09-12-2009, 05:41 PM
This recording was made on April 14, 2009, in Grand Rapids, MI, at the Distant Worlds: Music From Final Fantasy concert. This is one of the best video game concerts around and you should go if you have the opportunity. Unfortunately, tour dates are few, but this file should help those who don't live near any of the venues:

It's an AC3 5.1 surround recording of the show (390MB, 2 hr 2 min, 448Kbps). I recommend using AC3Filter if you need to output to a receiver or to decode for surround headphones.

This recording has somewhat of a problem with equalizer levels. The data is there, but the bass is too high. If someone who has skills with mastering takes a pass at this file, they can probably make it sound twice as good as it does now.

Nobuo Uematsu speaks live in this recording, and the audience sings Happy Birthday to him. They also discuss upcoming shows and take a "vote," which is hilarious.

09-12-2009, 11:58 PM
what tracks are there anyways? I mean can you provide a tracklist?

09-13-2009, 06:39 PM
I see About the EQ levels. I'll download it and take a crack at it.

I'm interested in how you got a 5.1 recording of it lol.

Offtopic: I went to the show in seattle July 10th.

09-13-2009, 07:30 PM
Well from the quality of the recording, it's better off just having the actual tracks from the CD.
I've fixed the eq noticeably but from whatever equipment it was recorded with , there is a natural hissing noise in the higher frequencies. Which is typical of something like a video camcorder or the such.

i'll see if i can improve it any more.

09-13-2009, 08:19 PM
Here's my attempt at re-equalisation and normalisation. I've stopped short of any further work (hiss reduction, etc) for reasons that will become apparent as you read the rest of this post... ;)

Honestly, I'm inclined to agree with Trigunzero - there's very little purpose in this... It's a bad recording to start with (as you'd expect, since it was almost certainly made with a domestic camcorder in somebody's pocket) and though it can improved quite dramatically, you've got to ask... what's the point?

5.1 it may be on paper... but there's more to making a 5.1 surround recording to using five microphones... they need proper placement, balancing, etc, etc...

So, whatever perceived benefit there is in this 5.1 channel recording is completely obliterated by the terrifically bad sound quality. No offense intended to the poster or to whoever recorded it - as bootleg audience recordings go, it's not bad... I just feel that it's somewhat redundant when this music has already been released - and indeed prior recordings of this very concert series are available on CD...

09-13-2009, 08:29 PM
recording an orchestra in 2 channels is challenging enough let alone 6 channels. When you dont have the proper mics/equipment...there's no point in recording 6 ch trying to make it sound great :P

09-29-2009, 06:34 AM
did you find out who actually recorded this?