10-03-2009, 06:23 PM
Hii Everyone.

I'm looking for the complete score of Deep Blue Sea, i only have the extended edition.

If someone as it and could share it i would thank you very much.

Thank is advanced.


09-24-2010, 06:31 PM
Sorry buddy but you're searching for something that really doesn't exist :/

Ive been searching since the release of the official score and all I ever come up with is dust. It sucks cause this movie is literally my favorite score. It really annoys me but owell. Sorry bud but I don't think you're gonna find it. Maybe someday somehow it will be leaked but until that day hhehehh.

Though could you be as so kind to send me that extended score? I lost my extended and can't really find it anywhere else. Thanks!

09-24-2010, 11:45 PM
Hello, I love the Deep Blue Sea Score it's sad that we could't find anything. Just have to keep looking and like you say maybe some day we can find it :)

I can send it to you, send me a PM whit your email.


09-25-2010, 12:01 AM
He can't, you need more posts in order to activate your ability to send and recieve pms.

05-30-2011, 08:17 PM
One of these days, this HAS to turn up!

05-30-2011, 10:16 PM
Is possible in 320?

05-30-2011, 11:37 PM
Is possible in 320?

Is it possible to exist in the frist place?

06-02-2011, 12:08 AM
Still no luck on my part. The search continues! I wonder if there's a petition out there. If not, someone should help me start one. I REALLLLLY WANT THIS SCORE!!!

06-03-2011, 04:41 AM
Still no luck on my part. The search continues! I wonder if there's a petition out there. If not, someone should help me start one. I REALLLLLY WANT THIS SCORE!!!

Here is an expanded album I found. Quality's only 192 kbps but it'll have to do. It runs about 47 minutes which is 17 minutes longer than the paltry commercial album.

06-04-2011, 12:47 PM
Yeah, Those links are dead.

06-04-2011, 05:41 PM
Yeah, the expanded score is pretty crappy, except for "End". But the editing on that is crappy too. "Montage" was good too.

I uploaded 2 videos of the tracks that I'd really like in good quality...

YouTube - ‪"End" - Deep Blue Sea (Expanded) OST‬‏ (

YouTube - ‪"Elevator Shaft" - Deep Blue Sea (Expanded) OST‬‏ (

Someone made a complete score montage here....

YouTube - ‪Deep Blue Sea Complete Score with SFX‬‏ (

06-04-2011, 06:27 PM
It's not a question as to whether it exists or not really. I mean, the masters exist somewhere in complete form (unless someone tracked down and confiscated every copy of the studio masters and destroyed them all, which is doubtful), it's just a matter of how many people have it and are willing to share it. The fact that it's been 12 years or so and still nothing worth noting has turned up simply means that it's being shared sparingly and guarded heavily.

I'd love to have it in complete form too, it's been one of my favorites for years. Hopefully someday, someone will be willing to spread it. So it's not a matter of it existing, because I know it does-- every complete score ever written does-- it's just a matter of time before it turns up anywhere publicly. But like Epicflux suggested, it will probably be A LOT of time.

EDIT: P.S. if anyone would like the expanded edition, I do have it; sadly in MP3, but the quality of the expanded tracks is so bad that lossless wouldn't even matter.

04-21-2012, 03:24 AM
Has ANY progress been made at finding this score? For real, I still reallllly want this damn thing... I enjoyed the score with SFX video jaroshulk posted, infact if anyone has the time to rip the 5.1 Soundtrack channel off the DVD that would be fantastic!!! But, I don't think anyone gives two shits now except for a small few of us :(

Possibly does someone have a way to contact Trevor Rabin, not personally but in some form. I remember Jeff Danna had his direct email on his website, idk if he still does but I remember emailing him years ago about the Resident Evil Apocalypse score, but he was way to stuck to the rules to share sadly :/

04-21-2012, 05:03 AM
Perhaps the man to contact is Paul Linford, his assistant. He always wrote additional music for Trevor's scores. Perhaps his music features a lot in the movie, creating legal implications regarding reuse and credit. Then there's Trevor's regular orchestrators, too. I love the elevator shaft music, the swimming to the power supply scene.

11-17-2012, 10:40 PM
Perhaps the man to contact is Paul Linford, his assistant. He always wrote additional music for Trevor's scores. Perhaps his music features a lot in the movie, creating legal implications regarding reuse and credit. Then there's Trevor's regular orchestrators, too. I love the elevator shaft music, the swimming to the power supply scene.

I'd hear this as well.