Cetra Angel
08-26-2002, 05:11 PM
*Wonders how to start*

... Hello! :p

I decided it was about time I had somewhere to post my poetry and also my Fanfics before I put them on Fanfiction.net

So here I am in my humble writing thingamajiggum, and my first peice is called Better Than You

I was in a bad mood. A VERY bad mood.

Better Than You

One day...
One day I'll have proof.

You laugh at me now,
You with your big ass and big ideas,
You think you're all that,
Think you know everything,
Think you know me,
But you...
You know nothing.

All my life,
I've been laughed at.
Teased, taunted, picked on.
I'm not even 14 yet, and I've been through
Worse shit than you can imagine.
And none of it was my fault,
I'm guilty of nothing,
'Cept telling you what's what.
Now listen up asshole,
Cuz I wont take your crap anymore.

And you shout at me now,
You with your fake smile and fake goals,
You think you can control me,
Think you're the best,
Think you can hurt me,
But you...
You don't affect me like you used to.

One day...
One blessed day...
I'll have proof
That I'm better than you.

Oh yeah, that was one sucky day.

08-26-2002, 05:27 PM
Very good poem ^____^ Teh length of it tis good, and it isnt cluttered. Me likes. :D

but yush, it sounds like ya had a bad day when you wrote it. And yet out of bad days come inspiration to write poetry!!! ^_^ or something :uh?:

ahem ahem, very nice poem. I cant wait til ya post some more poems and stuffs up!!! :D

Fatal Divide
08-26-2002, 06:30 PM
Great poem Selphie. Very dramatic and emotional. I like it, and I hope you'll continue to post more poems here.

Cetra Angel
08-26-2002, 08:44 PM
yup yup! that bad day was yesterday :eek:

Yeah, I'll post more poems and also fanfics. Dun worry tho cuz most of my stuff is 'happy happy weirdness funny' as i call it.

yup yup yup. I think my next post will be the Summon/GF/Eidolon/Aeon Reunion, beware: craziness ahead!

08-28-2002, 06:56 AM
Oh, that poem really meant something to me as it's sorta like my life. *Sighs.* Heh, you put it in a really interesting and emotional way Selphie.

Good on you. GO you!!!! *Claps.*

Encore, encore! XD~

ultimate veggie
08-28-2002, 06:24 PM
your poem scared me....you wana hurt me dont you......help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...but it was GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!:uh?:

Cetra Angel
08-28-2002, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by ultimate veggie
your poem scared me....you wana hurt me dont you......help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...but it was GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!:uh?:

LMAO! Nahh, dun wanna hurt ANY of the shriners.... ^^;;

I'm definitely posting The Summon/GF/Eidolon/Aeon Reunion next. I hope you all likes it. I think Chapter 1 will be here on... Saturday? hmm... Maybe Sunday, I dunno