09-20-2009, 09:33 PM

Deviant Reaper
09-20-2009, 09:58 PM
Looking good!

i agree with all except Tomb Raider. I wouldn't say it's music was very iconic.
And Metal Gear Solid would be a classic in my eyes already.

09-20-2009, 10:40 PM
i pictured in my mind a rock concert, and than some guy walks on and starts playing a tune. if it was the tomb raider theme 40% of the crowd would realize were it is from.

i also though to myself could you rip off that theme easilly and how long would it take before someone shouted out ''thats from tomb raider!''.

based on that i think it is very iconic worldwide.

it's always a big debate.

09-20-2009, 11:59 PM
What? No one knows what the Tomb Raider music theme sounds like. I didn't even know the Tomb Raider games had music.

Only other one I'd disagree with is the Ridge Racer one.

09-21-2009, 02:02 AM
I disagree with Tomb Raider and Ridge Racer. Were it my project, I would have replaced them with Wily Stage 1 from Mega Man 2 and either Corridor of Time from Chrono Trigger, or Terra from Final Fantasy VI (these are two of the most frequently arranged/remixed songs of all time). Other than that, good list and great idea.

09-21-2009, 02:14 AM
I may personally think that it's nothing special, but I would have expected One-Winged Angel (or another Final Fantasy Seven track) on a list like this. Mario and Zelda, Tetris and FF Victory, I'd agree with, but I don't think I've ever heard the theme of Tomb Raider before. Replace Eat Em Up with OWA or Aerith's Theme or FFVII Main Theme. Replace Tomb Raider with one of the above, or Green Greens from Kirby.

09-21-2009, 06:12 AM
What? No one knows what the Tomb Raider music theme sounds like. I didn't even know the Tomb Raider games had music.

Only other one I'd disagree with is the Ridge Racer one.

I remember.... :'(

09-21-2009, 07:01 AM
Ryu's theme from Street Fighter, Flash Man from Megaman 2, the invincible star from Mario Bros, and the doom mountain/gannon theme from Zelda are all iconic, andm ost are much more memorable than the Tomb Raider theme.

Deviant Reaper
09-21-2009, 11:49 AM
Top 10's are always highly debatable... you'll never get everyone to agree.
But this is your personal Top 10 right? so good for you if this is your opinion on the top 10 famous game themes. =) & Thanks for the upload.

09-21-2009, 12:24 PM
What? No one knows what the Tomb Raider music theme sounds like. I didn't even know the Tomb Raider games had music.

Only other one I'd disagree with is the Ridge Racer one.

It's hard to say really. Millions of people worldwide heard the theme on the title screen. Anyone that has played the game would know there is music in it obviously. So i don't think you have played the game.

It's true you could forget about the theme, but as soon as you play it i think everyone that has played the game would know or remember it right away. And that's a lot of people.

I disagree with Tomb Raider and Ridge Racer. Were it my project, I would have replaced them with Wily Stage 1 from Mega Man 2 and either Corridor of Time from Chrono Trigger, or Terra from Final Fantasy VI (these are two of the most frequently arranged/remixed songs of all time). Other than that, good list and great idea.

Yeah the ridge racer track is actually supposed to be the Pac Man theme. That theme and game is massive. The game with it's theme is even embed on social networks now. So you have a comment on your profile and it's a full Pac Man game. When you click play it start the theme.

This ''embed game'' has become popular on such social networks as friendster. The classic puzzle is easy for anyone to understand and the theme is always at the start.

I may personally think that it's nothing special, but I would have expected One-Winged Angel (or another Final Fantasy Seven track) on a list like this. Mario and Zelda, Tetris and FF Victory, I'd agree with, but I don't think I've ever heard the theme of Tomb Raider before. Replace Eat Em Up with OWA or Aerith's Theme or FFVII Main Theme. Replace Tomb Raider with one of the above, or Green Greens from Kirby.

Yeah but The Prelude and The Victory theme are more popular than OWA and Aeris Theme. Purely because Prelude and Victory has been in almost every ff game right from the start.

10-02-2009, 05:14 PM
I think you're overestimating Tomb Raider. Tetris is an iconic theme partly because people who haven't even played the game know the theme. The same goes for games like Mario and the Legend Of Zelda.

Seriously... Tomb Raider? Not exactly remembered for the music.

10-03-2009, 01:17 AM
While I do agree with the disagreements(perhaps you could look at these arguments as cause for a volume 2, 140.48?), I am disappointed that no one mentioned Big Blue or Mute City from F-Zero. You wanna talk about remixed and arranged? Those two. Right there. End of story.:D

10-03-2009, 04:24 AM
So except Tomb Raider these are japanese games only. Do you realy think those resample world-wide opinions? Of course I'm aware that this is primarily a FinalFantasy Forum, but try to look beyond the rim of your teacup when creating such a list.

I agree with Tetris and Super Mario Bros. though.

10-03-2009, 04:45 AM
One-Winged Angel waves hello.

10-03-2009, 07:25 PM
So except Tomb Raider these are japanese games only. Do you realy think those resample world-wide opinions? Of course I'm aware that this is primarily a FinalFantasy Forum, but try to look beyond the rim of your teacup when creating such a list.

I agree with Tetris and Super Mario Bros. though.

If a game sold world-wide than that means it was apprciated world-wide, so yes i do think they're world-wide reflections.

I would be more than happy to include more western VGM but no one mentinoned any when i did my research.

There are 3 western composers on the list, tetris theme, metal gear solid theme (russian), and tomb raider theme (english).

One-Winged Angel waves hello.

No because ''the prelude'' and ''victory'' are more well-known than ff7. This is because those tracks were in every game in the series.

10-03-2009, 09:40 PM
Yeah, Tetris was also designed by Russians. It wasn't just the music. Technically the theme from Tetris is an adaptation of a folk song/polka. As much as I love western games there just aren't that many classics from that era known for their music. Doom has some memorable tunes but it's not what I'd consider iconic music.

10-04-2009, 03:23 PM

Tetris XD

10-04-2009, 03:40 PM
Gotta agree with that FF victory theme.

Me and my buds used to hum it or w/e when we did something major at work/school/ect.

Nothing better than searching the car and finding exact change for food and going 'DUN-DUN-DH-DUH-NONE-NUH-NUH-NUNE!' or w/e over the intercom.

10-05-2009, 02:25 AM
It's definitely missing Dr.Wily 1 from Rockman 2, I'd put it instead of the Tomb Raider one.
Even in your OP you said you added it yourself, why go against your research?

10-05-2009, 03:40 AM
Gotta agree with that FF victory theme.

Me and my buds used to hum it or w/e when we did something major at work/school/ect.

Nothing better than searching the car and finding exact change for food and going 'DUN-DUN-DH-DUH-NONE-NUH-NUH-NUNE!' or w/e over the intercom.

I knew that I was not the only one who did that.

10-05-2009, 04:22 AM
You know you might have made a mistake when every poster in this topic has commented on the same thing not making sense.

Seriously. Tomb Raider? I can't think of an iconic theme from that, and the two terrible movies didn't help any. It's obvious you're a big fan of the series and added it because you like that song.. That's all well and good, but it's far from famous. Hell, if you're going to use the logic that a lot of people have played that game and it's famous, then it shouldn't even be on this list. It's far from anywhere near the 10 most famous game series (well, 9 since you have two Final Fantasy tracks here) of all time.

Oh, and agreed with everyone who's mentioned Wily 1 from MM2. Most recognizable theme in the series, most iconic, been remixed god knows how many times, and even people who haven't played Megaman would recognize it.

10-05-2009, 11:36 PM
I agree with Wily as a choice. I've never played more than a few minutes of any Megaman game if ever and I recognize that song.

10-06-2009, 03:18 PM
Victory Theme has been replaced with Wily 1.

Tomb Raider Theme has been replaced with Halo 3 Main Theme.