just 2 days. But there are other quests to do besides the main ones to continue the story (and they say a shitload) but not sure how that will favor when it boils down to it being worth it or not.

But the thing that turns me off about this game is that for an RPG, 2 days of playing to beat it is pretty short. And I like my RPG's looooong. And apparently the only multiplayer you can have is either jumping into a random party, or party with your friends. I was hoping it would be more along the lines of MMORPG's where you can run around and find some random person grinding by themself or something, but it's not. And I had pretty high hopes that part.

I've been trying to rent it but it's rented out everywhere :(. When I get my hands on it, I'll post back with my experiences with the game.

10-31-2009, 03:12 PM
Borderlands is an awesome game. All of my co-workers have been playing it since it came out. I'm also a person who likes my RPGS long, and if you do all the quests like I am, it is a long game.

jewess crabcake
10-31-2009, 03:53 PM
They should have set up a faction system and pvp servers. But I'm REALLY thinking about getting it. But by the time I get my money idk if I'll want it anymore ;(.

11-01-2009, 12:07 PM
It's actually a really fun game, interesting graphics, decent enough story and a lot of fun if you do every mission like mellifluous tupperware and myself you'll be stuck playing it for ages. =)

11-05-2009, 07:24 AM
"Diablo with guns" is tremendously accurate. The presentation is quite good and makes it feel like more its own thing. It's better presented in SP than MP (duh), but probably more fun better built for MP.

11-07-2009, 12:51 AM
I was actually really looking forward to it, but it's lack of freedom, immersion and character uniqueness meant I got bored within hours. It makes out it's freeroam but you try going somewhere new and you get raped by enemies twice your level. Really dissapointed.

11-07-2009, 12:52 AM
wb Harkus.

11-07-2009, 12:55 AM
Thanks Neg :)

I'll be here all the time when FFXIII finally decides to find it's way to our shelves.

11-07-2009, 12:58 AM
I remember living in the Q&A thread for XII. That was really good times, even if my opinion of the game ended up falling into the abyss.

Maybe some people here will have the same kind of experience for XIII.

11-07-2009, 01:05 AM
Let's hope. After seeing the most recent trailers I'm not sure about it though, It could have a terrific story and great characters etc. but it might not and to be honest it's worrying :O. XII had great gameplay and was fun but it lacked the feeling of previous games.

11-07-2009, 07:34 AM
It makes out it's freeroam but you try going somewhere new and you get raped by enemies twice your level. Really dissapointed.

That's actually not so bad. FFXI uses much the same tactics to discourage low level travel, but it doesn't bar you from traveling provided you employ some cunning and big cojones.

I dunno how free-roaming Borderlands is... I just unlocked Dahl Headlands by doing quests in sequence so I guess the answer is "not very".

07-09-2010, 08:31 PM
I begin to play Borderlands last week and find not good at beginning.
But more I play it more I like.
So my score for this game is 8/10
Even if its use the "old" Unreal 3D Engine the game is really funny.
It's like to play a cartoon but for mature people.

GameSpot give it 8.5/10

07-12-2010, 10:24 PM
Borderlands is a really awesome game, if you have friends to play it with... I played it through with two pals and it was really great fun. But, its kind of dull alone, not sure how that works ahaha but thats what i though :B