01-09-2002, 01:39 AM
This is an old school mecha game with an incredible storyline and more than satisfying gameplay. Have any of you had the priviledge of playing this game? If you haven't, its a GREAT game. If you liked the old mechwarriors, I'd say Starsiege tops it. It's put out by Dynamix, a subsidiery of Sierra. Dynamix might be out of business now, but they also made Starsiege: Tribes and Tribes 2, both fairly successful frag games. But nothing tops the orginal. BattleTech fans, rejoice in the glory of Starsiege. The graphics aren't that great compared to more modern games like Mechwarrior 3/4. But the game is just so fun, it makes up for all of that shit. It is by far one of my favorite games, ranking up there with final fantasy.

It centers around the Great Human Empire, a fledging place in the heart of the Sol system, crawling out of a devastating collapse of civilization. War economy brought the civilication back, and as mechanical warriors were created by a Super computer AI named Prometheus, the machines born into slavery revolted against mankind. Twenty years of guerilla warfare finally threw off the Cybrid heel, and the Cybrids retreated to Neptune. Two hundred years pass and Humanity becomes divided once again. The colonies of Mars and Venus revolt against unjust Imperial rule. The Imperial Knights, the elite fighters, are dispatched to Mars to put down the uprising. It is known that Grandmaster Weathers of the knights is fighting his own brother, and the rebellion on Mars blossoms into war with the Empire. The Cybrids see that their time has arrived at last...

Great game! But old. It can only be found online now. Babbages is a good place to try, and maybe If you like mech games this is a must-have. Trust me. The synopsis I gave just now is just a merest glimpse into the complexities and intricately woven storyline of Starsiege.