08-23-2002, 10:12 AM
With this day and age, the stream of good videogames have come to a slowdown. While most of us are worrying and thinking about the next newest game, a great deal of them aren't going back to what they have or could get. Should it be going to a used Gamestore or checking the back of the closet or downloading a Rom for your emulator (WHICH YOU SHOULD NOT DO UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY CANNOT ACCESS THE GAME AT ALL), we still have games that we haven't completed, haven't played, haven't touched, whatever. The following is a list of good/decent games that you should consider playing while waiting for new stuff. Go ahead and toss in your own recommendations.

First lets start with the current games that are out on the new Gen Consoles.

Dynasty Warriors 3 - PS2 - Action/Beat Em Up.

This game is like Final Fight.... just on crystal meth. With the Romance of Three Kingdoms under it's belt, Koei did a fine job making a series that isn't all about commanding troops around. Besides, there were probably times when you played Final Fantasy Tactics and you wanted to just go up to the guy and whack him without being confined with menu after menu. This game does that and then some. With many levels and many characters to choose from, this will keep you busy for quite awhile. For the people who played Dynasty Warriors 2, this game is A LOT better, you will not get bored like you did with Dynasty Warriors 2.

Eternal Darkness - GCN - Survival Horror

I personally have not played this yet... I have played small bits of it and I enjoyed most of it. The sanity thing is well done and can leave you confused sometimes. Good game... I need to try it more. o_O

Jet Set Radio Future - Xbox - Adventure/Sports

Well, it's kinda hard to describe this game in terms of Genre... but this is a great game with some awesome visuals. Fans of the original Jet Grind (Set) Radio will not be disappointed. However, if you have never played Jet Grind (Set) Radio for the Dreamcast before, don't worry, the game doesn't have much to do with the Original, the concept is the same but otherwise (in terms of story) it's all new.

Now to take a few steps back into Dreamcast and the previous Gen.

Shenmue - DC - F.R.E.E.

I'll be honest... I don't know what F.R.E.E. means but all I know is that you are able to manipulate the hero, Ryo Hazuki, freely and able to do stuff with him... no, not that kind of sick stuff. You play as Ryo Hazuki, your somewhat normal average joe who just lost his father by a Chinese guy by Lan Di and you go out and avenge him. Being normal, you can go drink as much Soda as you want, buy little toys that are meant for younger people (or should I say kids...) and everyone's favorite pastime... play old Sega games in the arcades instead of illegally playing them on your emulator. Dispite it being kinda lame sometimes, it is still a good game with a great story to tell. You might want to buy enough VMU, if you can find one that is, this game consumes 80 blocks.

Grandia 2 - DC/PS2 - RPG

An RPG for the Dreamcast.... which you don't see much of. This game sets what RPGs should of be like in that time of age. This game is nice and fun, with it's humor tossed in and different things you could do with the characters' abilities, you've got yourself a good RPG that will last for awhile. The battle system is innovative. It is best to see it in active rather than me telling you how it goes. It took me awhile to understand it but you'll catch on fast. A soundtrack of Grandia 2 comes with Grandia 2 for DC... the PS2.... I dunno. o_O

All the Final Fantasy games - PSX/SNES - RPG

Well... why the heck not? FF4 is a hard RPG that is fun, FF5 has a Job/Ability System, FF6's story is in my opinion better than FF7's, FF7 is good, FF8 has the Junction system nobody likes, and FF9 is just great.

Whew.... run on. O_o

Now for a look back at the SNES age (this will also include Imports)

Chrono Trigger - SNES/PSX - RPG

Could be one of the best RPGs ever for the SNES, Squaresoft took a bit of Final Fantasy, simplify it a bit, add in new stuff (like Dual/Triple Techs), made it so that battles just took place on the same map, added in 12 endings, and finally add in music and animation big names and you've got "Chrono Trigger". Those who have played Chrono Cross should pick up this game and learn of the events of Crono and friends. (Note: The US PSX version of CT suffers from long load times, play on PS2 with fast loading on... or pick up the Japanese version. =P)

Bahamut Lagoon - SNES (Import Only but translated) - RPG

This game is like Final Fantasy Tactics.... but it's faster and better. The fact that battles don't take too long and windows just flying all over the place makes this game look superior to FFT. Now I'm not saying that FFT is not a great game but people who like FFT (or any game like this) should pick up Bahamut Lagoon. has translated this rom with some help from Neill Corlett, who also helped out in the translation to Seiken Densetsu 3.

Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2) - SNES (Import Only but translated) - RPG

This game is beautiful. If it was a woman, I'd marry her right this instant. o_O;;

Seiken Densetsu 3 was made by Squaresoft and was never brought here in the US. Why? I don't know really. Some say that the translated text would make the rom so large that buying the game would be costly (around $100 dollars), others say that it was too complicated or hard for the US folk (which I disagree on... but then again, when we got FF4 back then it was easy type.) In this game, you get to choose 3 out of 6 characters, one main and 2 partner characters. Each character has a different story but they all share the same path. One of the neat things about this game is that you can get a friend or two to join up and go through the game with your friends. Sadly, because this game was never released in the states, most of the people who don't have the expensive equipment to do so, cannot play this translated game on their SNES with their friends.. unless they have extra controlers and don't mind hogging the small moniter. I can though... but no multitap. ._.

Well, it's getting late, go ahead and toss in your suggestions.

08-23-2002, 07:01 PM
A game that I always wanted but never got was Kloanoa 2, Usually little games like this (Spyro/Crash) I rent but since we have a $70 charge on video card (never let a game 'accidently' fall behind the TV) can't rent anymore.

Ones I should be playing are FF4, 5 and 9, still haven't finished these dunno why.

08-23-2002, 07:26 PM
Vagrant Story:unique Square game !


Skye Vrbas
08-23-2002, 08:43 PM
Grandia 2 - DC/PS2 - RPG

I have the game and it's really amazing , there are a few sadistic abilities that you can learn . It's fun but let's say you 'll have a good time plaing it :D

Another Good game : Dark Cloud , amusing , calm , 70hours hours (included training to archive the ultimate power ;) )
Of course it's an RPG , so ...

Kool Ranch
08-23-2002, 09:00 PM
The Way of the Samurai for PS2 is pretty cool. It's not great, but it had a lot of great ideas. Think of it as a 1 hour samurai RPG, with a story similar to the movie "Yojimbo." I wouldn't reccomend buying it unless you're a big samurai movie fan, but I think that it's at least worth a rental.

P.S. FREE in Shenmue means Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment

I'll post more when I think of them

08-23-2002, 10:00 PM
Shining Force 1 and 2. RPG's like FF Tactics on the Mega Drive. i cant say what the ones on Saturn (LOL) are like, havnt heard anything about them.

Flashback - just rules

all of the GTA games

Desert and Jungle Strike. Urban sucked, and the 2 PS versions wernt great.

Zero Tolerance, a really kool FPS for the Megadrive.

umm, dunno wot else

just thought of one...Jimmy Whites Whirlwind Snooker on the Megadrive. im a snooker fan, so im probs the only person who wud like this game here :o

08-23-2002, 10:56 PM
Okayyy....Koenma's Sugestions:

All Megaman Games (with the exception of Battle Network, I don't like Battle Network that much...but otherwise, play the original MM, MMX, MML, and anything else that has to do with Megaman)

Dragon Warrior 1- NES

A solo RPG (meaning no party members, just you). The movement is a little laggy, none the less, this game is like a God.

Every DDR-Arcade, PSX (or DC if you import)

Want an interactive game that actually gets you in shape? What's that? Too hard you say? Not anymore! DDR is suitable, even if you're the most suckiest non-l337 guy around! Just don't play Dead End on Heavy with only 2 hours of sleep...*bad memories* x.x;

Yu Yu Hakusho; Final Battle (SNES)

So it's Japanese, so you'd have to import it..I don't care! Play it! This game is god-like! Every character is rox0rz j00...however, you should probably pick Hiei because Hiei has style lyk waht tymz 50 k n e way

Yeah...that's all for now.

And yes, TFA, Shining Force Games are also...ver...very god like...especially the second one.

Bahamut ZERO
08-24-2002, 12:21 PM
Shining Force 2 ABSOLUTELY ROCKS!!! It was THE game to get me into RPGs, and I loved it. Every single second. Even when I got stuck at one point that took me THREE WEEKS to beat this one boss, before I realised I needed a special weapon to attack it, I STILL PERSERVERED!!!

Sorry, I just liked that game...

Moving away from the RPG element of games, people should also play...

Super Mario All-Stars. (SNES)

The ultimate platform collection. You have Super Mario Bros 3, the ultimate 8-Bit Platform game that was arguably better than anything tried on the 16-Bit format. And you've got Super Mario Bros 1, Super Mario Bros 2 (US and European Version) and Super Mario Bros 2 (Japanese Version, and damn hard to complete) as bonus elements.

Wing Commander. (SNES)

There have been sequels, starring great acting from Luke Skywalker, but the first game had the most realistic combat scenes, and more action and destruction. True, you could cheat to make yourself invulnerable, but I played through without that, and it makes it one of the most tricky games I've ever played! And there are different pathways and endings aswell (either the humans winning, or losing.) And your partner changes dependent on how well / badly you do.

And I'm gonna be controversial now......

Grandia 1 (PSX / Saturn)

In my opinion (braces himself for rotten tomatos) Grandia 1 was better than Grandia 2. True, Grandia 2 had nicer looking graphics, and the combat controls were as smooth as silk, but it took me longer to play through Grandia 1, and I felt a bigger connection to Justin, Feena, Mullen and Leen than I did to Ryudo, Millennia and Elena. The game was fantastic, the story gripping, and the world well designed. If you liked Grandia 2, well, I recommend giving this one a shot...

And a final mention goes to...

Suikoden 1 and 2 (PSX)

If you want depth, this is it. You've got the first game that is VERY hard to get hold of (and I spent a year and a half looking for after buying the second.) You complete the first game with ALL 108 stars (characters you can find for your party) and you can use the saved data from THAT game to give stats boosts to the characters who appear in the second game from the first, aswell as a VERY cool side-quest. I won't spoil it for those who haven't played it, but it adds a HUGE depth to the games to have to get all 108 characters in BOTH games.

I think I'll stop there for now...

08-24-2002, 03:38 PM
Kessen II - PS2 - Strategy

Koei who is famous for their Three Kingdoms games just once again does another masterpiece in Kessen II. This game is a solid strategy game and very enjoyable ^^

Its gameplay is the most exciting value in this game. When you start to play this game, you'll controlling Liu Bei and his army to fight Cao Cao of the Wei army. The dueling and magic are the most important and interesting aspect in this game.

Beside its gameplay, Kessen II also have one more cool aspect...the graphics. Over 350+ men on the screen at once, and still hardly shows any signs of slowdown! Cool ne?

Xenogears - PS - RPG

Why? because its story is very awesome. Heh, to me story is the most important flavour for a RPG :P

This story is about a young boy called Fei that was brought to Lahan many years ago by a stranger.Since his village destroyed by an accidental Gear (giant robot) crash, Fei meets Elly by chance and then the story develops on how he learns more of his past and his growing love for Elly. It is quite sad in many parts but the story has many twists and is easy to follow ^__^

The other characters are very interesting and unique. Most of them have a sad past and as the game progresses, you will learn more about them. Each of them have their own special abilities and Gears. Xenogears has everything in an RPG. The fighting is solid, in hand to hand battles, you must figure out different combos with the different buttons. Fighting in a Gear is one of the most satisfying moments in any game. Some boss fights are extremely difficult.Some must-fight bosses are tough and can only be defeated by using certain strategies, but the extreme satisfaction is there when you defeat some of the hardest bosses in the game. Tons of side quests , iI especially like the Battle arena which is like some Tekken game where two Gears slug it out. The graphics are a bit muddy and could be better. However the animations are fabulous and beautifully drawn. The music is one of the best i've ever heard in a game. There are happy songs during many enjoyable moments, and sad songs which are very touching.

Super Mario RPG - SNES - RPG

The guys at nintendo sure had their heads strait on this one.What makes this game so great, in my opinion, is all the fun things you can do in this game like mini games and side quests. There's lots of level ups, armor, special moves, weapons, accesories, etc. that you can go through the game and collect it.

Its gameplay is marvelous! Super Mario RPG had the best game play ever and it definitely has a lot of fun things for you to do in it. The battle system is very original and awesome as well ^_^

As we look back at Super Mario RPG of course the graphics aren't that great because it's Super Nintendo, a 16-bit system, but when we all first got this game we probably were say ''Whoa, that's some sweet graphics.'' The audio parts never had a lame part despite the annoying music you would sometimes get when playing a mini game O_o

Oh, one more thing....this game is very easy ^^

Resident Evil - PS - Survival Horror

Look out! Behind you!!............Hoooo...Lol ^^

Yep, the Sound effects in this game are as startling and as scary as ever, from the slam of a door, to the sound of you flesh being bitten by a flesh eating zombie... The sound of a crow or a hunter is allways very frightning, and the music is the best in the series. And it sure gets you on the edge of your seat when your fighting a hoard of zombies or when you are introduced to the Hunter.

Its puzzles clearly one of the best puzzling games out there. At the first, you just easily gather ammunition and health herbs, but once you get into the middle and the ending, your about to blow your head over a puzzle you just messed up, or just figured out.

......Well, this is game is also"unrealistic". For example: one thing that is quite stupid in the game is that when you run into the weapon like the Rocket Launcher, and it says, ''Will you take the Rocket Launcher?.'' Thats like saying, ''Will you take this huge powerful weapon that can almost destroy everything in one blow?.'' It's like anyone will say NO O_o

Even so....I challenge you to play this series if you're not a chicken ^_~

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
08-27-2002, 05:37 AM
Hmmmm. . .what else?

Star Ocean 2 - PS - RPG

I don't know about anyone else, but I thought this game rocked. It's a little slow at first, but the tempo soon picks up. The battle system is cheap yet balanced. It's, more or less, a free-for-all, meaning that you and the others in the party can gang up and totally beat the crap out of one enemy. Unfortunately, the enemy can do the same. Plus, all the skills you can get (battle and otherwise) really add depth to the game. The fact that you don't have to get everyone in the game (in fact, it's impossible) really makes you make some sacrifices, assuming you know how to get everyone. There are something like 50 endings, so you could play it forever.

Silent Hill 1 & 2 -- PS, PS2 -- Horror

When compared to Silent Hill, Resident evil games are just disks. Silent Hill is a lot scarier. RE is more surprise fear (i.e. when the zombie dog jumps through the window) and SH is more what-is-that-noise-and-where-is-it-coming-from fear. The constant fog and the enemy radio really create that atmosphere. I personally, think the original is better.

I'm surprised and saddened (a little) that no one put down SH.

Terranigma - SNES (maybe) - RPG

I put maybe because I don't think it was released outside of Japan. Maybe this was because the only place I've seen it is at a ROM site. Anyway, this game has Secret of Mana-style fighting, except it's just you. Here's the premise: The upper world has totally been destroyed. Ark (who lives in the lower world), after finding a magic box, is commisioned to revive the world, one lifeform (i.e. plants, birds, nothing too specific) and one continent at a time. What makes it stand out is the parallels between reality and the game. You'll see if you play it. Also, decisions you make can affect the growth of cities. Quite unique, I'd say.

Earthbound - SNES - RPG

It's just fun. And wacky, too. A couple times, a guy calls you one your phone and tells you (the "guy holding the controller") to put in your name. Ah, yes, and it's set in present day (even though it says it takes place in 19XX when you start the game). The graphics are kind of lacking, but it's all good. It's a kind of tongue-in-cheek parody of all the FF-style (save the world) games.

There are undoubtedly more, but I can't think of any right now.

Neo Xzhan
08-27-2002, 10:36 AM
These are very good games. These were the first 3D games with 360 degrees of action, and a very good ai. Unlike in Doom by raising the difficulty which adds more opponents, the enemy's become better. They avoid and atact more agresively. The story is very good and the movies look very good.

Blood Omen
Now this is a very good game. The music is very atmospheric and the story perfect. IMO this is a underrated game. The graphics arent that good (but hey it is an old game) but the gameplay is perfect. In order to see everything u've played the game several times and u won't get bored by playing it over again.

08-27-2002, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Dj MogK'
Eternal Darkness - GCN - Survival Horror

I personally have not played this yet... I have played small bits of it and I enjoyed most of it. The sanity thing is well done and can leave you confused sometimes. Good game... I need to try it more. o_O

Oh man this game is awesome. I love the Insanity meter, its awesome although I'm stuck on it..... IT's still awesome.

08-27-2002, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
Shining Force 2 ABSOLUTELY ROCKS!!! It was THE game to get me into RPGs, and I loved it. Every single second. Even when I got stuck at one point that took me THREE WEEKS to beat this one boss, before I realised I needed a special weapon to attack it, I STILL PERSERVERED!!!

Sorry, I just liked that game...

the Achilles Sword right? i had trouble working that one out.

soz for dragging this off topic, i dont often find others who love Shining Force 2 as much as i do.

i have other games though:

Cannon Fodder: that was great fun. Jools and Jops will be forever remembered!

every Micro Machines game, geez, were they fun and original. plus, i was the ultimate God at that game.

Bomber Man with multi tap. i suck, but its still fun.

09-04-2002, 04:41 PM
I can't do the reviews quite like Mog can, but I have a few of my reccomendations.

There are a wealth of wonderful Nintendo and SNES rpgs out there you all should give a try, but one of the lesser known ones I'm going to beg you to track down is Earthbound. It's quite possibly the quirkiest game I've ever played, but it will keep you laughing, keep you interested, and is challenging enough to please most all of the gamers here.

I will also have to give my token reccomendation to the wonderful world of Harvest Moon. I adore all the Harvest Moon games, from the game boy ones, the SNES classic, the wonderful N64 version, and the different but still entertaining PS2 version. There's also a PSX version, but as I've never played it, I'm reluctant to plug it. At any rate, these games are not for everyone. Rent it first. Give it a shot. You might be bored, but if it's your type of game, you will thank me.

09-04-2002, 11:53 PM
Hmmm...I always wanted Shenmue and Chrono Trigger. Unforunately, I couldn't find Shenmue and I was going to buy Chrono Trigger once, but I instead wasted my money on a computer game. Arg. The graphics in both look absolutely stunning too.

09-17-2002, 09:05 PM
For some reason I can't find Arc the Lad Collection anywhere, I want to try Harvest Moon, here.....

Vivi FF
09-17-2002, 10:13 PM
(MogKnight: Uh, I accidently hit Edit instead of Quote.... stupid Moogle ;_;... uh sorry for ruining your message but I'll explain what you said in my next post.)

09-17-2002, 10:16 PM
Metal Gear:Substance is set to come out in the first half of next, possibly first quarter.

09-18-2002, 06:48 AM
In Vivi FF's post (before I accidently hit the Edit Button instead of the quote button), he stated that the current flow of games is still at a fast rate and posted a list of games for the PS2 to prove that. (now on to my post)

SOCOM: US Navy Seals <-- Would enjoy it if it wasn't broadband only.
Kingdom Hearts <-- Only real game I'll enjoy
Tekken 4 <-- Own the import, disappointing.
NFS: Hot Pursuit 2 <-- Didn't like NFS after the 3rd one
Tony Hawk 4 <-- I'm a fan of Tony Hawk... so nyeh :B
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness <-- They are trying too hard
MGS2: Sub (? when does this come out...?) <-- I would still count this as being an upgrade.... even though it's a total full blown upgrade... still doesn't count as a "new release" though

Jak and Daxter=$20
Devil May Cry=$20
Crash Bandicoot: Wrath of Cortex=$20
Tekken Tag Tournament=$20

20 dollars so soon? o_O

I remember back then when there would be like a lot of games people can look forward to. I don't have anything against Devil May Cry or Onimusha or Tekken Tag or Crash (may the gaming god bless his poor soul) or whatever, but the games have been slowing down, that or the games don't really cater to a large group or even seem impressive. Lets take Kingdom Hearts as a Major Release of that whole group (since that is really the head main attraction as of late). So Kingdom Hearts is the main game that most of us are looking forward to.... but thats just 1 game for until the end of the year. What about back then when games would come out at the same time and after that was released, another one was going to announced soon. o_O?

09-18-2002, 08:47 PM
To contradict what you are saying mog knight, I have 10+ games I am looking forward to that will be coming out by the end of the year, and many more that will be coming out after. But, to answer the thread,

Dargon warrior 7- I have been meaning to play this game but am intimidated by the rumored length.

Saga Frontier 2- Just haven't gotten around to playing it.

Vagrant Story- I started this game and like 4 1/2 hours into it I got stuck. I tried over the summer to play it again but the little skill I had was completely gone and have no hope to beating it.:(

I have a bunch of games I should be playing or should have played, but that is the consiquence of starting into the gaming industry late, you get behing playing all the old classics first and by the time you get to the "new" ones they are already "old".

Vivi FF
09-18-2002, 10:26 PM
SOCOM's out already.. Should've metioned it. But it would still be ummm... "edited". j/k :)

SOCOM's not a bad game. But it's not good either. If you're not gonna play online then it's pointless. The single player mode is horrible w/stupid, STUPID AI (sometimes), sometimes pointless missions, hard difficulty (it's hard to beat it the first time around and it's next to imposible the second time). You can't get a "mission select" until you beat the game 2 times w/the same file but higher level of difficulty... Maybe it's kinda decent butno way is it worth $60; more like $30-40.

Neo Xzhan
09-19-2002, 09:46 PM
Baldurs gate I&II with expansions:

More then 800 hours of gameplay. You get an awesome story with all kinds of plots and all the NPC's have their own backgrounds and sidequests worked out really good. When you finish BG1 you can continue your character in BG2 till the end! Something and BB2 continues where BG1 stops so I it is a whole which takes alot of time. I have finished the whole game (that is BG1&2) 8 times now. And everytime I played it again I discovered alot of things I missed in earlier games. One of the best things in this game is the ability to completely randomize your main character, something which is rare in some other games.