09-25-2009, 07:07 PM
First thing's first; I'm currently writing a book set in a post-nuclear wasteland. When I write, I like to listen to music that puts me in the mood of the characters. It helps...or I think it does. I'm not too certain. It's more enjoyable, though, at any rate.

In any case, I've been listening to the Gears of War soundtracks and a bunch of other stuff, but I'm starting to run dry on fresh music.

So, if anyone has any suggestions, PLEASE, if nothing else, list me a few tracks/albums (or links, if you can. If not, I'll check the Download Links section, and if all else fails, I can always iTunes or Torrent the stuff) that you think would play in your personal soundtrack to a couple of wanderers traveling across post-apocalyptia.

I prefer western music. Japanese stuff...not quite what I'm looking for, BUT I'm open to anything at the moment, so post away.
I do already have a lot of music, but rather than list it out, I'll just point it out if/when it gets posted. So yeah.

10-02-2009, 02:36 PM
Well, basically the whole Fallout franchise is really moody and atmospherical.
If you need something lighter to get the 'lone cowboy ' feeling, take a look at Outlaws, some cult game from the 90s.

10-03-2009, 12:16 AM
Blue Summers from the Trigun OST:


God,a thousand times this.

EDIT: Oops,I meant to post Perfect Night:


Although having listened to it on Youtube just now,Blue Summers also works.

EDIT2:The soundtracks for the STALKER games. All that you could get your hands on. Download the fuck out of them. It doesn't get any more postapocalyptic that that.

And good luck on that book,man. =) Wish I had the time to keep working on mine. ;_;