10-01-2009, 12:35 PM
Greetings. I need the in-game songs of a specific PC game: Elven Legacy.
It is nowhere (sites, torrent, nowhere) in the web.
Official site has not announced an OST.
I used the search function here, noone has mentioned it before.
I could not find any audio files in the game directory.

So, please find the game's music, rip it from the game if possible. I have some progs to rip game music, but so far my efforts are not very bright because there seems to be a noise in the background. Besides, the music is randomly heard in the game (while in a war or so).

Here is the official site of the game (you would already find it but, duh)


Edit: I've found 2 songs in the site above, but strangely I have not been able to download them.


Thanks in advance for any input.

Last Edit: Alright, I managed to listen to those two songs in the link above, but they are not the ones I want. The in-game music is way more beautiful than those above. So, if you can find the other in-game music, please let me know.

10-10-2009, 01:40 PM
Well, sorry to bump but, I have read the rules and such and it writes there that it can take even months to respond to a request. I just want to ask that if this request is on the queue or not.

Thanks for any inputs.

01-30-2010, 09:19 PM
Still no reply?

I get it is not on the queue :(

Well thanks anyway.

08-08-2010, 09:38 AM
Hey people, I still look for the great in-game music of this game. If any of you would like to help here, it would be greatly appreciated.

As you see, my first message is nearly a year ago and noone has decided to help :(

Here is my e-mail if any of you pity my request: [email protected]

08-04-2012, 03:04 PM
I have returned after another 2 years, and still noone has answered, it seems..

I'm still waiting for you guys to help me..


05-26-2013, 01:38 PM
Still waiting after another one year.. I guess I'll have to return every other year :(

04-19-2014, 11:01 PM
I'll drop by every year or so and bump this thread, if it is OK.

If I don't show up after about 2 years, know that I'm dead.


09-17-2017, 05:09 PM
I'm not dead. I preferred to be, but I didn't die.
So, how about the in-game soundtrack of the game? Any news?

09-19-2017, 06:23 AM
I gotta admit, I felt some pity that you've been trying to get this for nearly 8 years now.

I was able to rip the ogg files from the game files. There were 76 I could identify as having music in them. Most of the tracks under 1 minute are shorts with sound effects. The ones that came out with track numbers associated with them are probably the "official" songs of the game. I found a CSV file that had some titles in them after I had already zipped and uploaded the sound files, so maybe you can use it to associate names with the songs.

Link: https://mega.nz/#F!4scm3apJ!G8ljNx0ig5imhjoiBmVHow

03-03-2019, 05:20 PM
I gotta admit, I felt some pity that you've been trying to get this for nearly 8 years now.

I was able to rip the ogg files from the game files. There were 76 I could identify as having music in them. Most of the tracks under 1 minute are shorts with sound effects. The ones that came out with track numbers associated with them are probably the "official" songs of the game. I found a CSV file that had some titles in them after I had already zipped and uploaded the sound files, so maybe you can use it to associate names with the songs.

Link: https://mega.nz/#F!4scm3apJ!G8ljNx0ig5imhjoiBmVHow

Boy, oh boy..
I don't know who you are, but I will find you and I will hug you!
It may take a while, though. A year, maybe ten :p
It is ironic that I did not even think you'd reply one day after my last post, and I waited 2 years to take a look again if anyone had noticed.
I could not associate the names in the csv file with the sound files but I found what I was looking for. You should've seen my face after listening to it again after all these years.
Well, it was mostly emotionless. But inside I felt a small, long forgotten semblance of happiness. I guess I am not the easily excited and happy person that I was back in 2009. Wow, that was 10 years ago. More or less like a lifetime.
Btw, the file named: data_0x54C86CB2_003DD6B0.ogg was the one I am looking for. A few runner ups are:

This is like one of those rare chapters in a person's life. One you close and then open up anew. Thanks OrophinCalmcacil!
Overlords of the forum, you have my blessing to finally close this thread and I beg everybody's pardon for having revived this thread all these years. This thread deserves to finally rest in peace.

03-06-2019, 06:01 PM
This is actually a really nice in-thread story. Glad you could get your music, OP, and good on you, OrophinCalmcacil. Downloading it now just to hear what it was all about.