08-24-2002, 06:52 PM
I personally think DBZ is boring and repetative.... Vote and comment on that.

08-27-2002, 09:52 AM
Well, it seems to be an even vote there but i believe if you put another option, the option of "not caring" then you would have several more votes in that option than the rest. Topics these days.

08-27-2002, 06:46 PM
I personally like DBZ. In fact it's one of my most favorite animes ever.

DBZ was the first anime that I had ever watched. It really got me involved into the anime world. I understand that the plot can be really repetive sometimes but its the action that keeps me coming back for more. I also enjoy the characters and the humor.

Crazy Chocobo
08-28-2002, 04:05 AM
Yes. *raises hand* I just don't like DBZ. Don't ask why. I just don't like it.

08-28-2002, 04:59 PM
We all loved DBZ at one point.. but then we grew out of it and realized how ugly our mistake was.. now let's let the children do it and see if they can do the same!

ultimate veggie
08-28-2002, 06:33 PM
i wake up to its smiling bloody face.....i eat lunch to the antics of a kakkyrot and a veggie eating there hearts out......i go to school....only day dreaming of what they might be doing.....i love..them.....and you tell me that people could hate such a wonderfull show? if thats just you oppinion......okay i can deal with that....but with tharapy.....here is my reply" AHHHHHHHHHHH HOWVCOULD YOU".......thank you i just had to get that out:uh?:

08-29-2002, 05:04 PM
DBZ is for anime newbies.. at one point or another you will grow out of it...

kinda like going from kiddie shows to adult shows, its all relative

ultimate veggie
08-29-2002, 05:07 PM
argh ill grow out of it.....really there are so many thing's you can do with this anime you can have endless fun wiith it and you tell me that "I" ultimate Veggie of all people will grow out of it :mad:

08-29-2002, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Zemlock
DBZ is for anime newbies.. at one point or another you will grow out of it...

kinda like going from kiddie shows to adult shows, its all relative

AMEN! DBZ is for newbs.... I personally like Excel Saga, Neon Genesis of Angelon, and oh yes my favorite.... TRIGUN!

Melly Seren
08-29-2002, 05:31 PM
dbz sucks? now now dont speak so harshly of anime history...to you it may be in the past as you see new anime but its there .they started something great dbz has paved the way for new anime in america and ok it might be getting old but its still a classic in its own right...dbz sucks....no no olny to the anime otaku wanna-be who cant recognize greatness in a small dragon ball package

yes i know ...im fully aware im insane .thank you for noticeing !

:D melly seren :D

ultimate veggie
08-29-2002, 05:45 PM
I agree completly!! ^_^

08-29-2002, 07:53 PM
Yeah, I used to like it when I was younger. That was before I watched Evangelion, though. Ever since I watch Evangelion I couldn't go back to an anime with nothing but brainless fighting. Besides, it's old. The animation is kind of shitty. XD And it doesn't even have a good plot line to back it up.

ultimate veggie
08-29-2002, 07:57 PM
Mega owch...that hurt me deep...maybe if u wathced some of the episode agiain like when goku truned ssj for the first time or when gohan fought cell wiht his dad backing him up you'd remeber all the things that make this show great:uh?: i dont know why most of you guys cant see that

08-29-2002, 08:16 PM
Lol, no, I'm pretty sure most ppl who don't watch it grew out of it like I did. There comes a time when you have to let go and move on to something better. XD I still have my dragon ball manga which I still read once in a while. But it's sort of like "why eat ice when you have ice-cream?". Sure, ice is good, but ice-cream is even better.

08-29-2002, 08:54 PM
I admit. I used to watch DBZ. Until Atomxy saved me from hell and showed me other animes. :B

Like said, DBZ is for "anime newbies", most probably only like it because they haven't even seen any proper anime serie or movie.

Um yes. I'm afraid I kind of.. hate DBZ now. In fact, I don't even concider it an anime. The style is ugly (for an anime - I do like Chrono Trigger's art) and everything is delayed too much. Like, just get over with those stupid fights. They don't have to take 20 episodes. And the endless talks about "powerlevels". God, save me. XD

Edit: Is it just me, or does any else think DBZ is pretty much like a soap? They switch back and forth between scenes just when it gets "interesting", milk the 'plotline' out as much as they can by delaying everything big time..

David F
08-30-2002, 09:34 AM
I used to it but I just grew out of that mindset now I�m quite indifferent about the whole affair, frankly DBZ is just an anime for beginners, the viewers of the show will grow out of it watch more interesting animes.

08-30-2002, 11:40 AM
I still like DBZ. Yes it is for newbs, but because I am only learning to draw Manga now, it is the easiest place to start.

08-30-2002, 11:44 AM
That dbz sucks is somewhat a understatement or at least in my opinion.
Like some others said, it's a newbie anime and thus I have watched it sometimes, but luckily I was soon enough introduced to other animes before I actually started liking it xD
and now I think it's too lame for words, it's soo bad in comparation with other animes. XD

08-30-2002, 12:15 PM
Hey, they're pretty harsh words!! It is good. But as sadi more times than not, it is a kids anime, and will always be a kid's anime. Until I am able to see some real anime besides Akira, Gunsmith Cats, Evangelion and Akira, I'm stuck with it. I don't have a cideo shop with a stockpile of anime anymore!

08-30-2002, 04:44 PM
Can Trigun and Evangelion be considered for newbies too? And all the others at Toonami?

I'd say so, they've been around for the longest time..

Neo Xzhan
08-30-2002, 09:53 PM
DBZ is ok but when u've watched DBGT u'll never watch it again :D.

08-30-2002, 10:35 PM
DBGT is just as bad. I've seen it. It's even more ridiculous then DBZ, with new villains appearing every few episodes, and even more fighting. Very lame.

If that's the case you might as well add Kenshin to the list too. XD Just because they're old and been around longer(and have big fanbase) doesn't exactly make them anime for newbies.

andy mercer
11-30-2002, 05:21 AM
i'm getting tired of people saying

I personally think DBZ is boring and repetative.... posted by TimeMatrix


brainless fighting, Besides, it's old. The animation is kind of shitty
posted by megalomania

um, i don't know about you but the animation seems quite up to date, i stand behind dbz all the way.

11-30-2002, 03:00 PM
I can honestly say it got me into anime but now I can't stand it. It's so kiddish and monotonous now that I think of it but the kid's seem to enjoy it. Oh well, my bro got me into the good stuff at a early age and I continue to enjoy new animes. But DBZ? It gets my thumb's down.

Evad D'Aragon
11-30-2002, 05:57 PM
Gee...What the hell is wrong with you guys ???

You said it was "lame and repetitive" for a story...

Haven't you noticed that having a intelligent story was NOT the intent of the Dragonball ??? It was all about humor and action, and pure entertainment.

You honestly expect Shinji to start being a clown ? Gee, do you watch American Pie in hope of finding some intellectual show ??? You are totally missing the point when you are analyzing DBZ for its story...

What the hell is wrong with your "it's for newbies" ? If it would have been ANY other show that got you into anime, then you would say it was THIS OTHER SHOW that's for newbs...Come on !! How lamier can you get with this argument ?

All I'm saying here...Is that you call something "idiot" or "bad" when the reasons that you YOURSELF choose to call it that way are JUST AS IDIOT OR BAD :p

You DO have the right to hate DBZ or whatever other show...But, please, say stuff like "I don't like action or the type of humor", that would be a bit more intelligent...

Saying stuff like "It's for newbies" just reflect that you're nothing more than an "expert-wannabe"...

Look, if you tell there's better anime out there, I can agree with you...to an extent. "Better" is pretty relative...you know.

And , ONE FINAL THING : if it IS the anime that got you into the whole thing, you should NOT diss it...You should be grateful that it got you into anime...gee, talk about being ungrateful...

As for me, my favorite anime would actually be Record of Lodoss War ( hence the Parn sig ;) ), especially the "Chronicles of the Heroic Knight" TV series...And though I admit I'm not as obsessed with DBZ as I once was, I still like it...It has its flaws, sure, but then what's perfect in this whole world...?

andy mercer
11-30-2002, 06:11 PM
i competely agree with Evad D'Aragon and all of his comments, (except the last one, it has flaws:rolleyes: ).

11-30-2002, 06:24 PM
I dont understand how you cant like DBZ, to me it seems to get better all the time

11-30-2002, 08:21 PM
Oh yes it sucks, it sucks big time. And now with the newer episodes with the crappy VAs I just want to puke all over the series! Yeah that�s right, PUKE! I want my stomach juice to burn a hole right through all the EXTREEMLY gay action figures/ posters/ manga tapes the VA's skulls and the stupid narrator, my god I hate him sooooooo much. He sounds like he's speaking through a paper cup and a dead cat. Yes -_- I too used to follow the ways of the DBZ fan but I have seen the LIGHT! DBZ reeks like dead monkey. The only time I can even tolerate the show now is the boo saga and only if it�s in Japanese. I just can�t say how much I hate that show, its repetitive, boring, and kinda lame and the only cool character is Vegita but still�ok I�m done�I�m going to go eat peoples� brains now.

andy mercer
12-01-2002, 05:22 AM
Oh yes it sucks, it sucks big time. And now with the newer episodes with the crappy VAs I just want to puke all over the series! Yeah that�s right, PUKE! I want my stomach juice to burn a hole right through all the EXTREEMLY gay action figures/ posters/ manga tapes the VA's skulls and the stupid narrator, my god I hate him sooooooo much. He sounds like he's speaking through a paper cup and a dead cat. Yes -_- I too used to follow the ways of the DBZ fan but I have seen the LIGHT! DBZ reeks like dead monkey. The only time I can even tolerate the show now is the boo saga and only if it�s in Japanese. I just can�t say how much I hate that show, its repetitive, boring, and kinda lame and the only cool character is Vegita but still�ok I�m done�I�m going to go eat peoples� brains now.
posted by Cygnus

ooooook that is weird, puking on the show, dead cats, dead monkeys, :notgood:

12-01-2002, 07:10 AM
Oy, can believe I even bothered looking at this thread...

Okay, I like Action, and I like Humor, but I do not like Dragonball Z. To say that there's no good story in anime with action and humor is just wrong. Kenshin is a perfect example(blah, hate to compare Kenshin to DBZ).

DBZ has been titled "anime for newbies" because most ppl who are obsessed with it haven't seen much of other anime, in which case, it IS for newbies.

Evad D'Aragon
12-01-2002, 04:59 PM
...Oy, can I believe you can't find better arguments ...

Okay, Megalomania...You do not like Dragonball Z, but like action and humor...Fine by me. That's your right. ;)

But can you explain where it is that I, or anyone else for that matter, said that an anime which has action and humor does not have a good story ? I said it was the intent with Dragonball, but I NEVER , and I insist, NEVER said it was the case with every show that has action and humor...so I'd like you, Megalomania, to explain how it is you came up with that conclusion. Thanks in advance. I haven't seen Kenshin, therefore I can't say anything about it...But from what I've heard about it, comparing Kenshin and DBZ is like comparing oranges and apples...As far as I know, about the only anime that bears enough similarities with DBZ to be compared with it ( and that's to an extent, of course, they're no clones ) would be Ranma 1/2...If there are others that are of the same genre, don't hesitate to let me know.

And, about the "anime for newbies because most ppl who are obsessed with it haven't seen much of other anime, in which case, it IS for newbies" ...

I'll point right back at my original post on this one, but say it again with different words :

Let's say, for a instant, that it was , say , KENSHIN, that got most people to get into anime, and that you first watched badly dubbed and censored on the cartoon network ( which is probably the element that is the most against Dragonball in america, yeah, frankly, the american show sucks, can't deny it )...then all of you would say that it was KENSHIN who was the "kiddy show for newbies", hence demonstrating how lame this argument is...

Dragonball Z is so well-known by "newbies" NOT because it IS for newbies...it's because it IS ONE OF THE MOST, IF NOT THE MOST, POPULAR ANIME IN THE WORLD...

Now, just before someone strikes back at me and reminds me of my "famous doesn't mean good" argument : Yeah, you're absolutely right on this one. But !I already said that DBZ isn't the best out there...However, it's far from being the worst , and I keep saying that's if it's the anime that got you into all of it, you shouldn't go saying things like "I have seen the LIGHT !" when you see other animes ...Gosh ! Now you're being all religious too ? Geez...You should be grateful and at least RESPECT what allowed you to enjoy what become one of your hobbies.

And, one final thing : Dragonball allowed the anime world to get widely known in America, or at least it's absolutely NO exaggeration to say it contributed a LOT...Therefore, in that right ALONE, it deserves praise...Same goes for other well-know animes that have far more intelligent stories, but perhaps less developed figthing scenes , like Evangelion.

So, this is what I had to say.Please remember that , even if the subject of the argument is an often-reheated and seemingly futile one ( like in this case ), that does NOT mean there isn't anything intelligent to say. In which case, should you have ANYTHING to say about what I just wrote, PLEASE take the time to read ALL OF IT, and have SOME INTELLIGENCE in what you say...Because, otherwise, THEN it is futile...Thank you.

12-01-2002, 10:16 PM
You haven't even seen Kenshin? NOOB! XD j/k.

Actually, until Kenshin becomes the first anime that ppl watch, it's not a newbie anime. Newbie anime are usually really old, with really bad art(compared to the recent anime), lame story(compared to the recent), and really overhyped. I say Kenshin doesn't become a newbie anime until another 2 years... XD

It's not that I'm ungrateful. It's just that it's annoying when newbies start claiming DBZ the best anime ever made. You have to convince them that it's not.

There's nothing wrong with being a newbie or watching newbie anime. Everybody is a newbie some time in his life.

Evad D'Aragon
12-01-2002, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by megalomania

Actually, until Kenshin becomes the first anime that ppl watch, it's not a newbie anime. Newbie anime are usually really old, with really bad art(compared to the recent anime), lame story(compared to the recent), and really overhyped. I say Kenshin doesn't become a newbie anime until another 2 years... XD

LOL ! Great, then I know what I'll do : I'll never watch Kenshin :p That way, in two years, when it will be an newbie anime, I won't be considered an incult because I'll say "It's the best ever !" like all those DBZ fan-boys...Wow, how come I never thought of that ? ;) hehehe...

No, seriously...I may a little trouble with your definition of "newbie anime" :

Really old : All animes that make it in America dubbed are old...You have to take into account the time it takes to gain the rights and translate it into english. Long live imports and KaZaa lol

Really bad art : That's pretty relative. Of course the art of a 1990 anime will most likely not rival that of a 2002 anime...To fully determine how good the art is, we should actually compare it between animes of the same time period.

The ONE part I'm having most trouble with : The lame story. Hum...excuse me, can someone explain to me how come it is something has a interesting story until it becomes popular , then it no longer has an interesting story afterwards ? Plus, I can't help but wonder how hard it will be for anime creators to make stories ever surpassing that of their predecessors ...Oh well.

But, OH YEAH, some of them are REALLY over-hyped : Like Dragonball Z. But, that may just be what actually annoys so many people : the hype. Somehow it is interesting to notice the more something is hyped, the more it tends to disappoint. Like the more we're waiting for something, the more likely it is to get disappointed. Strange thing indeed.

And you are absolutely right on one thing : Those people who only watched DBZ and say it's the best NEED to see something else before truly knowing what they're talking about...But, what if it so happens that, despite everything, those people, even after seeing dozens of anime of different genres, STILL think DBZ is the best ever ? Those can no longer be considered as fanboys, now don't you think, everyone ? Just a little thought here...

12-02-2002, 12:17 AM
it was cool in the freeza series but it got gay fast. they write like a 2 page story and script and then stretch it into 50 episodes.

12-02-2002, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by Nanaki
it was cool in the freeza series but it got gay fast. they write like a 2 page story and script and then stretch it into 50 episodes.

I know what your talking about! By the 5th episode of the actual battle with freeza I could predict the whole damn thing. Goku wins even though the situation seemed impossible by acheiving some amzing power and succesfuly getting all his clothing ripped off to show his manly man boobs of manlyness.

andy mercer
12-02-2002, 02:45 AM
ummm, whats with all this stuff thats said dbz is a newbie and fanboy show i have seen all of dbz and even db and some of dbgt and i still think it is one of the best shows on tv, and i have seen plenty of other show to back this up. it said that dbz has a boring plot to it but to me it still interesting, every show it seem to get better and better. and nanaki said that they write 2 page story and strech it to a 50 episodes, well it would be quite a short show if it was only 2 pages:eye:.

12-02-2002, 06:37 AM
Originally posted by Evad D'Aragon
LOL ! Great, then I know what I'll do : I'll never watch Kenshin :p That way, in two years, when it will be an newbie anime, I won't be considered an incult because I'll say "It's the best ever !" like all those DBZ fan-boys...Wow, how come I never thought of that ? ;) hehehe...

No, seriously...I may a little trouble with your definition of "newbie anime" :

Really old : All animes that make it in America dubbed are old...You have to take into account the time it takes to gain the rights and translate it into english. Long live imports and KaZaa lol

Really bad art : That's pretty relative. Of course the art of a 1990 anime will most likely not rival that of a 2002 anime...To fully determine how good the art is, we should actually compare it between animes of the same time period.

The ONE part I'm having most trouble with : The lame story. Hum...excuse me, can someone explain to me how come it is something has a interesting story until it becomes popular , then it no longer has an interesting story afterwards ? Plus, I can't help but wonder how hard it will be for anime creators to make stories ever surpassing that of their predecessors ...Oh well.

But, OH YEAH, some of them are REALLY over-hyped : Like Dragonball Z. But, that may just be what actually annoys so many people : the hype. Somehow it is interesting to notice the more something is hyped, the more it tends to disappoint. Like the more we're waiting for something, the more likely it is to get disappointed. Strange thing indeed.

And you are absolutely right on one thing : Those people who only watched DBZ and say it's the best NEED to see something else before truly knowing what they're talking about...But, what if it so happens that, despite everything, those people, even after seeing dozens of anime of different genres, STILL think DBZ is the best ever ? Those can no longer be considered as fanboys, now don't you think, everyone ? Just a little thought here...

I think you should watch Kenshin. It's one of the best action anime out there. There's nothing wrong with watching newbie anime, as I already pointed out, not that Kenshin is a newbie anime(yet). XD Why do I get the feeling that Misao will kill me if she ever reads this thread... -_- When you finished watching Kenshin, watch Samarai Deeper Kyo. After watching these two, your standard of a good action anime would change completely. XD

Newbie anime, to me, is any anime that newbies call "the best ever made". And again, nothing wrong with being a newbie.

Now, DBZ never had a good story. Nobody ever for one second thought it had a good story. I only liked it because I thought the art was good, and that the fights were cool.

I agree with everything else you posted...

Evad D'Aragon
12-02-2002, 01:19 PM
lol I was only joking about Kenshin. I do intent to watch it...someday. I've heard a bit about it, but you know, it's part of those "things I'd like to do but never got around to actually do it" list ;)

12-02-2002, 06:33 PM
Yeah, go watch Kenshin, ... and do watch Samurai Deeper Kyo if you like perverted samurais constatntly "examining" the female characters of the series... :P

But if you look for series to compare to Dragonball, you should choose other examples.
Hunter X Hunter, for example, One Piece, Naruto!

Those series follow the same idea like DBZ: Watch a boy grow, get stronger, make friends, have adventures..

Gotta go. :(

And even you DBZ-haters, watch your language. Try to find better arguments than it is "gay".

Evad D'Aragon
12-03-2002, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Misao
Yeah, go watch Kenshin, ... and do watch Samurai Deeper Kyo if you like perverted samurais constatntly "examining" the female characters of the series... :P

But if you look for series to compare to Dragonball, you should choose other examples.
Hunter X Hunter, for example, One Piece, Naruto!

Those series follow the same idea like DBZ: Watch a boy grow, get stronger, make friends, have adventures..

Gotta go. :(

And even you DBZ-haters, watch your language. Try to find better arguments than it is "gay".

Perverted samurais constantly "examining" the female characters...Ah Misao, you're so sweet, you caught on EXACTLY what I like in anime lol j/k

And, YES, the DBZ-haters NEED to find better arguments.Heck, WHENEVER you hate something, please give an intelligent reason for it.

12-03-2002, 12:44 AM
Well, I wouldn't even call myself a DB hater... just annoyed. XD

I think Hunter X Hunter is about the same league as DBZ, but better story. Boring main characters, though. Very 2D... and Gon is quite... annoying as he is another stick-in-the-mud type hero.

One Piece is AWESOME! In fact, I got earings and toques just so I can look like Zoro. 3 swords, how original is that? All the characters are unique, and lovable. I'd recommend this one too.

12-03-2002, 02:00 PM

When a new HxH character is introduced you just cannot tell from his design or the way he is presented if he will die on the next page or become an important character. They are somewhat treated as equals...
The villains aren�t just baddies, they are characters, too... I happen to like them XD.
Sure Gon is not a very deep character... he just isn�t! Kurapika is... All in all, they are likeable, believable. Especially since even after 13 volumes Gon and Killua are no big fighters and prefer running over fighting XD
And now try Naruto.

Uhm... by the way, if you wanna go for Kenshin, READ it. You�ve no excuse, the French version is quite cool. ;P

Evad D'Aragon
12-03-2002, 03:38 PM
lol I DO have an excuse : lack of time. Plain simple :p

But I'll keep that in mind. ;)

12-04-2002, 01:40 AM
Ok, I like it...but, I'm not in 'love' with it. I enjoy watching other shows also... I only see it when I actually remeber when it comes on or sometimes not even that. I haven't been watching it for quited some time... Sure the storyline is predictable and what not.

*sighs* why is there always a thread about dbz? Not to mention the same topic, or it atleast seems like it...

12-07-2002, 04:03 AM
hmmm, I think the more the make the more stupid they get. Yes, very repetitive . .like they take too much time powering up it takes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WHOA sorry I was watching them power up.

12-07-2002, 09:10 AM
Heh, I hate DragonBall Z to tell you peepz the truth. It's really stupid, immature and the plot is so simple. Yush, I have watched it a ~few~ times but it just annoyed me as there's no action, it makes no sense and the characters are so stupid.

Yup, before you ask I am a Buffy the Vampire Slayer and damn proud of it actually, especially when Dragon Ball Z is put into comparsion =P

12-08-2002, 03:16 PM
I agree that is repetative (very) but it doesn't suck!

12-08-2002, 03:29 PM
I don�t want to put DBZ into comarison with Buffy ever again, the one thread was enough. You cannot compare DBZ to shows like that. Nor can you compare DBZ to Evangelion, Magic Knight Rayearth or Love Hina.
Compare it to shows of the same genre, that�s all that could possibly make sense.

12-08-2002, 09:40 PM
After looking at what everybody said and pointed out about Dragon Ball Z, I would have to agree that it is newbie anime.

Since it is VERY popular, someone who has never seen anime or doesn't even know what it is, will try watching just because everyone else likes it. He then becomes a newbie and other people who were watching it when it was "underground" say it's for newbies cuz younger kids watch it. Older anime lovers try to rebel and say it sucks to set themselves apart from the younger generation.

It is kind of crappy animation and boring at times, but I would beg to differ that it is mainly a "kids" show, it's just that kids t.v. stations make it that way.

So what if I like it? It doesn't make me a newbie, I just wnat to finish watching the series since it started airing about 5-7 years ago. I have grown out of newbyism, but the show is talking so friggin long to finish that I will be in college by the time it is done and people will still call me a newbie for watching it and called a newbie.

I think people should stop saying it is for newbies simply because it is popular.

Disregard what I said, I am just stuck in the past and don't want to grow up...*runs off to watch the new pokemon and power rangers.

12-10-2002, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Almindale
Hey, they're pretty harsh words!! It is good. But as sadi more times than not, it is a kids anime, and will always be a kid's anime. Until I am able to see some real anime besides Akira, Gunsmith Cats, Evangelion and Akira, I'm stuck with it. I don't have a cideo shop with a stockpile of anime anymore!

I only agree with the "it's a kids anime" but will it always be? Unless GT counts? Have you seen any of the japanese future-related episodes? There's cursing,killing, people choppin of others heads....y'know?

12-10-2002, 09:16 PM
I asked this before... I will ask it again: Is DBZ still not finished in the US? I remember well that DBZ started in Germany... like, last year, or two years ago, and ended around one year later. Ended. Over. Waiting for GT.
US TV really seems to want to stretch the series into infinity. This cannot do it any good. XD It�s normal that people get sich of it some day.

Besides that... Rauru, killing and cursing is also in DBZ, right?... I gues I saw people curse and kill others in it. I don�t think this makes it an adult anime.
It does not have to be one. It�s a shonen fighting series, wants to entertain... however, TV kills it. Sad.

By the way: Only Dragonball and Dragonball Z were done by Akira Toriyama, adapted from the 42-volumes manga Dragonball...
The story of GT was not done by Toriyama, therefore... I am not sure whether we should discuss it in here, especially, since it is not really a part of DBZ.

Pffff... Dragonball... After volume 42 I was thankful Toriyama wrote: The End and decided not to let his heroes fight against yet another evil, age yet another twenty years and raise yet another generation of supermegasayajins, but simply leave it at this and END the story.
And what do these TV people do? Create GT.

Evad D'Aragon
12-10-2002, 10:29 PM
It IS a fact that creating Dragonball GT wasn't a good idea...But hey, they just wanted to milk the cash cow...plain simple.

12-11-2002, 11:03 PM
Yes, but you know whats worse? Topics about weather or not dbz sucks!


12-14-2002, 12:39 AM
I personallly like dragonball and DBZ, but I am not a newbie at all, it's the classic style with appeals to me, maybe because I am just 14 too, who knows, I have seen the big brother of most anime show, Akira, Kite, Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiments of Lain, Metropolis and hundreds more. :D

Personally, I think the Buu Saga is quite cool because of his 7-year-old mind way of thinking, and his voice sounds much like a kid, but he could never be one right.

andy mercer
12-14-2002, 04:04 AM
personallly like dragonball and DBZ, but I am not a newbie at all, it's the classic style with appeals to me, maybe because I am just 14 too, who knows, I have seen the big brother of most anime show, Akira, Kite, Ghost in the Shell, Serial Experiments of Lain, Metropolis and hundreds more.

Personally, I think the Buu Saga is quite cool because of his 7-year-old mind way of thinking, and his voice sounds much like a kid, but he could never be one right

yeah same here, buu saga is the best one yet.

Heh, I hate DragonBall Z to tell you peepz the truth. It's really stupid, immature and the plot is so simple. Yush, I have watched it a ~few~ times but it just annoyed me as there's no action, it makes no sense and the characters are so stupid.
posted by Arwen

um think that until you see it ~many~ times that you can say that it is really stupid, immature and the plot is simple, there no action and the characters are stupid, cause there is quite a bit of action in the show, and its not really immature they don't go around burpping and laughing at it, the plot is not simple i was confused a few times during the show:confused:, and well if the characters are stupid that is really your own opinion.

12-14-2002, 04:34 AM
Originally posted by andy mercer
um think that until you see it ~many~ times that you can say that it is really stupid, immature and the plot is simple, there no action and the characters are stupid, cause there is quite a bit of action in the show, and its not really immature they don't go around burpping and laughing at it, the plot is not simple i was confused a few times during the show:confused:, and well if the characters are stupid that is really your own opinion. [/B]

Well, unfortunately I've seen it many times and I still dislike it. I never really liked the anime, but I did like the manga because the art in there is/was quite cool. The anime is way too repetitive, and the plot is predictable. One thing is for sure: the good guys will manage to win somehow. Face it, the plot is as simple as grade 8 math. There isn't enough action for a fighting anime. They're just bluffing all the time, and powering up. Also, notice they play the same clips over and over again, episode after episode. o_0

andy mercer
12-14-2002, 06:09 AM
well, i guess so, (at least your respecting the show), the good guys always wins cause goku wouldn't be the main character if he dies and then forgotten, next thing you know buu is running around destroying the plant, so the good guys has to win. theres not enough action cause the english show is different from the japenise show, they made the english version for young kids and it seem to be liked by older people as well. all the action was taken out of the english version cause child watch the show and they would not have complants about how brulte the show is (which really sucks). :notgood:, but your free to express your own opinion

12-28-2002, 06:14 PM
Hmm...DBZ...well there are certain things I hate, like the show itself being way too slow. That really is a downer. But the other things like animation, storylines (to a certain extent), character development is ok.

Another thing, why is it that they can't think up of new enemies? Cell & Buu seem so alike to me not in looks, in abilities. Cell could absorb people right? Therefore being more powerful and having the charater's special attacks. Then Buu is pretty much the same he gets this pink goo and it swallows them up and he absorbs them then almost becomes like them and has their special attacks too. What is up with that?

BTW due to the fact I live in Britain I have only seen as far as the Buu saga. Now they just repeat them over and over (it gets rather tiresome) and I find myself watching better anime...much better!

So no, I'm not a particular fan. But I admit to have a least aknowledged it.

andy mercer
12-29-2002, 03:44 AM
yeah i guess that is partly ture, buu and cell are kind of alike in that way , i kind of find that makes the show more interesting like seeing if either one will be absorb or not ,cell is made from well cells and can only do what the z fighters can do, buu was created and does alot more and different stuff. so they seem to be alike but buu does do all the moves he can do just only punch, kick, energy blast, and absorb, :notgood:

Death Knight
01-02-2003, 06:21 AM
well.......DBZ is for little kids, its pretty dumb and yes.....powerups take forever. however, being the anime gateway it is, i still like following the story.

01-03-2003, 01:20 PM
I hate everything about it.. story, characters, art/animation. All crap. Definately n00b anime.. then again, anything on US TV is...

01-03-2003, 02:38 PM
ui am not really into animie or anything like that, and when i watched DBZ for a period, i discovered it's boring cycle of villains, powering up to new levels, dying, resurecting etc, and i cudnt stand it

01-05-2003, 04:36 AM
Egh...I never got into DBZ...I thought it was crap since the first day I saw it. In fact had I known of the classification of animation called "anime" at that time I might have said, "Anime sucks"

It wasn't until Pokemon (yes I was young) when I started getting into it. So technically, dispite the fact that people say Pokemon isn't true anime, it was my gateway. Then some years later Card Captors came on in the US and then that was when I actually considered myself an anime fan (I became interested freshman year of highschool about). Of course I got pissed when I discovered what a crappy job the company that made the North American version did. They cut out a lot of episodes and scenes and stuff...Anyway...Then I got into Tenchi Universe sophmore year (and bought the entire series since I didn't have cable). Then during the summer between sophmore and junior year I went to Otakon with a friend. I saw the first volume of trigun and outlaw star on some screenings and became obsessed. A friend also handed me the first volume of Neon Genesis Evangelion at Otacon. I had bought the entire series of trigun and outlaw star and watched them during the summer (I also watched the NGE Vol 0:1 DVD). Basically I found them all great. Right now I'm still working on the NGE series (I only have half of the DVDs).

...Anyway, I only become attached to Anime that has some sort of plot...(Pokemon did seem to have a plot before all that Orange Island crap...)

01-05-2003, 04:42 PM
quote: "I don�t want to put DBZ into comarison with Buffy ever again"

hee hee hee!

01-05-2003, 06:25 PM
Okay... I have been following this topic for some time now and I guess it has reached a point where nothing new will be said.
It seems to have reached the point of repeating the handful of reasons over and over again, be it animation quality, characters, it being slow, boring, repetitive.
This is not getting us anywhere. It makes DBZ worse than it actually is... and aren�t we above this? Putting an anime down to display how better we are than those newbies that like it?...
Let�s leave it at this.

If anybody dislikes DBZ, they may open threads about the animes and mangas that they DO like.

I hope I don�t piss anyone of with this decision, but I don�t feel this thread has to be carried on. It�ll be closed.