09-30-2009, 06:43 PM
Would it go a little like this?

He created me, Catherine, to lead the Russian people. He made me immortal, of course, so that I can carry out my duty until the end of time. My story begins here, in 4,000 B.C., with nothing to my name except a pack of adventurers and a few who wish to settle down and prosper.

4,000 B.C.:

Today, I lead my settlers to a position fit for the beginnings of our empire. A river, I explained, would be advantageous to us in the future in maintaining communications with other settlements (by message in a bottle, I presume).

My crew of adventurers returned to Moscow and shouted from across the river - henceforth known as The Saturn River because of its peculiar shape - that they have spotted a village by the mountains in the distance. To my delight, they found several willing hands to plough my fields and lie fences around my cows.

3,800 B.C.:

It has been a while since I've written, diary. A two hundred year hiatus, to be precise. Not much has happened since my last entrance. I have claimed more land in my name and have discovered The Saturn River runs into an ocean to the south. I have made plans to expand my empire to the coast and try my hand at fishing. I shouldn't get ahead of myself though... such an event isn't likely to happen 800 years!

In other news, I have heard reports of another village neighbouring our borders. I have sent top men to check it out. Top men.

... but geez am I lonely.

3,560 B.C.:

Great news, diary. Today I met a man named Hannibal. We talked for hours and hours and at one point we even considered killing eachother! We eventually parted ways, exchanging the locations of empires in case war or... other desires ever arise.

In other news: we have discovered horses.

3,561 B.C.:
I gave into temptation, diary. I snuck up Carthaginian empire, knocked on Hannibal's castle gates and... exchanged a source of wheat for access to gathering of stones. I have a feeling such a resource will benefit Russia in the future.

3,240 B.C.:

What a day! Today is my 760th birthday, diary, and to celebrate I conjured up a rather elaborate hoax () that would last millennia. That's not what I've come to write about, though. Leaving the streets of Moscow, laughing to my immortal self about the cruel joke I had just played on the plebs, I met a hairy man by the name of Brennus. He tells me he hails from the Celtic empire. And just as I suspected, those stones did come in handy. The man told me he would celebrate our meeting by gathering some stones, sheepishly adding afterward his empire had not yet discovered that resource. In exchange for a clipping of his beard, I offered him my stones. I feel our alliance will last a lifetime.

3,000 B.C.:

And so begins Russia's expansion. I have called my second settlement - that is, the one by the ocean - 'St. Petersburg', named after some guy I know. I tested the river communication system, sending a bottled message from Moscow to the new settlement. I am happy to report the communication was a success. The message read: "Skin nearby furry creatures for fur. Sell to Brennus for money."

It is not all good news, however, in 3,000 B.C.. You may not be aware of this diary, but sometime in 3,320 B.C. I acquired a second league of explorers to help map Russia's surroundings. Today, those men unfortunately lost their lives to a pack of barbarian bears. Nimoy bless their souls.

2,920 B.C.:

And then there were lions.

tl;dr: Civilisation 4 thread.

09-30-2009, 06:43 PM
Good thread.

09-30-2009, 06:48 PM

09-30-2009, 06:48 PM
Good thread.

09-30-2009, 06:52 PM
ps I stopped writing because it's bedtime ;o;

soon anyway. I need to brush my teeth.

09-30-2009, 08:10 PM
Finish the damn story. :(

09-30-2009, 08:44 PM
Good thread.


man i need to reinstall this game ;o;

Top Cat
09-30-2009, 09:42 PM
civ iv is a very good game

09-30-2009, 10:05 PM
Good post!

You should sign up for the blog and contribute this stuff.

09-17-2013, 11:50 PM
It's possible. God is Jewish just like Nimoy.

09-18-2013, 05:31 AM
dear diary, i am khalim sar-sayeed, pharaoh egypt.
today, i felt like taking over europe.

i did.

the end.

11-25-2013, 05:33 AM
To each their own god. Nichelle Nichols can be my personal savior!