10-13-2009, 12:30 AM
I'm a total noob here but I'm enamored and amazed with this forum (that I totally just stumbled upon by accident). It has one the best Soundtrack & OST sections & thread I've ever seen, so much good stuff. Thank you to all who share.

I have one small request, I'm looking for the new Superman/Batman:Public Enemies Animated Movie Soundtrack. Looked all over the internet and my usual dl & torrent spots and can't seem to find it at all. If anyone would be so kind as to the upload it and post it, I would greatly appreciate it as would some others I've seen who have asked for it. Thank you

10-13-2009, 08:45 PM
any luck woth the Superman/Batman Public Enemies OST? I would LOVE to get a listen to this one for sure:-)

10-18-2009, 03:29 AM
Thanks to gl71173 for posting this Thread 70620