10-15-2009, 02:21 AM
I think this is one of THE BEST games for the PS2. I thoroughly enjoyed this game because the controls are clean and the story is 12 on a scale of 1-10. Heh. I probably lost about four months of my life playing this thing. My favorite plane is the F/A-22 Raptor.

Darth Revan
10-15-2009, 02:56 AM
I played Ace Combat 5, and it was an ok game imo. Controls were good and the graphic representation of the aircraft was decent. I've had Ace Combat 6 Fires of Liberation for awhile now, on Xbox 360, and if you thought AC5 was good AC6 is better.

The combat is more responsive and can be quite hair raising in a couple of battles due to the overwhelming odds against you. Give it a shot and see what you think.

10-15-2009, 04:16 AM
Better thread title for this might have been "General Ace Combat Thread".:D

Regardless, Ace Combat is awesome as a whole. My first one was 4(and so I have a major soft spot for it), and since I got it, I've snagged all the rest of the series save for both 3's(US and Japan).

Little nitpicks though: AC5's peace message really gets on my nerves after a while, and your wingmen weren't terribly effective, either. The flavor chatter was great, though, especially from my bro, Chopper.

AC6...well, the dialogue is not memorable, the superweapon wasn't that awe-inspiring, but as you pointed out Xiahou, the battle scales are epic.:)

But...these are just my opinions. Lord knows there's a few games I enjoy that are frowned upon.

10-15-2009, 10:10 AM
my favorite is ace combat 2.
i really dont know why.
ace combat 4-5-6-0 are way better than 2, but i still like to play 2 more than the others.
i have played all of them except 3, which i plan to pirate the japanese version to enjoy the game as it was meant to be played and not the buttraped travesty the US got.

10-15-2009, 01:40 PM
The games in the series that I've played are 4, 5, Zero, and 6. The only one out of the lot that I particularly like is #5, and it ranks among my favorite games of all time. 4 never interested me and Zero really felt like a step backward. 6 disappointed me because of its relatively short length and the lack of versatility in the missions. It had nothing at all that matched the fun I had with that mission in 5 where you're stunt flying in the unarmed training planes. Still, online multiplayer redeemed it enough for me to buy a copy.

10-15-2009, 08:14 PM
The games in the series that I've played are 4, 5, Zero, and 6. The only one out of the lot that I particularly like is #5, and it ranks among my favorite games of all time. 4 never interested me and Zero really felt like a step backward. 6 disappointed me because of its relatively short length and the lack of versatility in the missions. It had nothing at all that matched the fun I had with that mission in 5 where you're stunt flying in the unarmed training planes. Still, online multiplayer redeemed it enough for me to buy a copy.

I'm assuming you're referring to Mission 19? Yeah, that was a little nerve-wracking, especially with the constant 'beep...beep...beep' from your missile alert.

While we undoubtedly have personal favorites on the games themselves, I think we can all agree on one thing...the music is gawdly. No matter what, you can always count on the music, yes?

10-17-2009, 06:17 AM
roger that Chaz. and you're right Xiahou. I played AC 6 this afternoon and the battles did seem much more tipped against you. but i pulled through.

10-17-2009, 06:28 AM
and also i'd like to point out something i said before, AC6 is great. but AC 5 is still the BEST one on PS2.

Lord Brimstone
10-25-2009, 12:46 AM
I love the Ace Combat series. I first was introduced to it with Ace Combat 4. The little background story they play after certain missions was nifty and I really liked the plane controls and the combat system of the game was solid. The Graphics were very good for its time but what really grabbed and sucked me into the series can be summed up like this:

I had just gotten through mission 17 and just picked my plane for the final mission. The mission starts off with a scene with a couple of seabirds flying around while fire is raining down from the sky and missiles are being fired from a giant fortress while what appears to be opera playing. It struck me as odd but i figured that were just setting the importance of the final mission. games tend to do that.
So the mission starts and I am surrounded by other ISAF fighters as we head towards Megalith. There is a bunch of chatter coming from the different pilots

Then Agnus Dei plays....

My jaw dropped as soon as I heard that song, and then I realized that there was a large squadron of Yellow squadron planes coming towards us headlong. The game then erupts into a full scale furball. That one mission just seemed so epic to me, that I felt like I was suddenly playing another game. I paused the game about a minute through just to catch my breath and just listen to that song.

The people that make the ace combat games seem to know that music really adds to the feel and emotion of the gameplay and they hit it perfectly time and time again. The last mission themes especially. Agnus Dei, The Unsung War, Zero, they were perfect for what was being presented on screen. I've listened to Chandelier for AC6 and it seemed too melancholy for the mission but that might be me.

As for my favorite game, it's hard to say because I haven't played all of them. AC 5 I never finished. I have yet to pick up AC6 and I still need to play AC 1,2, and 3 which personally I think AC3 need to be re-released but in it's original Japanese setup. I don't care if they dub it, but the original north American and European release of the game was heavily butchered as it had a massive story played in a similar fashion to ace combat 5 plus you could actually choose you path and which corporation you worked for by the choices you made on the battlefield. All of that was taken out of the US and Pal releases.

Anyways, sorry for ranting, and I am glad someone made this thread as it is nice to discuss the Ace Combat series with like minded people.

10-25-2009, 05:18 AM
Hit the nail on the head there, Lord Brimstone. The music is absolutely ridiculous and played on a surround sound system? Holy motherflippin' pork chop (I know that's a weird thing to say). The song for the final mission in AC5 (the one with the tunnel, not the SOLG) really just gives you such an intense feeling. It is insane.

10-26-2009, 06:25 AM
Hit the nail on the head there, Lord Brimstone. The music is absolutely ridiculous and played on a surround sound system? Holy motherflippin' pork chop (I know that's a weird thing to say). The song for the final mission in AC5 (the one with the tunnel, not the SOLG) really just gives you such an intense feeling. It is insane.

Not just that, XSV225, but the dialogue also sells those last two missions. Who can forget the chilling words of defiance from Ofnir and Grabacr or the remarks between your allies and enemies?

Again, in AC4, as you swarm in with your own squadron, and the Erusians just fall apart, screaming, "They've all got ribbon insignias!" Or in AC5, as you're tearing apart Yuktobania's 'invincible fortress': "Help us! It's the Razgriz!!!"

There never has been, nor will there ever be, a game that makes you feel more like a gawd than Ace Combat.

10-26-2009, 02:28 PM
There never has been, nor will there ever be, a game that makes you feel more like a gawd than Ace Combat.

That right there is part of what I felt was missing from Zero and 6. In the prior games, the chatter kept patting you on the back and building up the notion that you're a legendary badass. It was scaled back with those two, and the silly part of me that likes ego-stroking escapist fantasy missed it terribly.