10-25-2009, 09:53 PM
I'm working on a short film and want to use a certain stock scream effect I remember, but I can't place where the hell it comes from originally. I thought it was the scream used when the Doomguy gets killed, but after firing up Doom I realized this isn't the case (unless it's from a different Doom port?). It's also not a version of the Wilhelm scream or the Howie scream (AKA "guy falling" or "yeeeaaarrgghhh"), as far as I know.

Anyway, I finally remembered one place I knew for sure I had heard it- mixed into the BGM of the What The Heck? level of the original Earthworm Jim. So, I have a link to the video below for you guys to listen to. Maybe one of you nice people can shed some light on what exactly this scream is and where it comes from so I can track down a clean sample to use in my movie.

It first appears in the video at exactly 0:41 and pops up regularly throughout the rest of the song afterwards. If it helps, I believe this same exact scream effect is used in the movie Clerks when Randall is watching TV in the video store.

Any help would be appreciated, as I've been going out of my mind trying to find this. Thanks.

10-25-2009, 11:00 PM
I'm going to move this to the VGM section because I think you'll have more luck getting answers there. Hope you find it!

10-25-2009, 11:21 PM
Thanks. I hope so too!

10-25-2009, 11:56 PM
It's been many many years since i played the game, but i think all the voices (screams) you hear on this track comes from the game itself.

At least i am sure these screams were not added on the track but are part of it.
Maybe you should try to launch the game and look for a sound test if there's any.

10-25-2009, 11:58 PM
that would be the famous (and hilarious) Wilhelm scream sound effect.

hope that helps ;)

10-26-2009, 01:22 AM
Thanks, but as I said in the original post, it's NOT the Wilhelm scream. The scream I'm looking for is different.

Okay, I think I discovered the scream's origin. It WAS from Doom- the PSX port, that is. It had all-new sound effects created for it when Midway ported it over from the PC, including a new death scream for the Doomguy. The PSX port was released in 1993, so it makes sense that the scream could be in EWJ and Clerks, both of which were released a year later in 1994. Of course, the scream could still be an old stock effect the guys who did PSX Doom just lifted (I have read that they recorded all the new effects in-house, but you never know), but at least I have a clear idea where to get my hands on a quality sample now.

I've since been looking everywhere, but I can't find Doom PSX sound effects to download. I've just been finding WAD files that convert PC Doom's sound effects to the PSX version's. Does anyone know how to extract sound files from a WAD? Or (even better) where I can find a good sample of PSX Doomguy's death scream?

10-26-2009, 06:32 AM
Nevermind. I downloaded a WAD editor (XWE) and extracted the scream (along with the rest of the PSX version's sound effects). It's all good, baby.